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[1.107 64-bit] Extremely slow voxel updates while mining

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AccidentalDisassembly, Nov 7, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. AccidentalDisassembly

    AccidentalDisassembly Trainee Engineer

    In 1.107 (DX11), when mining, the voxels of a given asteroid are altered by the presence of a drill only every ~1.5 or 2 seconds. When they update, they update sequentially by drill - so if there are two drills on the ship, the asteroid will lose voxels first from one drill, then after about 1/4 second, the second drill will cause changes.

    When the drills actually affect the asteroid, most material that's removed is spawned as flying rocks (it seems).

    This is exceedingly easy to reproduce (for me) without mods. Simply start a new easy start game, get in the miner, go try to mine something and, unless this has something do with my specific system, it will be blatantly obvious (on survival).
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Sibz

    Sibz Apprentice Engineer

    I am having the same issue. Leads to extremely slow mining making it very hard to mine ore.

    Video example:

    In the video you can see it rotates between drills when clearing voxels, then another 1-2secs later repeats. Doesn't appear much is making it in to the cargo hold.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. PsicoPato

    PsicoPato Senior Engineer

    Can confirm this.
  4. KidChaos

    KidChaos Trainee Engineer

    +1 Confirmed.
  5. HadesDurin

    HadesDurin Apprentice Engineer

    i have a special problem while mining...
    but see for yourself

    i am only to see my hole i mine when i am inside of it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Logi

    Logi Apprentice Engineer

    Oh how I hope the mining would return to that buttery smooth experience it was when I bought this game over a year ago. The mining has been broken one way or another almost a year now. First voxels became much bigger, then there were small invisible voxels causing problems, then drills not mining, then drills exploding...etc.

    If you could test mining this time last year, you would never go back to present :p
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. KidChaos

    KidChaos Trainee Engineer

    Yeah i have that too sometimes but it updates to show the hole if I stop mining and fly in space suit into that hole and look around. Or it updates when i hit an special voxel near it, then it suddenly updates.
  8. Dewbud

    Dewbud Trainee Engineer

    I'm having the same experience as Sibz's video. Used to just be able to coast my miner through asteroids but now I'm just bouncing against them spraying half my ore around the ship instead of into the drills.
  9. Harrekin

    Harrekin Master Engineer

    Mining used to be way way too easy...

    If they fixed the lagfest issues it'd be pretty much perfect the way it is now.

    I never saw the point in mining if it just involves moving really slowly forward (with one extra button to turn drills on).
  10. HadesDurin

    HadesDurin Apprentice Engineer

    but you cannot make it to difficult for players, because mining is not the main part of the game
  11. Tigerstripe

    Tigerstripe Apprentice Engineer

    Mining is at least half the game, if not more.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Wicorel

    Wicorel Senior Engineer

    This is what it used to look like not too many versions ago: (1.99)

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
    • Like Like x 3
  13. Farindark

    Farindark Apprentice Engineer


    I always like to go off in my small miner and do a bit of relaxing drilling, I normally really do enjoy it in SE but lately it's been a horrible experience. Not just the exploding drill bits...if your careful you can still drill. What's been driving me nuts is the horrible chugging sound they have added as the drills work it's bloody terrible! There's also this sound like a rattling bearing that's about to let loose, even the drills themselves seem to be blunt or not have enough power and seem to visually chug. I am only mining the little I actually need to keep going right now mining is just NOT an enjoyable experience right now at all anymore. :eek:

    Why oh why did you change this Keen It's uncomfortable to listen to and do. :mad:

    P.S. This is actually copy pasted from another thread about mining in survival I responded to, but it is just as relevant if not more so here about how I feel about small mining operations in survival right now. To me it's most definitely broken! Please bring back the enjoyment to the small scale survival mining experience I enjoyed so much until recently. :D
  14. acidmetal

    acidmetal Apprentice Engineer

    Having this issue as well. Not sure if feature or bug, but according to gameplay it looks and feels very wierd, hence I assumed this is a bug.
  15. Harrekin

    Harrekin Master Engineer

    Im pretty sure they're sticking with "just ok" until after planets.

    Planets is love.

    Planets is life.
  16. The Judge

    The Judge Trainee Engineer

    The 1.107 mining is very bad for rotary drills. My rotor drill used to turn in a nice smooth circle but now it cuts then stops, clears a line of voxels then turns 1 degree, stops, cuts a bit then turns again hen jars to a stop to clear voxels. Repeat for the full 360 degrees. and so on.
  17. saudffs

    saudffs Trainee Engineer

    Mining is unbearable now, it's just way too tedious with this bug.
  18. PsychoJohn1971

    PsychoJohn1971 Trainee Engineer

    I can confirmed in DX9 x64. Left-click drilling results in slow updates and lots of rock and ore bits flying around when the shape updates. Right-click mining results in huge areas not updating for 5-10 seconds. It seams that if I wiggle around a bit I can hit an "anchor point" of sorts and everything will mass update. I've had to add collectors behind my drill array as very little ore is picked up when the voxels pop.
  19. Sivina λ

    Sivina λ Trainee Engineer

    I think the dev's are trying to solve the slow sim mining issues by slow down the whole process of mining first.

