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USS Vengeance Full Scale Build (Image Heavy)

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by zekes, Jun 8, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Ok, so I'm 100% sure you have all seen the new Star Trek Into Darkness movie... and you've all probably noticed the Vengeance.

    Yeah, She's big. 1450 meters long, to be exact.
    Also, I'm building her, 1 to 1 scale, in Space engineers.
    Day 1 (As of this writing i'm on day 3, so this is all in past tense).
    Most of Day 1 was geting sketches, 3-view plans, and models to make sure I knew what I was doing. My master plan is a 3-view that is one pixel to one block in space engineers, which makes measuring distance a snap.

    Put the disc together (sort of). It's missing a lot, but the general shape is there.


    Day 2

    Began on the Adapter down to engineering

    More engineering


    Why does the disc have these weird holes?


    Engineering began taking shape, although the rear half and the gun blisters are so weird i've put them off for a while.

    Getting ready to put on the Nacelle support beams, this is the top of the shuttlebay in place.

    Nacelles are being roughed out.



    Day 3

    The Nacelles need to be PERFECT in my mind because they are what everyone looks at first.

    Sketching out their shape.


    This is where the exhaust will be.

    Portside Nacelle exhaust, step 1: Outer Cover

    Step 2: 1st row (inboard) Engines

    Step 3: Outside engines (YES i know about exhaust damage from thrusters, but it stops after 10 blocks, so because Vengeance is so big I just put engines 15-20 blocks apart and stagger them to increase thrust over a limited cross-sectional area).



    Lastly, walkways outboard of the Nacelles to facilitate repair; they lead all the way back to the exhaust and there is gravity all the way though.

    Weight is up to 247,000 tonnes. Everything is blocked out except for the dish's upper and lower areas, forward nacelles, and the engineering deck. Also, Inpulse drive mounts are not attached, but will be added to the back of the dish soon.

    And, as of 1 hour ago, IT MOVES! I rigged up a few fuel cells and it's actually pretty fast! And i've only put in about 10% of the thrusters... but of course most of the armor, decks, storage, and weapons aren't on either. We'll see. For now she's pretty fast. And a power SINK.

    Anyway, this is my first full scale build, i'm open to comments, suggestions, constructive criticism. I don't think anyone's made a full scale vengeance in Space engineers, I've only seen one in minecraft (and it looked terrible) and one partially made (just the disc) in Starmade. I want to be the first to do it in Space engineers.

    Thanks for reading! Stay tuned I will add more pics on Day 4, which (hopefully) will be more nacelle work and engineering tomorrow!

  2. Eruend

    Eruend Apprentice Engineer

    My advice, put thrusters throughout the entire nacelles with spacing to not have them blow each other up. Otherwise that ship won't move an inch once completed. Also, it's a replica of something a few centuries further then this game's timeline. (I think?) So don't feel too bad about breaking the rules.

    Best of luck not crashing your PC! :D
  3. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    i'm sorry to say it but the ship is too big. The V is about twice the size of the Enterprise which is 366 meters long. I know they WANTED to scale up the Hot Dog-ship for the first movie but neglected to actually do it, resulting in an on-screen ship that's 366 meters long, as it's designer intended. For the Galaxy-class sized Ubership Abrams wanted they'd have to have bulked up the Pylons, probably the neck too, added twice the amount of window rows as the original design that ended up in the movie would have half it's decks missing windows, there'd be a deck or two above the Bridge, Hatches would be absurdly big etc. Ex-astris-scientia has an excellent article on this problem: https://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/new_enterprise_comment.htm

    Now aside from that your project looks great, though i'd shut off Thruster Damage if you haven't already and stuff that bird with engines, otherwise it won't move when it's done. My 1:1 Galaxy is noticeably smaller than your project and both parts have about 300 million KG mass... and it's slow. Takes minutes to accelerate to max speed, but she flies if she really wants to. 's got tons of engines, though - with the current tools we're not going to get a moving to-scale ship with outside thrusters only; there's just not enough space to put them. I wanna see your bridge, with the window blocks it'd have a glorious look... at the inside of the saucer. They're not building them like they used to anymore...
  4. Tiger313

    Tiger313 Apprentice Engineer

    Have to stick in some merger blocks between disk and adapter. After all, the disk is supposed to be detachable, no? :)
  5. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    I highly doubt that. The entire point of the Galaxy-classes Saucer Separation is to get civilians out of a battle. The Vengeance doesn't have civilians on board and from what we know there are very few ships that actually have a system similar to the Saucer Sep - the Galaxy, obviously, probably the Nebula since she uses the same Primary Hull but that's pure speculation; the Prometheus has it's Multi Vector Attack Mode and i think Kirk once referenced the possibility to eject the nacelles off the ship, but considering their function i'm fairly sure they're modular on most ships if not all. I'm probably forgetting one or two, but every Starfleet ship is equipped with ample amounts of escape pods, so, unless you have a really good reason, like families on board, breaking the hull up into two sections is just an unnecessary weak spot in the frame. You don't want that on a battleship.
  6. Spacey Kraken

    Spacey Kraken Trainee Engineer

    Pretty sweet man can't wait to see her finished!
  7. Xocliw

    Xocliw Public Relations Staff

    Wow, this is a pretty ambitious build... Good luck :)!

