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Admin Command List

Discussion in 'Groups & Dedicated Servers' started by Pirothess, Jun 6, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Pirothess

    Pirothess Trainee Engineer


    i am running a server hosted by verygames and i would like to send a list of command to the server in the task manager

    one to send a chat command to warn player that the server will reboot
    one to save the server
    then one to reboot the server

    i looked everywere and i found :
    midspace admin command helper which is fine for ingame command but that will not help me.
    and torch but it look's like it's for dedicated server only.

    where can i find the list of command to administrate my server
  2. Roxette

    Roxette Senior Engineer

    There are no such commands available without Torch. Verygames does not support the use of Torch.

    The only way to warn the players of a restart would be by connecting to the server and using the in-game chat. The only way to restart the server would be via their web control panel. There is no guarantee that the method their control panel uses to restart forces the game to save the world state before it restarts. You will have to determine that empirically.
  3. Pirothess

    Pirothess Trainee Engineer

    well, thanks for the answer.
  4. Roxette

    Roxette Senior Engineer

    The most practical workaround which is probably supported by Verygames (almost all hosting companies support it one way or another) is to have the server automatically restarted on a schedule once a day at the time of day when the server is least used. You can use Midspace admin command helper to display a message to clients on connect advising players that the server restarts at the time chosen, or just add it in shortform to the server name/description.
    • Agree Agree x 1
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.