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Game Tech Progression Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Helaton, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. Helaton

    Helaton Apprentice Engineer

    The progression of medieval 'tech' feels slow at the beginning or out of place.

    A few ideas that would make it seem not as noticeable:

    1. Wood defensive objects that can be made out of logs (expensive since logs can be used to make a lot of timber, but good for a basic fortification at the beginning):

    Palisade wall: 4 logs
    Palisade gate: 5 logs
    Wood barricade: 4 logs.

    Research tree:
    Basic Defensive Works > Defensive Stone Works
    Masonry > Stone Works (required for Defensive Stone Works)

    Palisade Wall (not too tall, to the player's eye level.)

    2. Basic craftable wood/stone spear. (When you first start out, you can craft an axe which is a decent enough weapon (until swords/maces etc). But you don't have easy access to a projectile weapon. until later in the tree.

    Spear: When you throw it, can't reuse. Made out of logs (2 spears per log?)
    Sling: Made from rope (see rope entry below)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Even though barbarians are not bright now, they might be better in the future. (Maybe even wolves and wild pigs to go with the deer for hunting)

    3. New Carpentry Research Skill. Move timber, small chest, wooden walls/floor/roof, barrels, etc into a new Carpentry skill.

    Players instead start out with stone axe, can craft baskets (no table required), crafting table and building blocks for:
    Thatch Wall/Roof/Door

    4. For Baskets/storage progression:
    Baskets > Barrels progression
    Basket - 8 sticks to make
    Baskets can hold 4 items, barrels 10, small chests 10, large chests 20

    For Later:
    Sacks can come later (with farming/flour/millstones etc)
    Special Lockboxes to keep our shineys and populate the treasure room.

    4. Rope feels too deep in progression to rely on weaving in order to unlock it. If there are different types of rope (better tensile strength from braided rope) that can come from weaving, great. But a basic rope should be available at a lower level. (Source)

    Flax plants > Fiber > Rope
    Flax plant > Spinning wheel/weaving > string/line > cloth

    6. Food Progression
    Gatherer > Hunter > Cook > Chef

    Campfire > Firepit > Oven

    For recipes that are soup:
    Stone works > Well


    For water containers:
    Gourds (from pumpkins)
    Waterskin (from hunted animals)

    Water: Restores some stamina, or used for cooking.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. tmike

    tmike Apprentice Engineer

    I like it but would like to actually see bows in there some where, not just corss bows.... how about a game bow in tere then a war bow then a cross bow? and spears as well...... and maybe even shieds and armor?
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