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Mass Effect: UT-47 Kodiak Shuttle

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by cheezanator48, Oct 30, 2013.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. cheezanator48

    cheezanator48 Trainee Engineer

    Kodiak Shuttle from Mass Effect 3. Added additional thrusters for extra mobility.

    "The UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle is a personnel carrier capable of planetary flight and is capable of limited FTL travel. The shuttle is used extensively by (but not limited to) the Systems Alliance and Cerberus in 2186."



    Comparison Photo:
  2. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    This is cool. Is there room for cargo or is it just looks?
  3. leafspring

    leafspring Trainee Engineer

    Very nice work.
  4. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    Very nice. First Mass Effect model I've seen.
  5. cheezanator48

    cheezanator48 Trainee Engineer

    No room for cargo, sorry. Its interior is all used to house an element zero/mass effect drive core used to power the thrusters.

    Thanks for the comments everyone.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.