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Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by Attrazione, Nov 12, 2013.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Attrazione

    Attrazione Trainee Engineer

    Here are a list of all most popular Star Wars starships. This is only the beggining, because I want to make a big list of starships from all popular sci-fi movies and games.

    The ships can be build exactly as they were in the source, but can be used as well as an inspiraton to build something awesome. I sorted them by class and sizes (sizes that are in () are the mostly lenght, but sometimes for weird-shape ships its simply the biggest measure).

    Now there are only military ships, but on days I will add civilian vehicles as well. Starship name is hyperlink to schematics where is it possible.

    In Space Engineers we have 3 types of blocks:

    • Station block
    • Large ship block
    • Small ship block
    Small ship blocks are 50cm (centimeters) = 0,5m (meters)
    Station and big ship blocks are 250cm = 2,5m
    This is confirmed by devs: link

  2. sandtrooper

    sandtrooper Apprentice Engineer

    Are you trying to make all the ships of the list and also its exact size? Impressive ... As my nick suggests I'm a fan of the Galactic Empire and almost am a member of the 501st Legion (even I have to validate my uniform when i improve some details) and if someone is going to try a job so incredible, i would like to see the progress.

    I'm trying to recreate a droid cruise control and leave it was impossible, just 1:1 i have no memory on my pc for the central sphere, and i decided to reduce the scale and make the field of 27 blocks in diameter just as attempt. The result was so ugly... I do not imagine the millions of blocks needed for a single deck of an Executor-class
  3. Attrazione

    Attrazione Trainee Engineer

    Yes I wanna make Rebel fleet in Space Engineers. Now I only have 1:1 X-Wing because of no time, but for sure I will continue this.

    Also I want to make all ships very detailed and good looking - not only block stacks looking like a ship in 2%.

    BTW Rebel > Empire
  4. Detjen

    Detjen Trainee Engineer

  5. ArcherV

    ArcherV Apprentice Engineer

    I really like the Predator- and the Warhammer-Class.
    I hope i can build them.

    Predator-Star-Destroyer, 1,69km long, successor of imperial 1 and 2 class

    Warhammer-Star-Destroyer, 1,89 km long
  6. sandtrooper

    sandtrooper Apprentice Engineer

    I like much the Nebulon-B frigate.

    Originally imperial frigates are designed to provide fighter escort to convoys and simultaneously cope with small fleets rebels. They have shields a very powerful for its size and weapons they have is very strong, also have two squadrons of TIE fighters. The Nebulon-B rebels are all captured in combat (and thereafter repaired) or simply defected with his whole crew.

    In this way it is possible to view a Nebulon-B with the distinctive imperial or rebel.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.