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Antenna Array spy network for distant base.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Floki, Jul 18, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Floki

    Floki Apprentice Engineer

    Any questions or comments, leave a reply.
    Edit: Perhaps leaving a dummy base at the last antenna of the outer array will trick raiders into thinking they have found your base when infact, they have not. This should deter raiders even more from trying to locate your real base as they won't even expect it to exist.
  2. Floki

    Floki Apprentice Engineer

    [Reserved update space]
  3. alexanderthegrape

    alexanderthegrape Trainee Engineer

    Nice! Could be worth the maintenance. Presumably solar panels for each antenna?
  4. fusurugi

    fusurugi Junior Engineer

    "Inside asteroids" will have a hard time powering up an antenna.
  5. GigaCorp

    GigaCorp Trainee Engineer

    As far as I can see antennas are not just totally worthless, it would serve only to lead enemies to your base. Having an antenna with a big range like your "detector antenna" doesn't help detection it only helps to mask where the signal is going. You can only detect enemies within THEIR broadcasting range, it has nothing to do with the power of your antenna. And the biggest thing of all, no enemy is ever going to have an active antenna, it literally serves no purpose but to broadcast their location.
  6. Floki

    Floki Apprentice Engineer

    Indeed, as I stated.
    Well, yeah... that is how Antenna work. Players broadcast their location to 200m though I think.
    Read above.
    It is obvious antenna are not here to server the purpose of a radar, but until more features relating to faction chat and such are implemented, this is the best use I can see for antenna.
  7. Cyber Cheese

    Cyber Cheese Apprentice Engineer

    Floki, I realize you're trying to make use of a broadcast system for radar, which is clearly (hopefully) not its intended purpose. I would be interested in having a system like this that works, even if it takes a lot of maintenance, but as far as I can tell the limited mechanics of antennas make it impossible.

    First, unless your chain of antennas is set to 200m range, wouldn't it be extremely unlikely that you'd detect the enemy approaching who was following your antenna trail?

    Second, don't players not broadcast their name while in a cockpit? Wouldn't this mean you're relying on their having antennas on if they have a ship?

    Finally, wouldn't any system like this necessarily flood friendly players' screens with antenna signatures?
  8. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Apprentice Engineer

    This is what I dislike most about Antennas as they are now. We just got done with having to deal with beacon spam, only to replace it with more spam?
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.