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    Space Engineers version --- Medieval Engineers version
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(Fixed) [0.4.2] no new recipes and millstone on DS profile from previous version

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by mathias casaer, Dec 27, 2016.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. mathias casaer

    mathias casaer Trainee Engineer

    playing on both Planetsnolag, and TopHats, which both were updated,

    i found some wheat, but i dont seem to be able to

    -make seeds of it
    - make seeds of herbs
    - do research to achieve this (all research was already done and cant be repeated)
    - make a millstone

    i started a sp game in creative and there all is available.
    Is the new content available on DS online, and does old profile research include the new techs?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Kralzar

    Kralzar Trainee Engineer

    Same case here. In creative it displays. Survival it isn't showing up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Bahroth

    Bahroth Apprentice Engineer

    Same situation here :((

    Also forgot to mention its also in just any old save before this update, .sbc files arent updating the changes.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Ivan_Cornelius

    Ivan_Cornelius Apprentice Engineer

    I loaded a new world and the research was there so it is anything saved pre 4.2. I wonder if there is a way to force receipts to be unlearned as a work arround.
  5. Eun Sik Kim

    Eun Sik Kim Trainee Engineer

    Having the same problem here on a server that I play, also I don't know why but before I updated the game I researched the thing that allowed me to craft the wheel and other mechanisms but when I entered the server after updating it I couldn't craft any of it.
  6. Erebos89

    Erebos89 ME Tester


    thank you for reports. We know about it and we are working on it....
  7. Alecium

    Alecium Trainee Engineer

    Work around until a fix is released...

    - Go to your folder that contains your saved games ( usually found at C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\ )
    - select the folder made of numbers, then select the world that is having the issue.
    - Open the file named "Sandbox.sbc" (I suggest using Notepad++ so the formatting doesnt get messed up) and scroll down to until you find the line that reads:
    - replace that line with the following lines
    - save the file
    - start the game and load the saved game that was having the issue. You should see the ability to make the millstone (in the crafting table) and the new herb and wheat seed bags (in your inventory crafting window).

    I haven't figured out what exactly to edit to get the catapult parts, wheel, and other items to show back up just yet but I am working on it. Will add that info when i get it figured out, but at least you will be able to sit back, eat bread, and watch herbs grow in your garden in the meantime. :p

    Hope this helps.
    --- Automerge ---
    Figured out what to manually enter to fix the ability to make wheels and other basic mechanics items. NOTE: This is to resolve the issue of not being able to craft wheels and such AFTER you already completed the Mechanics research in a older world. If you haven't completed that research and enter this info, I have no idea if that will give you the ability to craft these items or not. I didnt test that because..well... that would be cheating :eek:

    - Go to your folder that contains your saved games ( usually found at C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\ )

    - select the folder made of numbers, then select the world that is having the issue.

    - Open the file named "Sandbox.sbc" (I suggest using Notepad++ so the formatting doesnt get messed up) and scroll down to until you find the line that reads:
    - replace that line with the following lines
    - save the file

    - start the game and load the saved game that was having the issue. You should see the ability to make the millstone (in the crafting table) and the new herb and wheat seed bags (in your inventory crafting window).
  8. Deepflame

    Deepflame Apprentice Engineer

    We fixed the issue and released the update guys. Enjoy! :)
    • Like Like x 2
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.