    Also keep an eye on the time you spend building this, I would love to know how long it takes you to finish this :thumb:.
  8. TodesRitter

    TodesRitter Moderator

    -moved to community creations
  9. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    @Eruend that's exactly my plan to put engines throughout the nacelles, the only other engines on the ship willl be in the impulse engines.

    @RotalHenricsson I understand that the reboot ship is over twice as big as the original, but in all the Vengeance's technical drawings it's at least twice that. If you take the Alcatraz scene as the ONLY true reference to scale (as it's the only thing in the movie to have a 100% true size), the length is "spot on" as this video shows (Skip to 4 minutes 29 seconds for what i'm talking about).

    Also, her designers say she's 1450 meters long, so i'd go by their word.

    @Tiger: No, I don't think so, not for a military ship.

    @Spacey Kracken and Xocliw thanks so much for the support!
  10. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    Yes. I know. Again, they fucked up actually portraying the Enterprise as twice the size of the original - they thought just SAYING it's bigger would be enough when the ship onscreen shows the designed size of 366 meters. The V is twice as long, making her a little over 700 meters long. We know for sure that they screwed up the scaling of the Enterprise because of all the little details (like the bridge window, the deck count, the hangar bay doors etc) that stayed at the same size as the originally intended 366 meters (it was designed with that size, but JJ thought he needed to scale it up for... reasons). So we've got Word of God on the one hand and actual onscreen evidence on the other hand. Onscreen evidence wins as Interviews and opinions are not canon. What you see on the big screen is what you get. What you got is an Enterprise of 366 meters.

    His intention is irrelevant if the actual movie shows a ship of half that size, though. His word is not canon. What we see on screen is. Look. I don't mean to be a dick and i ESPECIALLY don't want to talk down on your project or anything like that. I just wanted to offer a correction on this as it's a widely accepted fanon mistake. I'll bugger off the thread now.
  11. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    well, it's too late to fix that now... I'm stuck with the 1450 meter version. And it's ok, i understand what you are saying, but in my eyes the Vengeance is 1450m.
    Day 4 Part 1 (I plan to work on it later):

    I added to the nacelles, but their noses are a pain. That and FPS has REALLY died now. Also got more of the nacelle supports on but not 100% done with those...





  12. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    And it works well for the ship. Sheer size hides a lot of edges :) How much FPS are you getting? (i have like 2 or 3 on my Galaxy, but she has tons of interior stuff and lighting already) Also i was wondering: is it heavy or light armor?
  13. Xocliw

    Xocliw Public Relations Staff

    I'm thinking the exact same thing ;)...
  14. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    It's about 2 or 3 right now in the center, if you go to the front of the dish or the back of the Nacelles it is more like 10 or 20 because of distance, Engineering is really the cause of the problem. She weighs 310,000,000 kg, and yes, it's all heavy armor.
    Also, just a little size comparison between Galaxy and Vengeance:

  15. Xocliw

    Xocliw Public Relations Staff

    Oh my... how can you do anything with that kind of FPS, let alone build a masterpiece ;)?!?
  16. erdrik

    erdrik Apprentice Engineer

    If thats the actual cannon size of the Vengance I would be pissed the hell off.
    AFAIK, The galaxy class was only able to be as big as it was becuase it had special tech to support that.
    I don't like the idea of a TOS era vessel being bigger than it...

    That said I have no problem with you building your version to be as big as you like.
    As stated a larger scale allows for a better resolution.
    Looking good so far.
  17. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Thanks for everyone's support :D
    The only reason I went with such a huge ship is cause I'm gonna copy and paste an origional series 1701 and laugh at the size difference :D
  18. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Worked on forward Nacelles more; but i need you guys' opinions. How do they look? Is this good? Should I change something about them or am I on the right path? Feedback is appreciated!





    Also, if anyone knows how to do the engineering section, please help, I have no idea how to curve the rear!
  19. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    It's kind of hard to see, at least for me. I'm colorblind so dark color on dark color is mostly lost on me. I'm not too familiar with the V's nacelle shape but to me they look good. Not sure about the flat part on the very front beneath the slope, though. I think it slopes a bit to the bottom: https://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-csv4UkJJiPM%2FUZwwqVN6-eI%2FAAAAAAAARpI%2Fv6f-6epjDI0%2Fs1600%2FQMx%252BStar%252BTrek%252BInto%252BDarkness%252BUSS%252BVengeance%252B2.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetrekcollective.com%2F2013%2F05%2Fqmxs-into-darkness-extravaganza.html&h=476&w=1000&tbnid=JrtsbLCYSpmx1M%3A&zoom=1&docid=V45Lrsp3q0l8HM&ei=Tj2VU73dCYarO9-YgIAC&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=2184&page=2&start=24&ndsp=26&ved=0CIoBEK0DMBo

    Well, even it's onscreen canon size is bigger than the Galaxy (732 meters, she's actually quite a bit longer than the Galaxy) , so.... yeah. She's massive either way.

