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Faction Cerberus Shipyard

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by 3eepoint, Sep 21, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Full Faction Name:

    Cerberus Shipyards inc.

    Faction Aliases (If Applicable):

    C.S: for ship names, like C.S:Luna or C.S:Selene

    Historical Notes:

    Cerberus Shipyards inc. is a conglomerate of companies like Airbus, ABB, BASF and the EADS founded in Germany during the second space race. Under the directive:

    "Always going a step too far, that`s why we lead"

    the founders of Cerberus feared the consequences of exploring the vast emptiness of Space, and made their goal to be prepared to do what is necessery if Humanity would ever be in danger of facing something that it is not prepared for. Cerberus has vast financial means aviable due to their roots in the Avionics and space flight industry in the early years of the 21st century, later drifting to shady dealings due to the realisation, that the official bureaucratic channels either take too long, or won't allow the sometimes morally questioning extends of the research.
    They now often operate in the gray zone and more often then not work in highly illegal and morally questioning territory to get what they deem necessery to fulfill their goal of preparation. They do not care much for patents or ownership of technology, when Cerberus has set an eye on a technology, they gather all information possible and attempt to copy said device. Cerberus therefor prefers to work in the background, the exact location of their headquarters is unknown. They also tend to follow the activities of the galaxy closely to know when and where something of interest happens.

    As word reached Cerberus that an enemy high developed alien race called Sheshir had started an attack, the CEO saw the calling Cerberus has been founded for finally there and decided to take part on the upcoming conference to aid humanity and fulfill their calling.
    Additionally, Cerberus prepared its fleet for a possible war, therefor stocking up the resources and saving their research assets to secure locations across the galaxy.

    Cerberus itself is small in numbers, barely 400.000 Individuals live and work aboard their ships and the Headquarters, but due to their recruitment tactics and devotion to their goal, these people are often highly trained and exeed at thier field of work.

    Controlled Territory :

    The Cerberus Shipyard is located in the orbit of a small moon aroundfar removed from sol, this moon, which like the Jupiter moon Io continously moves its inside out, orbits a gas giant that's radio signal background noises mask the existenc of the base in the Em spectral field. If one stumbles upon the system they would only get noise, the thermal signature of the moon masking the heat signature of the base. The system is not connected to the Jumpgate system and therefor only reachable via an FTL drive, and then only if one has the coordinates.

    Owned Installations (If Applicable):

    THE Cerberus Shipyard

    Huge Shipyard, housing Cerberus Reserch and development (R'nD) and, like the name says, build the ships that are ordered or deemed necessery for the corporation means. It is the Cerberus Homebase, home harbor to all Cerberus Ships and the only bigger asset the corporation has. It is heavily guarded at all times by 4 Goliath weapon platforms, part of the Cerburus fleet and patroled by the Cerberus flag ship, the sol invictus Class Dreadnought: Celestia.

    Available Assets:

    Sol invictus Dreadnought (Prototype)
    Lunatic class Battleship MKIII(Prototype)
    Lunatic class Battleship MKII
    Lunatic class Battleship MKI
    Swarm class Drone Carrier
    Cerberus Starfighter Relent :
    Apollo MKX class Combat drones
    Collanda class gunship
    Shrimp class Wielder Drone
    Arbeiter class Wielder Drone
    Lemming L/H Transport Drone
    Monar Mining drone

    Sub-Faction Divisions (If Applicable):

    Cerberus Engineering

    "our humanity dies so humanity prevails"

    Engineering departments of Cerberus Shipyards, they work in parallel to the Shipyard, developing new technology not only for Cerberus, but for anybody who has the needed financial means. The experiments they do are often far out of the range of the moral guidelines and sometimes not even in the bounds of human rights. This part of Cerberus is the reason why they keep themselves.

    Named Characters:

    to be added

    Unique Technology (If Applicable):

    Mass Driver
    Cerberus saw that their ships ware lacking in regards of firepower against stationary installations and Dreadnought class Battleships, therefor the current CEO decided that the new Battleships of the Lunatic class, which were under development at this time, would be fitted with a Spine mounted Mass driver to deliver heavy payloads in great number across the enemy. This variant uses gravity fields to accelerate the slug at almost 0.2C and the use of gravity fields renders the usual Railigun related obstacles like rail ware a relict of a time past. Even if it uses gravity fields instead of Magnetic ones, the Mass Driver has still to be loaded and cooled down for every shot, limiting the ROF to about 0.016Sh/s (Sh=Shots s=Si for seconds, 1Sh/s=1 Shot per second, 0.5Sc/s=1 Shot every 2 Seconds, it is basically 1/(Time between Shots)).
    One Benefit if the gravity driven version is that it can fire anything that has a mass, from slugs made from spare parts up to prisoners. Cerberus managed to shrink the basic size of the mass drivers down to a level where they could compete with basic rail or normal ballistic weaponary and therefor features almost only gravity based mass drivers in their Arsenal.

