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ATTENTION: Dedicated Server - Auto-save problems

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Phand, Aug 15, 2014.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Phand

    Phand Master Engineer

    All autosave issues should be solved, we could not reproduce any autosave issues on our side here anymore for the last week.

    I'll just summarize how autosave should work:
    1) Autosave is enabled when creating new world or editing world settings
    2) Autosave setting is saved together with World and it's settings (into world file)
    3) Game is saved every 5 minutes
    4) Game is saved when server is shutdown in "friendly" way:
    DS as service - stopping service in task manager
    DS as console app - pressing CTRL+C in console window,
    DS as non console app - calling 'taskkill' without /f and with /pid where pid is process ID of DS

    e.g. when you server edit config file, set 'autosave' to 'true' and then load some world, it will autosave only when the world has setting 'autosave' set to 'true'
    like almost any other setting, autosave setting is per-world, not per-server

    Both game and original DS tool allows to edit world settings before loading a world.

    In case you are still experiencing issues with autosave on dedicated server, please paste here (use dropbox or any other service):
    - a link for that save
    - dedicated server log file from the session where autosave failed (SpaceEngineersDedicated.log)
    - dedicated server config file (SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg)
  2. Rogyros

    Rogyros Trainee Engineer

  3. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    Hello Phand.

    Unfortunately we still have trouble with the periodic (5-minute) save. The game is saved on "proper" shutdown, but "because alpha" ;) we cannot trust the server to stay alive.


    According to the log, and like others have noted, an autosave is done once and never again.

    Any help would be immensely appreciated as we have a good-sized community :D
  4. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Thank you very much for creating that fred, Phand. :)

    Today's morning I wrote a PM to your colleague (if (s)he is such) "Drui" with an explanation what happens on my Dedi server, which is hosted by Nitrado.net.

    Unfortunately the controllability aout the serves doings are almost nill, because there ist no console nor any application available to enter any commands whatsoever. At least none I have knowledge of or none which is obvious to me. :(
    Thus, the formerly applied fixes to the autosave function might not have worked therefore. The server keeps jumping back to the "last saved point", which is about 2 weeks old when speaking of any actual progress.

    I did ramble around on the server for a total of more than some hours, but on stopping or/and restarting it via the webinterface, the "last known" save is loaded. Same wehen the server does its backups. Not the actual state is backed up, but the 2 weeks old status.

    Another thing I noticed: The changes I did last night were quite present in the morning... Also in the "event protokoll" no backup files were listed. Then I stopped and restarted the server.
    (It's done via a button on the web interface, which also crates an (empty) (batch-?)file named "stop" and which is deleted when the server has started again.)
    After then logging onto the server the status quo was reset to the 2 weeks old save status, all progress reverted.
    However, other updates' changes were accepted, as the fix to the assemblers' sound bug of the update 1.042 proved.

    So it looks like the error to the autosave is somewhere in a special file or line of code maybe, that is otherwise not affected?

    As with Drui I'll give you the link to my google drive, so that you can access the files you need (zipped to .rar) withut having an account with google's.


    I'll try today's evening an all-new world on the same server and try to remember to provide those files as well - maybe it may helpt to compare them... - IF the save will do its work there.

  5. TherianUlf

    TherianUlf Apprentice Engineer

    I believe in order to replicate the errors, KSH is going to have to work with the server providers. The official server providers should all be required to provide KSH with a test ground.
    attached our my configs, logs, and save files, please let me know if anything else is necessary.

    save file
    log file
    cfg file

    I will happily provide anything needed to help fix this issue.
    The official Provider list must work, or whats the point of having something be official?
  6. Syrrhaptes_Paradoxus

    Syrrhaptes_Paradoxus Trainee Engineer

    Here is the dropbox link to my files, the bundle contains the log from before the restart, the new log, the config file, the sandbox.sbc file, a screenshot of the save folder and a screenshot of the servers restart log.


    I don't know how possible this is, but maybe you could rent a small server on all your "official server hosts" (or arrange with them to get a small free test-server) and try replicating the error "in vivo".
  7. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Mh, Nitrado (my server's host) told me they are working with the devs at the save problem. That was a week ago. And only Keenians and Nitrado know what they meant by "working with"...

    Getting some test rig off the providers would be a nice idea, although expensive, I guess. If not expensive in a monetary manner, but at least in terms of time consumption and "work effort", if you don't mind that phrase.

