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Did campaign files change?

Discussion in 'Visual Scripting' started by doncdxx, Jan 20, 2018.

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  1. doncdxx

    doncdxx Apprentice Engineer

    Today I tested a WIP campaign I hadn't worked on since last spring and it isn't going between levels anymore. Also the OC01_Campaign.vs file doesn't open in the editor for me anymore. When I originally made my campaign, I studied that file to learn how it worked.

    Anyone have similar problems or have any guesses as to why?
  2. G-Enigma

    G-Enigma Trainee Engineer

    It seems like in order for campaigns to "include" multiple worlds each world has to have the same CampaignName and be under the same main campaign folder, which is new and kinda annoying, though given that workshop uploading of campaigns is gone I'm thinking they may be changing the system even more. For now, make sure the world (Sandbox.sbc) files you want to lead to each have

    <MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_CampaignSessionComponent">
    <CampaignName>Campaign Name Goes Here</CampaignName>
    <Mod />

    right after this line: <MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_AIComponent" />

    Last time I checked this worked and I was able to link one level with another as before, but I haven't checked recently. I found this out by digging through the default campaign Sandbox.sbc files. It's not a change to the .vs files at all, afaik, just the sbc ones and the background structure to how the game handles loading campaigns.

    You may also have to set the active state tag ie: <ActiveState>Mission_01</ActiveState> underneath the CampaignName to the current sandbox level or state or something but that tag is new and I haven't had a chance to test it
    • Informative Informative x 1
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.