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    Space Engineers version --- Medieval Engineers version
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[All Versions] - [Settings] - Multiple NIC Cards Incorrectly Prioritized

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by ViperZeroOne, Jun 28, 2014.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. ViperZeroOne

    ViperZeroOne Trainee Engineer

    Good day!

    I've just located an issue where Space Engineers is defaulting to the wrong network card. Due to the complexity of my home network my main computer (gaming) has 2 wired network cards installed into it. Windows is set to use the primary network card as 1st priority, as it's got the faster network connection (the other network is DLNA streaming) however Space Engineers is defaulting to the secondary network card with no apparent way to change it. The problem comes in when I run a dedicated server for LAN use and can't access it because Space Engineers is on the wrong LAN.
  2. ViperZeroOne

    ViperZeroOne Trainee Engineer

    A simple solution would be to, under the "Game" options, add in a feature so you can select which network device you want used. This would also be useful for those with wireless cards who don't want to disable their wireless every time they connect via wire.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.