    Well, let#s hope they'll get usefull information towards the problem at hand...

    Edit says: The Keenians shoved out a quick fix, in which the autosave should be address again. Hopefully it kills the issue and heals the save finally.
    Thanks again, Keenians, for continueing your effort. :)
  8. Jacmac

    Jacmac Apprentice Engineer

    So here is the difference I see in the log files:

    Periodic autosave:
    2014-08-15 06:08:06.972 - Thread:   6 ->  Autosave
    2014-08-15 06:08:06.976 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - START
    2014-08-15 06:08:06.977 - Thread:   6 ->     Making world state snapshot.
    2014-08-15 06:08:06.978 - Thread:   6 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 943,891,856 B
    2014-08-15 06:08:07.162 - Thread:   6 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 945,228,768 B
    2014-08-15 06:08:07.163 - Thread:   6 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 945,236,960 B
    2014-08-15 06:08:07.163 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - END

    Friendly shutdown autosave:
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.099 - Thread:   6 ->  Exiting..2014-08-15 09:00:01.105 - Thread:   6 ->  Autosave in unload
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.105 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - START
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.105 - Thread:   6 ->     Making world state snapshot.
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.106 - Thread:   6 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 1,107,293,760 B
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.132 - Thread:   6 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 1,108,597,904 B
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.132 - Thread:   6 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 1,108,597,904 B
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.132 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - END
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.149 - Thread:   6 ->  Session snapshot save - START
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.150 - Thread:   6 ->     Checking file access for files in target dir.
    2014-08-15 09:00:01.845 - Thread:   6 ->  Session snapshot save - END
    So is the "session snapshot" supposed to take place during periodic autosave? Otherwise the log doesn't show that the first periodic autosave is not functioning, but the files themselves are not updated and there is no subsequent autosave in the log. The files are only actually updated during a friendly shutdown. If the process is supposed to kick off every 5 minutes, then it seem like the first one is, but never completes and resets the timer, so there never is another autosave after the first one starts.
  9. NightStalker

    NightStalker Apprentice Engineer

    I will give VPN access to the devs to my server if needed because this is still not working for my personally run dedicated server either. In the log Autosave = True but when the game starts there is the initial save and thats it, no more does it auto save.

  10. Hasbinbad

    Hasbinbad Apprentice Engineer


  11. Eikester

    Eikester Apprentice Engineer

  12. taikodragon

    taikodragon Trainee Engineer

  13. VoidingNixx

    VoidingNixx Trainee Engineer

    Seriously? I think the ENTIRE community is experiencing save problems... how could you not reproduce it?

    You guys need to get off the cushy lil' Dev boxes, go find a standard pc, install your dedicated server software on that, and then say "it's working on our end."
  14. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    Unfortunately the hotfix does not seem to fix our problem.
  15. taikodragon

    taikodragon Trainee Engineer

    I wonder if it's an issue with dev code vs publish code.. when they obfuscate it that could be causing the issue.
  16. SkyNET97

    SkyNET97 Trainee Engineer

    As for us, on our streamline server, no saving at all, no autosave or server shutdown save.

    World - https://www.dropbox.com/s/bbdjfrkykekytii/Dreadnought%20Cluster.zip
    Log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/3cyhgg2uznhdf2j/SpaceEngineersDedicated.log
    Cfg - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nw9pzefgixm0d78/SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg
  17. Jacmac

