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Update 01.132 - New Ship Sounds, Minor HUD Tweaks

Discussion in 'Space Engineers News' started by Drui, Apr 28, 2016.

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  1. Drui

    Drui Keen Update Guy Staff

    This week's update introduces many new sounds for ships and vehicles in the game. We're also implementing HUD improvements and providing better modding support for sounds. Sounds are now determined by the size of the ship and type of vehicle. Small ships, large ships, and wheeled vehicles now all have their own unique sounds, and there are also unique sounds for gyros, thrusters, and reactors.
    Cockpit sounds also now differ based on player perspective - in first person, you'll hear a 2D sound, but from a distance you'll hear a 3D sound. Each ship category has its own set of sounds and individual settings (volume, pitch range, etc.) and modders can now create and modify these ship categories.
    Finally, HUD improvements mean that they now scale properly for resolution and multiple monitors.

    Full list of new features and fixes: https://forums.keenswh.com/threads/7383332
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