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(Gundam 00) - Earth Sphere Federation Warships [Image Heavy]

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by MrFloppemz, Oct 29, 2013.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    Just dropping off some recent projects here, just started building ships in Space Engineers and so far I absolutely love it. There's nothing like building a ship you like, flying it around, and then smashing it to bits.

    As a note, my building style tends to focus on recreation of existing ships from movies, anime, etc.. And in this case, I rebuilt ships from the anime Gundam 00. So this will appeal more to any Gundam fans out there. (I'm a sucker for Gundam warships)

    Anyways, my very first project was the Virginia Class Carrier. It's a moderately sized carrier class warship that seemed like a good starting point to see how much I can do with the blocks Space Engineers gives me to work with. I was especially interested in seeing if I could make the wedge blocks turn into decent slopes and angles.

    • Build Time: ~6 hours
    • Length: ~80 Blocks (~160m)
    • Weight: ~6 Million Kg
    • Scale: 1:2 or 1:1 (Rough estimate, Wikia does not provide actual length of the ship)
    • Corrupted Saves: 1
    Source: https://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Virginia-class


    Next up we have the Baikal Class Carrier, which in the series replaced the aging Virginia Class. I was definitely skeptical about attempting this one initially because of all of the hard transitioning slopes. But I figured that if I could complete the front bow then the rest would be workable. I end up committing to the project quite heavily, and one sleepless night later, It's finally complete.

    • Build Time: ~20 hours
    • Length: ~ 192 Blocks (384m)
    • Weight: ~20 Million Kg
    • Scale: Near 1:1
    • Top Speed: 70 m/s
    • Corrupted Saves: 4+

    Source: https://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Baikal-class

    Entering Hangar Bay
    Internal Hangar Bay
    Battle Scars
    Used the blue ship like a pair of scissors
    Sense of Scale
    Humble Beginnings

    Well, that's all I have to report for now. The ships that you see above I don't consider to be complete. The external shell and basic interior may be done but I still need to polish them and add full interiors. If I feel that they are at a point that I consider to be complete, then I may decide to upload it to the Steam Workshop, but we'll see. Also I apologize for the image spam,
    Does not appear to work in this forum.

    My next planned project is something a bit easier, to kind of cool down from the 3 days of straight building. It's the Volga Class Carrier, which is an upgraded Baikal Class Carrier. It's base is the Baikal, which I already built, so all I have to do is add the hangar mounts and extend the bridge. Of course, this all depends on whether or not Space Engineers will allow me to with its 32 bit memory limit shenanigans.

    (Last Image I Swear)
    Volga Class Carrier
  2. Loorien

    Loorien Trainee Engineer

    Holly sh*t! What a solid piece of perfect work.
  3. ZioMatrix

    ZioMatrix Trainee Engineer

    So... the Baikal, are it's only speed settings 'ramming speed' and 'ramming speed'?
  4. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    Yes, ramming speed is the only speed that it knows. I forgot to mention that the "spearhead" like bow in the front is non-hollow and completely made out of solid armor. Pair that up with a ship that tops out at 70 m/s that has 20 million Kg worth of force behind it, and you'll find that not many ships can survive a full on ram. Countless red and blue starter ships have been sacrificed to the Baikal.
  5. Balmung

    Balmung Senior Engineer

    When I only read that I could see it in my mind how my Ship get easily broken and I thought it was very stable. :(

    Awesome work. I also think about to make a Gundam Ship, but so far only think about that. ^^
  6. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    Got a pretty big update here. I've recently started using deicist's Space Editor program to copy/paste ships into my world saves. (Link: https://forums.keenswh.com/post/dolly-the-ship-or-cloning-ships-for-fun-and-profit-6592019?&trail=15) And I'm happy to report that I've had much success so far. I managed to paste quite a few Baikals and Virginias into a few worlds with the only downside that it takes about 10-15 minutes to overwrite the existing save file. So after about an hour of copy/paste fun, I bring you this:

    Earth Sphere Federation Fleet
  7. leafspring

    leafspring Trainee Engineer

    Now that is some impressive work right there.
  8. Aescwulf

    Aescwulf Trainee Engineer

    MrFloppemz MAHQ.net are pretty precise with scale of the ships from the Gundam universe.
    Your work is really impressive, keep it up :)
  9. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    I took a brief look at MAHQ.net, and have to say it's a pretty impressive collection of all Gundam/Mecha related information. I couldn't find any info on the two ships listed above, but it's probably because I didn't spend enough time looking for them. I'll have to spend some more time mulling over all the information the site has when I get the chance.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  10. AsherPhoenix

    AsherPhoenix Trainee Engineer

    okay I got 3 questions for you

    1. how did the game handle you having that many ships and of that size? and what was your frame rate?