    The Constitution will probably fit into the Vengeance's nacelles -.- in case you're interested to crash your pc i could shoot you a link to my Galaxy once the Merger Blocks stop freezing my game. Now THAT would be interesting to see.

  20. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Oh my gosh thank you so much for this!
    Also, Day 5 i didn't get much at all done, I only worked about half an hour (schoolwork is taking all my time) but I added a bit to engineering thanks to RotalHenricsson's drawing.


  21. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Day 6:
    It's really slow going now. FPS is 3-4, and I'm drawing like 10 million triangles. But I managed to add more wall to the nacelles, put in some engines, add gyroscopes to the disk, and some bits to engineering. I might not do a full interior, just the bridge and mabye the hangar bay. We'll see.





    Current Stats:

  22. Xocliw

    Xocliw Public Relations Staff

    Wow yeah :eek:ops:, I can't imagine how you are able to continue with this at that kind of FPS :p...
  23. Spartan322

    Spartan322 Apprentice Engineer

    I am amazed with this. Looks great. If only computers didn't lower frames enough to notice. Some day, *sigh* Some day.
  24. Guest

    Oh how it pains me to see JJ Trek taking over. What about Picard? The REAL Kirk? Janeway? At least Archer isn't changed. What about Riker, Tuvok, Kes, Neelix, Seven of Nine, Worf, LaForge, Troy, Crusher, and the Doctor? Good build but, it is of a generation of Trek that is KILLING the tradition. I will miss all of it. The Enterprises 1701, 1701-A, 1701-B, 1701-C, 1701-D, and 1701-E, Voyager, The Defiant. I will miss it all. Good luck in your adventure.
  25. Conradian

    Conradian Moderator

    What's wrong with the new Trek? Asides from kinda missing the point of Trek, what's actually wrong with new Kirk and the new updated look of everything?
  26. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Trainee Engineer

    Personally I don't find anything wrong with the look of the new Trek. And I do agree with you, it is kinda missing the point. And also, cold fusion does not freeze volcanoes. God dammit JJ. One thing I'm not pleased about is the look of the Klingons. They're too clean. The one that took off his helmet in Into Darkness practically sparkled. I should stop ranting now.

    Back on topic, great build! I personally wouldn't have the patience or the skill to do something like this, especially at such a low FPS. I salute you sir!
  27. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    Absolutely everything.
  28. Conradian

    Conradian Moderator

    Agreed on both points, Klingons kinda became Blingons (As well put by Honest Trailers) and were too clean especially considering the state of their bloody homeworld.
    Thank you for that insightful comment... Not absolutely everything is wrong with New Trek... Not much more that was wrong with TNG in the eyes of TOS fans.
  29. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    Idiotic dialogues, plot holes, coincidences, continuity problems, Timeline Problems, Ethical Problems, erazing the original Time Line, giving the Federation ridicilously overpowered technology even for the 24th century, authors who know jackshit about how most of Star Trek technology works - yes, even worse than Voyager -, no understanding of anything about Star Trek in general, problems with the way female characters are portrayed, problems with the way male characters are portrayed, scaling problems and lens flares. There is not a single scene in 11 or 12 that is without sin.

    In short: Absolutely everything.Of course i could list every problem individually, but this thread is not about the new movies. So a short answer will have to be enough.
  30. erdrik

    erdrik Apprentice Engineer

    Idiotic dialogues - existed in all of the series and movies in one form or another.
    plot holes - existed in all of the series and movies in one form or another.
    coincidences - existed in all of the series and movies in one form or another.
    continuity problems - existed in all of the series and movies in one form or another.
    Timeline Problems - existed in all of the series and movies in one form or another.

    problems with the way female characters are portrayed - Frankly TOS and TNG were no better
    problems with the way male characters are portrayed - Frankly TOS and TNG were no better

    scaling problems and lens flares - too minor to matter

    no understanding of anything about Star Trek in general - The Enterprise series was worse than the movies in this

    erazing the original Time Line - that was the whole plot point of the new movies. This does not make it a bad movie, it makes it a movie you don't like.
    Ethical Problems - see above. Early assualts cuasing dramatic destruction of allied territory tends to skew ethical views. (Destruction of Vulcan Homeworld)

    giving the Federation ridicilously overpowered technology - Agreed. The Vengence kinda pissed me off.
    authors who know jackshit about how most of Star Trek technology works - Agreed

    The movies could have been better but they are no worse than any of the previous movies.

    In short: Absolutely not everything.

    Sorry for the off-topic post, zekes. :(
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.