    Smart Slugs

    The enormous Power of the Mass Driver is at the same time its weakness. The Projectile normally can not transfer all of its kinetic energy on to the target, often "just piercing" the target, which leaves the possibility of hitting something what was not meant to be hit, or worse, just sending it on a travel through space and ruin someones day, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in this decade, but it will make someone have a very bad day.....
    The solution was to fill the Slugs with stacks of Tungsten Carbide pallets, those are being ejected in a calculated pattern through a timed explosive charge to cover as much area on the target as possible and bring the maximum of the energy across. This inflicts heavy damage on Armored ships depending on their armor and causes devastating damage on light armored vehicles, basically collapsing them on themselves while ripping them to shreds. The big coverage area makes the pellets relatively easy to stop by shields due to the low stress per m^2.

    Reactive Armor

    In order to resist so called "sucker punches" by surprise attackers or anti capital ship weapons, Cerberus started to equip every ship from the frigate class on with reactive armor. This Armor plates house an amount of explosives and a collision detection system. Is a certain dt/ds ratio reached, the armor assumes that it is being shot at and detonates the charges, throwing a Tungsten Carbide plate with an angle of 45° at the incoming projectile, intercepting its flight path, partially deflecting it and, in case of explosive charges, often triggering their loads so the main Armor only has to deal with the shock wave or the 2. load in case of HE Charges. The Reactive armor only works against bigger ship weapons like Gaus/Railguns or other Mass Driver derivatives. It is also only useable 3 Times per m^2 and can be influenced by previous fire from smaller caliber guns. If the RA gets damaged it is easily possible to exchange the plates to bring the damaged Area up to run again.

    Space folding drive(FTL)

    Space folding or wrapping describes a kind of instant FTL travel, its principle is simple, instead of flying through some kind of hyperspace, the Drive folds the normal space in front of the ship, until the start and target point are in the same position, then space gets unwrapped and the ship is at the new location
    This instant kind of fatal Travel has several benefits and drawbacks.
    The benefits being that the jump can be interrupted at any time without dire consequences, except that you end up in the middle of nowhere between the two locations.
    How far a ship can travel with this method is determined by the energy it can bring up to fold the space.
    The major drawback of this FTL technology is that the ship has to stand still relative to the start and exit points that are being folded, making it a easy target.
    Energy consumption 1MWh per light year

    Quantum communication
    Due to the Cerberus shady nature, it was deemed necessary to invent a communication system that is nether traceable nor compromiseable in any way. The solution was quantum communication. 2 Quants are being matched to each other, therefor a status change in the spin of the first count reflects on the other and likewise. This communication only works between 2 entangled accounts and does not use any kind of energy waves, it is therefore nether traceable nor hackable, as long as nobody entangles another quant to the band, which would incline that the Communication, on the other hand would have been compromised, and even then, the position is still not traceable. But the technology is expensive and fights with a small bandwidth, so sending and receiving information takes longer. Because only one ship com system is paired with an quant at the shipyard, the Cerberus shipyard features a huge communication hub to maintain this network. Due to the expansive and technologically difficult implementation, only ships higher than cruisers feature this technology.

    F.A.S.T A.I

    Instead of developing human like A. I`s, Cerberus developed A. I`s that have partially intelligence, they are barely able to do the basic tasks of a normal A. I and the A. I to Human Interface is not even near that level as you could have a conversation with it. What they excel at is the ability for self prevention of damage or harm to its crew and itself, meaning the A. I is focused on maintaining being deployable. This simple directive enables the A. I a extreme fast usage of the current hardware that normally houses Human grade A. I and enable it therefor to activate countermeasures faster than a normal A. I could do it. Drawback: They just are the worst conversation partners .....ever.....

    Compact Ship Design C.S.D

    Cerberus holds nothing for vast floors or open spaces. Their ships are cramped and filled to the brim with tech. It goes as far as that, where other companies just have steel plates to separate decks, Cerberus fitted Oxygen Tanks, S.M.E.S devices and even additional Gyroscopes in place to separate decks.