    2. where did you get the time to build those in 3 days cause that's ridiculous!

    3. and how do you fix corrupted files because I am currently making a destroyer and am guessing its going to get corrupted a few times I made sure to build it on an empty save as well and do you think the game could handle the thing? (its gonna be about 175 - 225 blocks long 40 - 45 blocks tall and 85 blocks wide)
  11. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    1. It actually handled itself surprisingly well. I thought it would crash constantly or I'd have 2 FPS, but in reality, as long as I left the reflector lights in the hangar bays turned off, I got a solid 40-60 FPS.

    2. It is ridiculous! The first day I spent about 8 hours building the Virginia. Then the next day I began working on the Baikal, and I didn't stop... I worked from 7pm to 1pm the next day (18 hours straight). After I got back from class I worked on it for another 2 hours or so before passing out :p

    3. https://forums.keenswh.com/post/world-file-is-corrupted-and-could-not-be-loaded-6590974 This link has all of the fix methods for corrupted save files that I've used. However it's best to keep multiple backups for your world at all times, because some corrupted saves are simply unsalvageable.
  12. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    Very nice creations! Brings me back to the good old days.
  13. zyphyer

    zyphyer Trainee Engineer

    Holy Detail! Amazing, here's a +1 if it means anything.
  14. Danther

    Danther Trainee Engineer

    Man you have some talent :thumb: Surprised at your frame rate, though I shouldnt be lol I added about half a dozen lights and bam! Lag!

    Keep up the fantastic builds! A pleasure to view them
  15. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.

    Tomorrow (Today?) I'll be updating this topic with new screenshots, as I've now reached final version #4 with the Baikal which involves some serious overhauling of the interior and bridge. Other changes include optimization of reflector lights (reduced the amount drastically to reduce lag) as well as making the ship a bit beefier externally. All of these changes actually reduced the Baikal's weight from 24k Tons to 21k Tons somehow... I also have to finish and polish the Virginia class ship. Oh, and I actually have my own fighters now!

    Look out for this update later today!
  16. Helfy

    Helfy Trainee Engineer

    Could we see some battleships from the original series anytime soon? I'd love to see a Musai or White Base.
  17. Admiral Yuki

    Admiral Yuki Apprentice Engineer

    I keep wanting to build a ship like the Ptolemaios 2 as well, but 1) its far to large, 2) I do not possess the skill required. Perhaps the CBS-70 Ptolemaios would be a better fit?

    (continuing my replies here rather than my thread :p)
  18. MrFloppemz

    MrFloppemz Trainee Engineer

    Possibly in the future. My current plans are: Gundam 00 Ships, Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny Ships (Kusanagi, I'm looking at you!), and then from there I may start prior Gundam ships, but you'll just have to be patient.

    Here in the Coalition: <em style="color: #c6c6c6; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; orphans: 2; widows: 2; background-color: #262627;">"No idea too small, no ship too big."

    </em>You do have the skill required, you just may have not realized it yet. Just wait ti'll MP gets released, and we can double team this project :D

    The original Ptolemy isn't much easier. It actually has the exact same engine design as the Ptolemious 2, soooo yeah..<em style="color: #c6c6c6; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; orphans: 2; widows: 2; background-color: #262627;">

  19. Geo7890

    Geo7890 Trainee Engineer

    Can we get a download link? I have an extreme desire to have these ships. Maybe you could put it up on the Steam workshop.
  20. PeterHammerman

    PeterHammerman Junior Engineer

    Nice :) You could add some custom paintjob, like black &amp; white naval stripes ;)
  21. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    PLEASE publish this on the workshop... it doesnt have to be updated for modern tech... just there... i'm desperate to have this.
    • Like Like x 1
  22. Dragon0G

    Dragon0G Junior Engineer

  23. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    uhh.... wtf?
  24. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    that's cool but..... not really an answer to my plea...
  25. Ralirashi

    Ralirashi Apprentice Engineer

    That sort of was....I'll translate:
    • Like Like x 1
  26. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    OOOOOH. because this thread is dead...... i get it :woot: <-- little bit slow
  27. Dragon0G

    Dragon0G Junior Engineer

    Joking aside, I would also like to see these ships on the workshop!
  28. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    Well scince this guy is dead.... i'm gonna do my best to recreate the lower ship from the pictures. wish me luck!
  29. Morningdude

    Morningdude Trainee Engineer

    and i give up... that didnt take long :woot:
    • Like Like x 1
  30. The Tactician

    The Tactician Trainee Engineer

    its to bad these where never public
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.