    Jacmac Apprentice Engineer

    If that was true, then SE Server Extender would probably not work doing an autosave since they are invoking the same save function that has been obfuscated.
  18. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Folliwing entry my log has after logging onto the server, painting some (guess it was like 3x3) blocks of the station, then immediately logging off again.
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.478 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - START
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.478 - Thread:   1 ->        Name = Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.479 - Thread:   1 ->        Description = 
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.480 - Thread:   1 ->        GameDateTime = 01/05/2081 01:20:18
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.481 - Thread:   1 ->        Password = 
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.483 - Thread:   1 ->        WorldID = c3189445-987c-4e3b-881b-c273ac1f5787
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.484 - Thread:   1 ->        CurrentPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.486 - Thread:   1 ->        WorkshopId = 
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.487 - Thread:   1 ->        CameraController = 00DD5482C0A3DF0D94B151167E77A6D9.2AE107F84A51D1484EFE387D7BAE8DB8
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.489 - Thread:   1 ->        ThumbPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten\thumb.jpg
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.499 - Thread:   1 ->        Settings:
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.501 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.501 - Thread:   1 ->           GameMode = Survival
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.501 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxPlayers = 4
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.502 - Thread:   1 ->           OnlineMode = PUBLIC
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.503 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoHealing = False
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.504 - Thread:   1 ->           WeaponsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.504 - Thread:   1 ->           ThrusterDamage = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.505 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableSpectator = False
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.506 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableCopyPaste = False
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.507 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxFloatingObjects = 1024
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.507 - Thread:   1 ->           CargoShipsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.508 - Thread:   1 ->           EnvironmentHostility = SAFE
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.510 - Thread:   1 ->           ShowPlayerNamesOnHud = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.510 - Thread:   1 ->           InventorySizeMultiplier = 10
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.511 - Thread:   1 ->           RefinerySpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.511 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.512 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.513 - Thread:   1 ->           WelderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.513 - Thread:   1 ->           GrinderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.514 - Thread:   1 ->           ClientCanSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.514 - Thread:   1 ->           HackSpeedMultiplier = 0.33
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.515 - Thread:   1 ->           PermanentDeath = True
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.516 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - END
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.528 - Thread:   1 ->     Session loaded
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.541 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.553 - Thread:   1 ->  Timer Frequency: 3418017
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.553 - Thread:   1 ->  Ticks per frame: 56966
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.586 - Thread:   1 ->  Server connected to Steam
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.589 - Thread:   1 ->  Server PolicyResponse (1)
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.593 - Thread:   1 ->  Peer2Peer_SessionRequest 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:19:25.623 - Thread:   1 ->  Updating continues.
    2014-08-15 20:19:26.609 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 531,778,392 B
    2014-08-15 20:19:26.875 - Thread:   1 ->  Game ready... Press Ctrl+C to exit
    2014-08-15 20:19:34.391 - Thread:   1 ->  OnConnectedPlayer Komatanz attempt
    2014-08-15 20:19:34.700 - Thread:   1 ->  Server ValidateAuthTicketResponse (k_EAuthSessionResponseOK), owner: 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:19:34.868 - Thread:   1 ->  World request received: Komatanz
    2014-08-15 20:19:34.869 - Thread:   1 ->  ...responding
    2014-08-15 20:19:56.621 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 694,797,048 B
    2014-08-15 20:20:26.623 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 690,399,464 B
    2014-08-15 20:20:43.138 - Thread:   1 ->  OnSwitchEntitySuccess 72198748022581027
    2014-08-15 20:20:43.145 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    2014-08-15 20:20:43.168 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter successful
    2014-08-15 20:20:43.169 - Thread:   1 ->  Entity switched.
    2014-08-15 20:20:56.627 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 704,578,088 B
    2014-08-15 20:21:02.523 - Thread:   1 ->  User left Komatanz
    2014-08-15 20:21:02.539 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    2014-08-15 20:21:26.645 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 701,693,336 B
    that was at line 503 to 560 and h61 was empty again - I 'stopped' my nitrado server after logging off.
    I will start it again, then posting the new log-file.
  19. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Before logging onto server:
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.254 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - START
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.255 - Thread:   1 ->        Name = Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.257 - Thread:   1 ->        Description = 
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.258 - Thread:   1 ->        GameDateTime = 01/05/2081 01:20:18
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.259 - Thread:   1 ->        Password = 
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.261 - Thread:   1 ->        WorldID = c3189445-987c-4e3b-881b-c273ac1f5787
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.262 - Thread:   1 ->        CurrentPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.264 - Thread:   1 ->        WorkshopId = 
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.265 - Thread:   1 ->        CameraController = 00DD5482C0A3DF0D94B151167E77A6D9.2AE107F84A51D1484EFE387D7BAE8DB8
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.266 - Thread:   1 ->        ThumbPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten\thumb.jpg
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.277 - Thread:   1 ->        Settings:
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.278 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.279 - Thread:   1 ->           GameMode = Survival
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.279 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxPlayers = 4
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.279 - Thread:   1 ->           OnlineMode = PUBLIC
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.279 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoHealing = False
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.281 - Thread:   1 ->           WeaponsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.281 - Thread:   1 ->           ThrusterDamage = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.282 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableSpectator = False
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.283 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableCopyPaste = False
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.283 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxFloatingObjects = 1024
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.283 - Thread:   1 ->           CargoShipsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.283 - Thread:   1 ->           EnvironmentHostility = SAFE
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.284 - Thread:   1 ->           ShowPlayerNamesOnHud = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.284 - Thread:   1 ->           InventorySizeMultiplier = 10
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.285 - Thread:   1 ->           RefinerySpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.285 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.285 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.286 - Thread:   1 ->           WelderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.291 - Thread:   1 ->           GrinderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.292 - Thread:   1 ->           ClientCanSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.294 - Thread:   1 ->           HackSpeedMultiplier = 0.33
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.295 - Thread:   1 ->           PermanentDeath = True
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.296 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - END
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.305 - Thread:   1 ->     Session loaded
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.318 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.327 - Thread:   1 ->  Timer Frequency: 3418017
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.328 - Thread:   1 ->  Ticks per frame: 56966
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.364 - Thread:   1 ->  Server connected to Steam
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.368 - Thread:   1 ->  Server PolicyResponse (1)
    2014-08-15 20:34:05.384 - Thread:   1 ->  Updating continues.
    2014-08-15 20:34:06.414 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 529,583,880 B
    2014-08-15 20:34:06.701 - Thread:   1 ->  Game ready... Press Ctrl+C to exit
    2014-08-15 20:34:36.422 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 531,110,168 B
    2014-08-15 20:35:06.425 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 526,676,448 B
    I will now paint sth again, wait some minutes (5-10-ish) and do the same over again... (impatient me, did not wait first time)


