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Orbital defense platform from Halo

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by Tazoo, Feb 15, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Tazoo

    Tazoo Trainee Engineer


    I am currently working on a project. I am remaking the Orbital Defense Platform from Halo, let me know what you think!

    Module 1

    The first version of the station consists of the module that is one the left side of the bridge. This module contains the hangars, armory and the habitat/social areas. I started of by building it in a chronological order based on the Halo 2 campaign. That means I started with the armory, and then made rough scaffolding of the general habitat areas and the tram rails.

    [​IMG] Halo version on the left, my WIP on the right.

    I then started to build in a bit more detail when I came to the "Bridge lobby" and where you encoutner the first covenant. I started of with a base layer which included the floor and any staircases. Then I added further details such as pillars, decorations etc. Module 1 was constructed in 5 stages. I named them;

    1. Briefing
    2. Habitat 01
    3. Habitat 02
    4. Hangar 01
    5. Hangar 02
    Recreation RO-1 during stage 1 construction.

    Stage one was quite easy to build. The only issue I had was with the staircase leading from the initial Lobby down to the recreation R0-1 area. Stage one is currently 90% finished, though it still requires decoration and further polishing.

    Once Stage one was built I started planning the hallways connecting the different stages. I had Halo 2 running on my Xbox behind me in order to allow for quick detail gathering. I decided to make each hallway as authentic to the real version as I could. Due to the voxel based nature of Space engineers this became a challenge. Due to the same reason I had some small issues building the staircase connecting Stage 1 and Stage 2. I was forced to apply an additional incline in order for the project to maintain some sort of accurate level.

    Stage 2 was an easy build, the main rooms only took a few minutes. The corridors in the walls required some planning but eventually they functioned and looked as planned.
    As with the M1S1/M1S2 transition, the M1S2/M1S3 was difficult to design. thus I made my own interpretation in order for thing to fit in the tight spacings withing the walls. I am happy with the result.

    I constructed Stage 4 Hangar 1 before the Stage 3 Habitat 2 area due to simplicity. The hangar was initially one big box, which gradually became the final product. Both hangars were lacking ceiling until the start of Module 2 construction.

    The rest of Module 1 was constructed in similar ways as above. Only difference is that Habitat 2 is mirrored in comparison to habitat 1

    *More to come*

    Walktrough of Module 1

    Module 2

    *More to come*

    Walktrough of Module 2

    *More to come*
  2. phenomenalx

    phenomenalx Trainee Engineer

    Hats off to you. It took me a while to make mine. Yours looks a lot more detailed (it actually has interior :) ) Mine was just a quick build, but like I said, still took me ages. :|
  3. JD.Horx

    JD.Horx Senior Engineer

    Dude you put so much effort in it! This is really impressive!!!
    Hope you will finish it, but take your time :)
    Loved the games and this is really accurate, I'd love to see the fire mechanism working.

    Keep it going
  4. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    That's going to be BIG! I'll keep watching
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.