    SLAYER Mass Driver

    Those over 250 meter long Mass driver are the final result of Cerberus efforts to fit its ship with spine mounted anti capital ship weapons. They are the biggest mobile ones Cerberus has built jet. Due to their Size the only ones deployed jet were the ones on the Goliath defensive platforms around the shipyard itself. Only recently they were fitted to the sole invictus class dreadnought for mobile deployment. Depending on the Ammo loaded, a dumb Slug can pierce a Fregate length wise, when you are able to aim that monster at such a small target, but when, may god have mercy upon their souls, for these guns shall not.

    T2 Slugs

    T2 Slugs are similar to the normal, or so called "dumb" slugs, only that they feature a massive thermonuclear warhead to thermically annihilate almost anything in its way. They also split in segments to reach a maximum area of effect to stress a ship hull.

    Gravitation detection system G.D.S

    The G.D.S is the standard environmental observation system on Cerberus ships. Instead of sending some kinds of Radio frequency or any other kind of Em waves, the spherical device is fitted with sensitive gravity sensors which detects objects through their mass, allowing to gather Intel on the enemy ship like the density of certain Areas. The resolution is dependent on distance. In close proximity, the device is precise enough to measure the heart frequency of the crew members, through the shifting mass of their beating hearts. On a cosmical scale, the system is coupled with the navigation system to filter out gravity sources like pulsars, black holes or magnetars, but even then it is only able to detect objects above 100t in an Area of the Sol system. A big benefit is the complete passive nature of the device and its instant detection capability of gravitational happenings like the firing of a mass driver based on gravitation fields. It is also able to detect most kinds of FTL jumps due to the sudden shift in the gravitational fields. This system has its limits around strong gravitational sources. Smaller objects tend to drown in the back noise of pulsars even after being cross calculated.

    Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storege S.M.E.S

    As Superconductive materials that do not have to be cooled to absolute zero became aviable, Cerberus started to develop an energy storage concept based on the fact that current in a superconductor never stops flowing. The device is able to store Energy in the Magnetic field around it, resulting in an extremely high energy density that made it possible to run ships completely without the need for dedicated reactor systems. Cerberus ships all run mostly on this technology, but still does feature Hydrogen fusion reactors on the bigger ships for emergencies in case the S.M.E.S fails for whatever reason.

    Genetical treatment

    Result of Cerberus more questioning research efforts is the genetic treatment an employ a can receive. This treatment includes various additions and optimisations of the human Body, erasing common evolutionary produced disease like Prolapsus nuclei pulposi and critical diseases.This leads to an, while not much longe, much more healthy life, even in the later years.

    The treatment includes:

    -Rebuilding of the spine
    -Adding an artificial organ to enrich the blood with modified Stem-cells for wound healing
    -Measures against chalk corrosion of the joints
    -Optimised digestive system for more efficient food usage and regulation of blood parameters like cholesterine

    Personel Combat equipment

    Needle gun

    The needle gun is a small firearm with a high rate of fire a low recoil. It shoots small nail like projectiles via gravity fields, which keeps the ammo simple and enables a very high magazine capacity. The Needle gun also features a C-Mag to further increase the capacity. Due to the small size of the projectile it is only effective against not armored soft targets.

    Bolt Gun

    The Bolt gun, like the Needle gun, accelerates its payload via gravity fields, but with a higher caliber. It represents the assault rifle in the Cerberus shipyard arsenal. The Bilt gun features more stop force, but is still not explicitly against armored targets, a bullet proof vest is enough to eat up the impact.

    Tactical Sword

    The Cerberus Tactical Sword is a marvel of modern technology. It features a telescopic mechanism that makes the user able to decide if he needs a knife or a full out sword. The Tactical sword is standard equipment for all Cerberus employees for self defense usage and as a sign of belonging to Cerberus.

    The Needle and Bolt gun are the standard equipment for the task forces. Everything listed below has to be requested for missions where they have an explicit purpose.

    Heavy Bolt Gun

    This is the pendant of a light MG in the Cerberus Arsenal, again, gravity based and much more powerful than the normal Bolt Gun.This Weapon features a high capacity drum Mag with almost 300 Rounds, available with different ammo types. Light Bullet proof vests are no problem for the standard ammo. Heavy vests are still able to stop it, but the impact force may still crack a rib. The Heavy bolt gun, due to its size, is able to feature a Heartbeat monitor to search for opponents in close proximity (100-150m)


    The Trant series are Cerberus attempt at armor piercing rifles of different Caliber and in case of the MKV, different principle, to be able to carry an adapted set of firepower into a mission without wasting resources. The "calibers", which differ more on the strength of the gravity fields to be able to use standardized ammo, are separated in the different MK versions of the gun, the smallest being the MKI, the biggest being the MKV

    Light sniper rifle for soft targets on medium distances. Bolt action with mild recoil.