    Following lines (at line 548) was added after logging on - last one is line 568:

    2014-08-15 20:35:36.440 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 528,518,560 B
    2014-08-15 20:36:06.451 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 527,733,552 B
    2014-08-15 20:36:36.464 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 528,580,528 B
    2014-08-15 20:36:41.761 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvents.StartGlobalEvent
    2014-08-15 20:36:41.764 - Thread:   1 ->  globalEvent.Name = Cargo ship
    2014-08-15 20:36:41.882 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvent.RecalculateActivationTime:
    2014-08-15 20:36:41.887 - Thread:   1 ->  Next activation in 00:11:11.8724879
    2014-08-15 20:37:06.481 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 529,190,832 B
    2014-08-15 20:37:21.112 - Thread:   1 ->  Peer2Peer_SessionRequest 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:37:25.003 - Thread:   1 ->  OnConnectedPlayer Komatanz attempt
    2014-08-15 20:37:25.314 - Thread:   1 ->  Server ValidateAuthTicketResponse (k_EAuthSessionResponseOK), owner: 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:37:25.463 - Thread:   1 ->  World request received: Komatanz
    2014-08-15 20:37:25.464 - Thread:   1 ->  ...responding
    2014-08-15 20:37:36.498 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 675,942,384 B
    2014-08-15 20:38:06.505 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 674,444,784 B
    2014-08-15 20:38:14.378 - Thread:   1 ->  OnSwitchEntitySuccess 72131200795321632
    2014-08-15 20:38:14.385 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    2014-08-15 20:38:14.413 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter successful
    2014-08-15 20:38:14.414 - Thread:   1 ->  Entity switched.
    2014-08-15 20:38:36.520 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 684,876,200 B
    2014-08-15 20:39:06.538 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 690,220,248 B
  20. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Next lines after a few minutes:

    2014-08-15 20:39:31.243 - Thread:   1 ->  Autosave
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.246 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - START
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.247 - Thread:   1 ->     Making world state snapshot.
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.249 - Thread:   1 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 686,656,744 B
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.280 - Thread:   1 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 689,090,128 B
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.280 - Thread:   1 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 689,090,128 B
    2014-08-15 20:39:31.281 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - END
    2014-08-15 20:39:36.544 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 685,173,832 B
    2014-08-15 20:40:06.546 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 690,429,752 B
    2014-08-15 20:40:36.561 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 689,471,288 B
    2014-08-15 20:41:06.566 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 690,003,768 B
    2014-08-15 20:41:36.581 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 686,732,896 B
    2014-08-15 20:42:06.599 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 685,960,744 B
    Looks quite fine so far. Let's check it now.

