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2nd Small Ship - Scorpion

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by Mental, Mar 13, 2014.

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  1. Mental

    Mental Trainee Engineer

    I hope everyone is having fun with the game out there!

    Here's my second little project. This is sort of an expansion on my 1st ship concept, although I started wanting something unique. After a few days of messing with it, I realized it bears some resemblance in design, with more detail and I also made sure there was no drift from the guns, and the rockets do not cause the ship to self destruct when maneuvering. :D

    The name Scorpion came to my just now as I was taking the screenshots, and I think it fits the general style of the ship.

    I haven't made a heavy vs light armor version like with the last one. I think I'll just keep it light for now, since it is a small ship after all.


    27,904 kg
    164 GW
    4 Gyros
    40 Thrusters
    3 Landing Gear










  2. Nukesnipe

    Nukesnipe Trainee Engineer

    While I do like the aesthetics, that does provide a huge target, especially to enemies above and below it. Furthermore, it doesn't look like it would be very maneuverable, and its presumably heavy weight seems like it would tear itself off of its carrier with only three landing gear, if the carrier makes any sudden moves.
    All in all, 6/10.
  3. Mental

    Mental Trainee Engineer

    Yea, probably would make a decent target. It seems pretty much as maneuverable as my first small ship as far as I can tell though, with the number of thrusts, power, and 4 gyros. It accelerates and turns well despite the weight and appearance. I'm thinking a good pilot won't fly straight and let themselves get shot at. lol.. It can dish out a decent amount of damage in return as well.

    I don't know about how it would behave on a carrier while parked, since I haven't built one to try it on. You're probably right. I would think that this ship would have left the carrier and be on the attack by the time the carrier needs to be making sudden moves in a fight.

    Right now I'm just building ships for fun anyway. I can worry about those details later. heh

    Thanks for responding! I welcome constructive criticism as it helps on future designs. :)
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.