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DLC Frostbite

Discussion in 'General' started by Funnydoc, Jun 20, 2020.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Funnydoc

    Funnydoc Trainee Engineer

    Any clue on the date for frostbites?
  2. Akafowru

    Akafowru Trainee Engineer

    Really and what is frostbites?.
    The reason im so ignorant about such is because,im new at se since 2 month ago,,yeah really!.
    And now i started getting focus on these matter because i like se as it is,so just after the 5th update my game starting crazy on me.yeah the europa, triton updates are just game killers and i lost all other planet ,pirate are staying away from me like they became scared,and every 2min.i got random crashes even i just standing still.
    After reported this ,and the next day i got a new update,but only after 2 misupdate my game runs again 90% as it was after the 5th. Update,but still i only can see the moon,mars and eathlike planets and europa plus the alien planets i only can find through my gps. As i went on them and mark it on the spot.for my luck.
    So no triton or what ye mentioned,frostbites?. I dont want it if it will mess up this beauthyfull game on my suxhbox. But tell me an new planet or what????.
  3. TheHellKat

    TheHellKat Trainee Engineer

    Frostbite is a playable scenario. It introduces a new set of decorative blocks and just looks like a lot of fun to play.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.