    Repetier sniper rifle for soft targets in close to medium distances. Higher recoil due to bigger "caliber".

    Bolt action rifle for soft targets on long distances. Low recoil due to the dapmened barrel.

    Bolt action rifle for soft targets on very long distances (3000m). High recoil even with dampened Barrel, features a targeting computer to replace the spotter for long distances.

    MKV "the beast"
    Bolt action sniper rifle for armored targets at medium distances. High recoil, armor piercing, but not very precise on distances like the MKIV and definitely overkill for soft targets, unless you really want to hit what's behind that 1 meter concrete wall. The MKV is, again, gravity based, but does not feature normal projectiles like the other versions. Instead the MKV accelerates a small amount of metallic liquid to enormous speed. The heated fluid acts like a water-jet cutting machine and eats its way through almost everything and leaves wounds on soft targets that make even some experienced field medics cringe.
    In order to shoot this past one has to wear power armor or at least an adequate shoulder piece unless one wants its shoulder shattered by the recoil.


    Cerberus Units feature again different styles of armor, from the lightweight bullet proof vest to full body power armor. A trademark of all Cerberus units is the full coverage helmets with integrated infrared sight a HUD display as well as augmented sensorial devices to better hearing or dampening in case of close by explosions. They are bullet proof up to assault rainfall level and cover the compete head and neck area.
    The Power armor features a light version of reactive armor to prevail against most armor piercing sniper rifles, but not against RPG`s and the like



    EDIT: Fixed some spelling erros and Pionts mentioned by the GM FatalPapercut
    EDITII: Changed the FTL drive according to Fatals points
    EDITIII:Nerfed the FTL again according to GM recommentions
    EDITIV:Added Pictures
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  2. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name
    Sol invictus

    Class Type


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes
    The CS: Celestia was the first attempt of Cerberus to create a dreadnought class capital ship fitted with all available current Cerberus tech that was either not fitting for the other classes or simply too big like in the case of the SLAYER Mass Driver. Due to Cerberus building philosophy the Sol Invictus class turned out rather small compared to other ships of this class which leads to opponents underestimating its might. Additionally, the Sol Invictus class is incredibly fast with an astonishing 15m/s^2 forward acceleration. Even if the Sol Invictus class is rather small, she still features all of the assets of a regular dreadnought, making her a compact package of doom and a force to be reckoned with.

    Special Features
    SLAYER Mass Driver
    KRATOS Thruster

    2x SLAYER Mass Driver
    7x Tripple 16" Mass Driver turrets
    7x Dual 8" Mass Driver
    150x50mm quad Mass Driver
    30xVulcan anti missile systems
  3. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name:
    Lunatic class

    Class Type:

    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes
    The Lunatic class Battleship is the Cerberus answer to have a highly mobile effective and deadly weapon platform at their hands. Its wide weapon loadout, heavy armor and engines section let her reach that goal. This Battleship class is able to operate vastly on its own due to large Oxygen reserves and backup reactor systems that only not so much as Ice to work. The basic concept of the lunatic class worked so well that Cerberus is already working on the MKIII version of the line and even designed the soul Invictus class after its basic principles.

    Special Features

    1x Mass Driver
    4x Dual 8" Mass Driver
    40x 50mm quad Mass Driver
    15x Vulcan anti missile systems


    Class Name
    Hive Class

    Class Type
    Drone carrier


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes
    The Hive class drone carrier was designed on the base of the first lunatic class battleships and therefore highly resembles them in design. The only real difference is the abstinence of bigger anti ship guns like the dual 8" mass drives the Lunatic class features. Instead, they were replaced with communication, repair and disassembly bays to maintain the Drones that the ship carries.

    Special Features
    Big comunication array
    Wield/grind field to disassamble drones

    15x Vulcan anti missile
    40x 50mm quad Mass Driver
    8x Apollo MKX Combat drones
  4. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type

    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes


    the Relent was made to implement the current build philosophy of our drones into a fighter, with full success! The main goal was it to make it flyable like a 21st century jet, which means the cutting of drift capacity in the horizontal plane and implement a normally oversized vertical acceleration, which also allows it to hover and fly in an environment with ambient gravity, so that the Pilot does not have to think about 3D maneuvering rather than to follow the target in an intuitive way.