    These lines were added when leaving the server:
    2014-08-15 20:42:36.603 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 689,733,752 B
    2014-08-15 20:43:06.606 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 688,594,744 B
    2014-08-15 20:43:36.625 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 687,443,496 B
    2014-08-15 20:43:41.251 - Thread:   1 ->  User left Komatanz
    2014-08-15 20:43:41.266 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    - was logging on to check sth I forgot:

    2014-08-15 20:44:06.642 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 493,534,304 B
    2014-08-15 20:44:36.646 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 489,157,264 B
    2014-08-15 20:45:06.663 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 492,567,776 B
    2014-08-15 20:45:13.775 - Thread:   1 ->  Peer2Peer_SessionRequest 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:45:17.457 - Thread:   1 ->  OnConnectedPlayer Komatanz attempt
    2014-08-15 20:45:17.821 - Thread:   1 ->  Server ValidateAuthTicketResponse (k_EAuthSessionResponseOK), owner: 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 20:45:17.919 - Thread:   1 ->  World request received: Komatanz
    2014-08-15 20:45:17.921 - Thread:   1 ->  ...responding
    2014-08-15 20:45:36.679 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 512,421,776 B
    2014-08-15 20:46:06.700 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 515,287,928 B
    2014-08-15 20:46:13.648 - Thread:   1 ->  OnSwitchEntitySuccess 72185059176327205
    2014-08-15 20:46:13.648 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    2014-08-15 20:46:13.649 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter successful
    2014-08-15 20:46:13.650 - Thread:   1 ->  Entity switched.
    2014-08-15 20:46:36.716 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 513,869,168 B
    At line 601 now.

    Server is now stopped, which is curiously not noticed in the log-file I copied part of above. "SpaceEngineersDedicated.log" in the folder "spaceeng_profile", where as well mods and saves are stored.

    Starting the server again, via button (due to no console is given), not listed in that log file either.

    Looks like he stores the log file in "SpaceEngineersDedicated.old.log" which is in the same folder.

    If I have to guess, I would guess, that any different between the "new" logfile" and the "old" one. Might be a hint towards nonfunctional autosave stuff. Because after (assumingly) saving, he should load that data again, when being restarted, aye?
  21. TherianUlf

    TherianUlf Apprentice Engineer

    Still no change after the hotfix.
  22. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    ENd of the new log file (again at line 545):
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.806 - Thread:   1 ->     Checkpoint.CameraAttachedTo: 0
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.808 - Thread:   1 ->     ERROR: Camera entity from checkpoint does not exists!
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.813 - Thread:   1 ->     CameraAttachedTo: Spectator
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.829 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - START
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.831 - Thread:   1 ->        Name = Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.831 - Thread:   1 ->        Description = 
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.832 - Thread:   1 ->        GameDateTime = 01/05/2081 01:20:18
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.833 - Thread:   1 ->        Password = 
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.833 - Thread:   1 ->        WorldID = c3189445-987c-4e3b-881b-c273ac1f5787
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.834 - Thread:   1 ->        CurrentPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.835 - Thread:   1 ->        WorkshopId = 
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.835 - Thread:   1 ->        CameraController = 00DD5482C0A3DF0D94B151167E77A6D9.2AE107F84A51D1484EFE387D7BAE8DB8
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.837 - Thread:   1 ->        ThumbPath = X:\spaceeng_profile\Saves\Bettpfosten\thumb.jpg
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.845 - Thread:   1 ->        Settings:
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.846 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.846 - Thread:   1 ->           GameMode = Survival
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.847 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxPlayers = 4
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.847 - Thread:   1 ->           OnlineMode = PUBLIC
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.848 - Thread:   1 ->           AutoHealing = False
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.848 - Thread:   1 ->           WeaponsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.848 - Thread:   1 ->           ThrusterDamage = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.849 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableSpectator = False
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.850 - Thread:   1 ->           EnableCopyPaste = False
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.851 - Thread:   1 ->           MaxFloatingObjects = 1024
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.852 - Thread:   1 ->           CargoShipsEnabled = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.852 - Thread:   1 ->           EnvironmentHostility = SAFE
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.853 - Thread:   1 ->           ShowPlayerNamesOnHud = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.854 - Thread:   1 ->           InventorySizeMultiplier = 10
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.857 - Thread:   1 ->           RefinerySpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.860 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.862 - Thread:   1 ->           AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.862 - Thread:   1 ->           WelderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.863 - Thread:   1 ->           GrinderSpeedMultiplier = 1
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.864 - Thread:   1 ->           ClientCanSave = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.864 - Thread:   1 ->           HackSpeedMultiplier = 0.33
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.865 - Thread:   1 ->           PermanentDeath = True
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.865 - Thread:   1 ->     MySession.LogSettings - END
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.875 - Thread:   1 ->     Session loaded
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.890 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.898 - Thread:   1 ->  Timer Frequency: 3418017
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.899 - Thread:   1 ->  Ticks per frame: 56966
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.936 - Thread:   1 ->  Server connected to Steam
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.940 - Thread:   1 ->  Server PolicyResponse (1)
    2014-08-15 20:54:11.958 - Thread:   1 ->  Updating continues.
    2014-08-15 20:54:13.016 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 529,625,744 B
    2014-08-15 20:54:13.301 - Thread:   1 ->  Game ready... Press Ctrl+C to exit

