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X-KAM Vanilla Block's Tiered

Discussion in 'Released and WIP Mods' started by ryboboojca, Apr 27, 2019.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. ryboboojca Trainee Engineer

    This is my Small Project. Maybe it will be useful for someone.

    No new 3D BLOCK's !!! = Only Tiered Vanilla Block's / Model's

    Vanilla + T2 + T3 = all in Scroll
    T2 = 2x Vanilla
    T3 = 4x Vanilla

    T4 = Other Function

    ! ACTUAL !
    1: Tiered 'Refinery' and 'Arc Furnace' - Only = "Speed / Build Time / Power Consumption / Cost"
    2: Tiered All 'Modules' for Refineries and Assembler -
    4: Tiered Reactor's, Wind Turbine, Solar Panel's.
    5: Tiered 'Hydro Engine' - Only = "Power output / build Time / Cost"
    6: Tiered Gyroscope's
    7: Tiered Oxygen Farm
    8: Tiered Ion & Atmospheric & Hydro Thruster's
    9: Tiered Oxygen Generator
    10: Tiered Hydrogen Tank
    11: Tiered Ore Detector
    12: Add STONE-COMPRESSOR to Arc-Furnace Tier list

    Stone-Compressor = Arc Furnace T4, -- This is only for STONE & only for Large Grids. Stone-Compressor Compress stone. From 1.000.000 to 18.7 +-

    13: Tiered Jump Drive
    14: Tiered Container's

    more block's = work in progress

    Sorry for my bad ENGLISH. My skill in english is very low.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
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  2. mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    There are only like 100 other tiered vanilla block mods out there. Good luck with the competition. :)
  3. ryboboojca Trainee Engineer

    this is not a race :). But thank you for the good word :p
  4. mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    Did not mean it in a negative way. Just meant do not get discouraged.
  5. ryboboojca Trainee Engineer

    I know that :p
  6. natmaxex Trainee Engineer

    Do you have any images or pictures?
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.