    Keep in good work, feels like dev's are trying to solve the mining issues,by using many other ways.
  20. Lord Grey

    Lord Grey Apprentice Engineer

    I'm not against slower drilling, but that most of the ore is not collected but spilled is an issue. I build a small drill for "indoors" in my to be asteroid base, but now as I have to collect all the ores manually, it's pointless. And manual drilling gets you killed the instant. No, would like the old drilling style back, without the lag.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  21. The Judge

    The Judge Trainee Engineer

    This is a way, but not a good one.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. PsychoJohn1971

    PsychoJohn1971 Trainee Engineer

    If that is true then I'm naming my next mining contraption the "Red Herring".
  23. HadesDurin

    HadesDurin Apprentice Engineer

    i think the major issue is implementing planets, which also converts the asteroids to a new type of thing and it makes the former way it worked useless
    so we are stuck in a process to get planets and that way they have to find a new way how mining works
    i expect no solution until planets are finished and ingame aviable
  24. AccidentalDisassembly

    AccidentalDisassembly Trainee Engineer

    The major issue is really that they appear not to perform very much testing before publishing a patch, IMO... unless of course this "new mining" was intentional, which is horrifying.
  25. PsychoJohn1971

    PsychoJohn1971 Trainee Engineer

    The game is currently in alpha (early release). We are the patch testers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  26. AccidentalDisassembly

    AccidentalDisassembly Trainee Engineer

    Normally I would agree with you - except for the utterly essential parts of the game like mining. You would think they'd have someone just load up a world and try to mine, refine, weld, and grind, since those are the fundamental things that you do in survival mode. Or maybe it's intentional, in which case it is an absolutely horrible change. Who knows.
  27. Wicorel

    Wicorel Senior Engineer

    Wish I knew if this was "the way it's gonna be" or "it's in progress; sorry; we're still changing it"...
  28. Soulthule

    Soulthule Apprentice Engineer

    I have reported this for weeks in the forum. Mining performance has been severely horrible with Sim and UPS of both client and server. I want to say this has been performing like this for almost 8 weeks. Keen made improvements over a half a year ago. I never saw any Dev acknowledgement. I hope this gets attention.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  29. Soulthule

    Soulthule Apprentice Engineer

    I thought I would take this from the master list post: - Hasn't been updated since "September 9th". I don't see the mining issue listed. I know I have reported at least a dozen bugs in the last 4 weeks. I don't see those added to the list. Hopefully this gets added


    - Landing gears issues: causing shaking, causing torque, desynchronization in MP/DS causing shaking, exploding in MP

    - Pistons issues: desynchronization in MP/DS causing explosions, causing rotation of small ships

    - Rotors: desynchronization in MP/DS causing explosions, it will tear itself apart on high velocities during turning

    - Clipping through ships in MP/DS

    - Spotlights and interior lights shining through blocks

    - Spotlights light cone misaligned [FIXED]

    - Remote control loss in specific conditions

    - Interior block edges not deforming properly, causing misaligned textures

    - Assembler co-op mode not working properly when ownership is set

    - Small ships can pass through closed doors

    - Thruster damage not working on cargo container

    - Asteroid fragments are damaging ships when drilling

    - Turrets are sometimes ignoring enemies

    - Player sometimes welds different block then he/she is aiming at

    - Connectors not connecting to medical room correctly [FIXED]

    - Toolbar items resetting when reloading the game [FIXED]

    - Explosion of warheads is not applied correctly on asteroids

    - Message about lack of components during welding is showing to everyone on DS

    - Text panel writing 'T' during access

    - Connecting of connectors cause menu freezes

    - Can't download mods

    - LCD/Text Panel doesn't wrap displayed text

    - Projected ships don't have groups

    - Join Lag and Slow Downloads

    - LOD changing on asteroids

    - LODs changing too early for round blocks

    - Incorrect reflection of lights in glass blocks

    - Window corner is not airtight

    - Small cargo container and conveyor are airtight

    - Projectors allow duplication of ingots

    - Unable to place Warheads in Survival or Creative [FIXED]

    - Dying after taking off helmet in oxygenated environment [FIXED]

    - Rotor has a gap between the block and the rotor top part

    - Reflections on glass windows are not correctly displayed

    - Turrets, pistons, doors etc. cannot be painted in DX 11

    - Items cannot be moved about within container [FIXED]

    - Interior turrets targeting laser penetrates walls [FIXED]

    - Error when renaming save file: "Name is too long (max 128 characters allowed)" [FIXED]

    - DX11 FPS drop when looking at certain objects (OK in DX9) [FIXED]

    - drills are yellow in DX9
    • Agree Agree x 1
  30. zgrillo2004

    zgrillo2004 Trainee Engineer

    Confirmed on my side. they need to stop adding more shit and concentrate on bug fixing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.