    And the previously painted block is not painted anymore. :( So something must be yet wrong with saving, I guess.
  23. hellokeith

    hellokeith Apprentice Engineer

    Komatanz, please use the edit function to consolidate your future posts into one single post.

    Has anyone checked the user that the service is running under? Double-click the service, go to Log On tab, and check what Log On As has set.
  24. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    Furthermore, following lines show up in the log file:

    2014-08-15 20:54:13.301 - Thread:   1 ->  Game ready... Press Ctrl+C to exit
    2014-08-15 20:54:43.022 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 531,310,992 B
    2014-08-15 20:55:13.038 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 526,912,848 B
    2014-08-15 20:55:43.055 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 528,770,320 B
    2014-08-15 20:56:13.055 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 530,915,224 B
    2014-08-15 20:56:43.073 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 526,774,432 B
    2014-08-15 20:56:48.016 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvents.StartGlobalEvent
    2014-08-15 20:56:48.017 - Thread:   1 ->  globalEvent.Name = Cargo ship
    2014-08-15 20:56:48.135 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvent.RecalculateActivationTime:
    2014-08-15 20:56:48.135 - Thread:   1 ->  Next activation in 00:14:31.8633229
    2014-08-15 20:57:13.077 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 532,416,416 B
    2014-08-15 20:57:43.079 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 532,173,184 B
    2014-08-15 20:58:13.094 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 531,180,416 B
    2014-08-15 20:58:43.107 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 485,518,640 B
    2014-08-15 20:59:13.124 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 484,634,856 B
    2014-08-15 20:59:30.990 - Thread:   1 ->  Autosave
    2014-08-15 20:59:30.996 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - START
    2014-08-15 20:59:30.998 - Thread:   1 ->     Making world state snapshot.
    2014-08-15 20:59:30.999 - Thread:   1 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 480,069,904 B
    2014-08-15 20:59:31.167 - Thread:   1 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 482,585,368 B
    2014-08-15 20:59:31.173 - Thread:   1 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 482,585,368 B
    2014-08-15 20:59:31.174 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - END
    2014-08-15 20:59:43.137 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 485,922,960 B
    2014-08-15 21:00:13.154 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 485,046,032 B
    2014-08-15 21:00:43.157 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 483,152,336 B
    2014-08-15 21:00:54.747 - Thread:   1 ->  Peer2Peer_SessionRequest 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 21:00:58.597 - Thread:   1 ->  OnConnectedPlayer Komatanz attempt
    2014-08-15 21:00:58.927 - Thread:   1 ->  Server ValidateAuthTicketResponse (k_EAuthSessionResponseOK), owner: 76561198013439328
    2014-08-15 21:00:59.695 - Thread:   1 ->  World request received: Komatanz
    2014-08-15 21:00:59.695 - Thread:   1 ->  ...responding
    2014-08-15 21:01:13.158 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 805,359,136 B
    2014-08-15 21:01:43.161 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 804,192,792 B
    2014-08-15 21:01:51.441 - Thread:   1 ->  OnSwitchEntitySuccess 72179534373208285
    2014-08-15 21:01:51.448 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter called
    2014-08-15 21:01:51.470 - Thread:   1 ->  SetPlayerCharacter successful
    2014-08-15 21:01:51.471 - Thread:   1 ->  Entity switched.
    2014-08-15 21:02:13.173 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 814,996,848 B
    2014-08-15 21:02:43.191 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 814,184,120 B
    2014-08-15 21:03:13.202 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 812,160,248 B
    2014-08-15 21:03:43.215 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 501,332,640 B
    2014-08-15 21:04:13.230 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 500,858,184 B
    2014-08-15 21:04:43.238 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 501,879,624 B
    Interesting to see that almost half the memory is defined/whatever to .. things.

