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1/1 Approximate Star Trek Work Bee Shuttle Pod (with attachments)

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by ZeroCore, Apr 2, 2016.

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  1. ZeroCore

    ZeroCore Apprentice Engineer


    This is the Work Bee Cargo Package, which comes with a Work Bee Shuttle Pod, and its respective cargo container attachment. The Work Bee itself must be manually refueled and filled with ice for oxygen through the small cargo containers on the shuttle pod's sides. The cargo container can be attached, using a connector, to a station or another ship to transfer cargo. WARNING: cargo cannot be transferred from the cargo container to the Work Bee.


    This is the Work Bee Repair Package, which comes with the standard Work Bee and the welding attachment. The welding attachment was needed since I couldn't mount welders on the bottom of the pod like how it is in Star Trek canon. The welders get their materials from cargo containers in the attachment itself, and cannot transfer cargo to and from the Bee. The welders are powered by a battery and can be resupplied via a connector on the back.


    This is something of my own design. In a collaboration between Star Fleet and Z-Tech, this was developed; this is the Work Bee Experimental Tactical Package. Like all other packages, the Bee itself is included. This particular package was developed in limited numbers in order to provide basic defense against pirates in distant, small space stations which do not have access to Runabouts or full-sized Star Ships for defensive purposes. This package allows a standard Work Bee to become an improvised combat unit with limited combat capabilities.

    BE (BEE) WARNED: This package is experimental and does have its problems.

    Noted issues:

    1: power consumption; this package is fitted with a battery and two small reactors to provide power to its large thrusters and gattling turrets. It does, however, consume power quickly and without the battery the small reactors both on the attachment, and the Work Bee, do not provide enough power without overloading.

    2: The Bee itself is partially protected by armor plates that come out of the sides and bottom of the attachment, but is still vulnerable from the top and front. This was, unfortunately, required, as trying to mount armor in front and/or above the Bee made docking with the attachment difficult.

    3: Poor strafing/slowing down performance; this attachment accelerates in a straight line very quickly but does not turn well nor does it have much in the way of being able to slow down. Pilots are advised to keep a distance from the target and perform wide circling maneuvers, taking advantage of the heavy armor plates and letting the gattling turrets do the work.

    Recommended flying procedure is to keep a distance from the target and to move in a wide, circular flight path.

    An alternative is to just fly out to the target, undock the Work Bee from the attachment, fly away, and then leave the attachment in the field as a sort of stationary gun platform which can later be retrieved if it survives, or salvaged if it does not.

    General Bee-Keeping Advice:

    1: Work Bees are Space-Only craft; they will not fly in a planet's atmosphere or gravity well, nor will they work on a planet's moon.

    2: Work Bees have two spotlights attached to them; one in front and one behind. The reason for this is so that the way ahead can be seen, and the attachment you're trying to dock to behind can be seen.

    3: Work Bees must be manually refueled. I couldn't find away to have an automatic fuel loading system that wouldn't be as large as the Bee itself.

    4: Work Bees require two resources to work; uranium for the small reactors, and ice for the oxygen generator.

    5: Work Bees do not make much in the way of noise, and contrary to popular belief, their engines do not "buzz".

    6: These work bees have no affiliation with Goon Swarm, Goon Waffe, or Goon Fleet.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016
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  2. Mobiyus

    Mobiyus Apprentice Engineer

    Ah, definitely the most important point! Grrr Goons!

    Good work on this :)
  3. ZeroCore

    ZeroCore Apprentice Engineer

    As much as I actually like GoonSwarm the fact is that we don't need another Fountain War on an SE server (if any SE servers, private or run by Keen, could even handle that many ships with SE's currently lacking code optimization).
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