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A10 Thunderbolt II atmospheric strike bomber Updated and Blueprint

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by Carrion, Oct 24, 2017.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    this is a design i have been playing with off and on for about a year now.
    its as close as i could get to an A10 looks wise and also keeping the dimensions semi realistic in comparison with the cockpit size.

    Armed with 10 Dumb bombs (5 war heads in each) , 2 rocket launchers and 2 Gatling guns in its present state.
    Featuring retractable landing gear so it can make a rolling take off and landing.
    a flip down bomb-sight that is calibrated to 1000m altitude above target level that gives reasonable accuracy. and is able to pound a 5x10 block area very well. useless for mobile stuff but static targets are easy.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    the after effects of a few practice runs. the aim point was the corner of the small building going diagonally top left to bottom right


    adding link to the blueprint.
    also added to the craft,
    wheeled landing gear for rolling take offs and landings
    a rearming jack so i can move a vehicle of warheads in under it to rearm in survival
    added 2 more rocket launchers
    is Carrying fuel and ammunition
    you need to add your own warheads to this to test

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2017
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  2. Sarekh

    Sarekh Senior Engineer

    my buildings, nooooooooo!

    But seriously, I adore the aiming sight!
  3. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    well you did give me a very pretty bunch of targets and i didnt save it because its so nice. it was also large enough that it gave me lots of discrete things to practice on. some of the overs and unders i dropped were quite embarrassing.

    i did manage to bullseye the main tower once which really stood up to the damage very well.
    --- Automerge ---

    @Sarekh if you looke closely to the top right you can see where by the flukeyst of flukes i managed to hit every single bridge support on the road in. that was a short run as i was aiming for the main tower the run in action is just hitting the pool building with the last of the bombs.
  4. Sarekh

    Sarekh Senior Engineer

    How well does she handle course changes?
  5. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    honestly she is a bit over gyroed at the moment so she can turn faster than the thrusters will break her of course every change by keen alters the flight characteristics. the original version actually flew quite like a plane but that was ages ago and i have added alot of stuff to it so more mass to deal with.
  6. Ronin1973

    Ronin1973 Master Engineer

    If you cut down of the gyros it will accelerate faster in all directions. A ship that size only needs two to three gyros at most.
  7. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    it only had 2 now its down to one. given the recent changes on dampening i need to stretch the fuselage slightly and add some more down thrusters as it doesnt pull out of a dive the way it used to

    its weighing in at 63 tons with missles and uranium its definatly heavier than the 11 ton real version.
    i have spent time altering the wings from solid blocks to half blocks and creating voids where possible.
  8. Ronin1973

    Ronin1973 Master Engineer

    If you're using heavy armor then I would remove it except for key places. For the most part, it's not worth it on the wings and rudders.
  9. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer


    none at all. and using half blocks everwhere to create a skin. part of the issue is the power demands so it has a fair few reactors and ofcourse the converyors to run it without hitting a spike
    --- Automerge ---
    Derpa derp its actually 6.3 tones.
  10. Ronin1973

    Ronin1973 Master Engineer

    Small block light armor universally is one steel plate regardless of shape. Also, small atmos thrusters (small block) have more thrust to mass bundled as 9 thrusters rather one large atmos thruster occupying the same space. The only advantage to the large thrusters is energy efficiency.
  11. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    yeah i realised that now. to get the shape i wanted i had to go with small atmos anyway. i have just stretched it by a few blocks and added some more down thrust and readded the 2nd gyro and it handles much better now energy requirements are a bit of a fiddle but i have enough reactors to power it even in a tight climbing spiral.
  12. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    Original post updated with new shizzles
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.