    2014-08-15 21:05:13.253 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 496,051,368 B
    2014-08-15 21:05:43.270 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 496,518,696 B
    2014-08-15 21:06:13.281 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 498,572,944 B
    2014-08-15 21:06:43.287 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 499,760,784 B
    2014-08-15 21:07:13.304 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 498,678,608 B
    2014-08-15 21:07:43.321 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 496,428,352 B
    Last one is line 592

    Also, I painted a block again and I will wait for the next 'save' according to the log file.

    Next lines (600-610)
    2014-08-15 21:11:20.400 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvents.StartGlobalEvent
    2014-08-15 21:11:20.400 - Thread:   1 ->  globalEvent.Name = Cargo ship
    2014-08-15 21:11:20.439 - Thread:   1 ->  MyGlobalEvent.RecalculateActivationTime:
    2014-08-15 21:11:20.440 - Thread:   1 ->  Next activation in 00:09:00.3414993
    2014-08-15 21:11:43.420 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 499,067,984 B
    2014-08-15 21:12:13.437 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 497,339,512 B
    2014-08-15 21:12:43.454 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 501,879,296 B
    2014-08-15 21:13:13.468 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 500,128,792 B
    2014-08-15 21:13:43.470 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 498,380,536 B
    2014-08-15 21:14:13.486 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 502,969,224 B
    2014-08-15 21:14:43.503 - Thread:   1 ->  GC Memory: 501,199,008 B
    I'll see if the save call comes again. If not. .well maybe it has been hooked somewhere on its way and did not even finished (maybe I already read that in another's post..?) its first call, wandering endlessly in the voids of its code lines. :(

    At least, it might explain, why the last known 'complete' save is the one which is about 2 weeks old, getting its third week now.

    Next 5-6 lines are GC Memory lines as well.

    PS: hellokeith, I quite often use the editional function. But for some purpose I rather write a new post. Also the reply panel does only allow a certain amount of characters. However, thank you for your awareness.
  25. Chisel

    Chisel Trainee Engineer

    Mine has the "Local System Account" option selected.

    Am also still seeing the same auto-save issue, one save in logs, but no file modified dates updated (and no internal data changed), then no further attempts. Will post full saves/logs/configs and repro steps when I get a chance.
  26. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    I did jsut checked a log file that was written for about 14-15 hours. Aye, the "autosave" just occurred once:

    2014-08-14 21:55:19.914 - Thread:   1 ->  Autosave
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.918 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - START
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.919 - Thread:   1 ->     Making world state snapshot.
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.920 - Thread:   1 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 705,442,464 B
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.958 - Thread:   1 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 702,048,128 B
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.958 - Thread:   1 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 702,048,128 B
    2014-08-14 21:55:19.959 - Thread:   1 ->  Saving world - END
    And that's it. Up to "2014-08-15 12:01:39.131" (= year-month-day) it did not call for autosave again. And there the log ended, due to stopping the server via webinterface.

    Edit tells you: I'll test and try with the very first world we created on the server, for testing purpose. I expect the Autosave to be called -as before- just once...

    ... or not.. just as I klicked the connect-to-server-button steam loaded the latest fix-attempt (sorry, to call it that way. :( ).

    So it is time for a little patience, anyway - Nitrado has to catch up with the hotfix..
  27. KC8DEE

    KC8DEE Apprentice Engineer

    sounds to me that the server owner might be the one to ask because you all need to think how many people are on a server and if everyone is saving every five minutes on that server this would fill up quick. I so feel that they may have it turned off on the servers to save room on their end. Just a thought///
  28. Komatanz

    Komatanz Apprentice Engineer

    If I got your train of thoughts to the right foot, then I must have misunderstood you.

    It doesn't matter how many clients are logged onto a server. Also it doesn't matter (I guess) if the client save every 10 seconds on its own. IF the (Dedicated) SERVER itself doesn't save properly, all your progress is lost, when the server has to be shut down or stopped. The server's save function is not quite like the one in single player (I might guess), isn't it?

    Or.. what .... what if IS quite the same... ? Which might mean, the click on "save button" in SP calls the save function properly, but the line "autosave" in MP does not? (I guess it does call it properly, because the "autosave"-line *does* call at least something.

    Is there any possibility to see one's log-file for SP games?
  29. LordXaosa

    LordXaosa Apprentice Engineer

    Last patch fixed this! Cool! Thank you!
  30. MarcusRavenheart

    MarcusRavenheart Trainee Engineer

    Have you confirmed it?
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