    The ship also implements a derived of our so called ring drive architecture, where as many thrusters as possible are placed in a ring like element, which reduces the possibility to hit them directly. The features listed above also apply to the MKII and MKII model and are therefore not repeated.


    The MKII model features an overall sleeker appearance and noted Thrusters and 4 Azimuth Gatling guns. Also the, battery was replaced with a carbon mega capacitor. Other than that, it is identical with the MKI

    The MKII got a complete facelift, with Pilot seats instead of a dedicated cockpit to increase the safety of the Pilot. It also features 2 100mm rapid fire rocket launchers. On the downside, it is almost twice as heavy as the MKII version, a lightweight version is in the planning.

    Special Features
    Atmospherical flight
    MKIII Hast stealth and FTL aviable

    4x tella gatling gun
    2x 100mm ballistic rocket launcher
  5. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type
    Wielder drone


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes

    The Shrimp is a simple wielding drone, powerder by two batteries. It got its name from the form that remotely reminds one of a Shrimp. The ship is rather heavy and slow, but that was partially intended to give it a more controllable handling while wielding to not slamm it into the to be built ship.

    Special Features

  6. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type
    Combat Drone


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes

    The MK: X revision is the first Cerberus vehicle to implement the philophecy to equip a ship with more vertical thrust then normally needed and fewer sideways drift capability. The handling therefore drifts from the typical hover-and-drift behavior in dogfights to a more dynamic and intuitive following flight style, as curves can be flown sharper and while leaning in to them, rather than to turn on the point and being stressed over the right orientation in space. As consequence to this, the drone is also fully capable of atmospheric flight on planets. The Drone it is heavily armed, with two MKIII Gatling Guns and 2 reloadable rocket launchers.

    Special Features

    2 utella gatling guns
    dual 200mm ballistic rocket launcher
  7. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes
    The calendar is a heavy gunship, capable of atmospheric flight. She is equipped with 2 large caliber Gatling guns and 2 Rapid fire rocket launcher pod`s and can therefore wrack havoc upon almost everything. As with all of our new designs, the calendar has a higher vertical than horizontal acceleration, but not as extreme as the Apollo MK: X version, for the gunship is more intended to hover at some distance and support a team on the ground with precise heavy gunfire.

    Special Features
    Atmosphere flight

    2x 64 round 200mm rocket launcher
    2x meth cal.50 gatling turrets
  8. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type
    Wield/grind drone


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes
    The Arbeiter was made to get the jobs done where the Shrimp simply is not cutting it. Equipped with a lot of cargo space, its own reactors and a wall of grinders the Drone is able to grind down a lot of Material fast. Additionally, the drone features a wall of wielders on the opposite side of the ship to allow for either a fast repair or deconstruction of a ship.

    Special Features

  9. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type
    Transport drone


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes

    This little freighter drone was made to combine light-weight architecture with a compact frame and a maximum of charge capacity. Keeping that in mind, the lemming is made mostly out of the framework and 50mm metal panels instead of even light armor. To archive a compact frame, the thrusters are orientated inwards to save Space and not roasting other drones while docked at each other.
    Speaking of. The Lemming Drone features a row of Landinggears on top to be stacked on to other Drones for Storage and mass transportation. For loading/unloading purpose, there are 2 connectors at its heck, spaced wide enough to fit at 2 Large ship connectors, enabling a fast loading and maximum compatibility. The L stands obviously for lightweight, therefor there had to be cut in the durability of the ship. Cerberus strongly recommends the Use in safe ports like shipyards act. and not open space.

    Special Features


    Reamark: The H version is almost identical and is therefor not listed again.
  10. 3eepoint

    3eepoint Junior Engineer

    Class Name

    Class Type
    Mining drone


    Notable Ships of the Line

    Historical Notes

    with the goal in mind to make a state of the art mining drone which takes some of the problems that regular mining ships have. For one, the Monar features a coaxial drill head, which uses a loss more space with a lower amount of drills for one, and it also reduces shaking and movement due to drillfriction due to the compensating forces. The manor has an analogue, timer block based auto miner Mode. Which lets her drill unless there is an Astronaut before it (emergency stop due to living at risk) or if there is nothing more to mine in front of it.

    Special Features
    Impuls compensated drill

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.