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A survival-optimized Heavy Command Carrier Cruiser I made for the upcoming PCU limit increase

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by .Luca, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. .Luca

    .Luca Trainee Engineer


    Workshop link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2186143013

    Survival-Optimized (not just "ready") Combat-Efficient, Sub-15K PCU Heavy Command Carrier Cruiser which I made in preparation for the upcoming update which will increase the PCU limit on Keen's official servers
    I hope you guys like it c=

    Video: (of the non command variant)



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  2. Soup Toaster

    Soup Toaster Apprentice Engineer

    Wow, looks amazing Luca. Won't it be funny if you ran into your own ship cruising around the server? :p
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. .Luca

    .Luca Trainee Engineer

    Thanks Soup! c= and oo would Soup use it * -*
  4. Soup Toaster

    Soup Toaster Apprentice Engineer

    I might trying building one but I like to have a whole fleet of smaller ships and stations all doing various jobs, and combat is too brutal, I can't watch my wonderful creations get torn to shreds in seconds. :) I saw that video you recently posted where you annihilated that guy in the big ship. You are a straight up CONQUEROR Luca!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. .Luca

    .Luca Trainee Engineer

    Ah okies c= and thanks >:3