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Does anyone know how to remove the camera overlay to improve resolution ?

Discussion in 'Questions and Suggestions' started by mikeloeven, Sep 12, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. mikeloeven

    mikeloeven Senior Engineer

    Does anyone know how to remove that retarded grainy overlay they crammed into the cameras. it is pointless and detrimental to game play. i would like to remove or at the very least increase the overlay alpha to make it less visible
  2. DarkS33d

    DarkS33d Apprentice Engineer

    But, but...why? That is the beauty of the camera overlay...
  3. Nilat

    Nilat Apprentice Engineer

    I don't, but someone do and did it already. I'm sure you'll have your answers pretty fast by looking at his mod
  4. Rizzitoni

    Rizzitoni Apprentice Engineer

    Yeah, not sure why they added the grain in the first place. Probably to give you some visual queue that you are controlling a ship instead of your character. However, remote camera feeds haven't looked this bad for over 10 years. If I can view cruise cameras of ships at sea with perfect clarity, then I would think a direct link in space would be... crystal.
  5. Picpus

    Picpus Trainee Engineer


    here is the camera in cubeblock .sbc

        <Definition xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_CameraBlockDefinition">
          <Size x="1" y="1" z="1" />
          <ModelOffset x="0" y="0" z="0" />
            <Component Subtype="SteelPlate" Count="1" />
            <Component Subtype="Computer" Count="3" />
            <Component Subtype="SteelPlate" Count="1" />
          <CriticalComponent Subtype="Computer" Index="0" />
            <MountPoint Side="Back" ExclusionMask="3" PropertiesMask="3" StartX="0.4" StartY="0.44" EndX="0.6" EndY="0.55" />
            <Model BuildPercentUpperBound="0.50" File="Models\Cubes\Small\CameraConstruction_1.mwm" />
            <Model BuildPercentUpperBound="1.00" File="Models\Cubes\Small\CameraConstruction_2.mwm" />

    you see at the end this line :


    Just remove this line and there's no more overlay. (you can create your own overlay too i think)

    Here's a mod i did where camera overlay is removed :

  6. Staxed

    Staxed Trainee Engineer

    or use this mod that only removed the camera overlay, and nothing else unlike Picpus's above :)

  7. GotLag

    GotLag Senior Engineer

    The overlay seems to be pretty badly bugged. If I try to mod it in CubeBlocks.sbc, an overlay will only show if it's defined as [FONT= &#39]<OverlayTexture>Textures\GUI\Screens\camera_overlay.dds</OverlayTexture>[/FONT] and the file [FONT= &#39]camera_overlay.dds[/FONT] exists in [FONT= &#39][mod name]\Data\Textures\GUI\Screens\[/FONT] - any other filename won't display an overlay at all. But when it does show, it shows the camera_overlay.dds from the game's install directory.
    Unless I'm incredibly thick and have missed something blindingly obvious, the only way to change the camera overlay is to replace the version in the install directory.
  8. Corodius

    Corodius Trainee Engineer

    This is not quite accurate. What is happening, is it will only load the custom Overlays from the Game Data Folder, and not Mods Folder.

    So, if you place a custom named overlay in the Original Location (<SE Folder>\Content\Textures\GUI\Screens) and reference that custom named overlay in your cubeblocks.sbc, it will load this custom overlay. Not great for Workshop Mods atm, but hopefully this will be fixed. I wish to do a fancy custom camera overlay, but cannot release it just yet, at least not on Workshop.

    So, to recap, the game *will* load custom overlay textures, but not from the Mods folder. It will ONLY look in the original game folder atm. Hopefully, just a bug.
  9. GotLag

    GotLag Senior Engineer

    Oh, I thought I'd tried that approach, guess I hadn't.
    Oh well, at least if I do it that way as a personal mod it's easier to turn on and off than replacing the original.
  10. mikeloeven

    mikeloeven Senior Engineer

    can this be done 100% client side and not require mods on the server/

    but actually i would prefer a modded overlay that actually looks like a modern drone camera and not a shitty gas station security monitor opposed to removing it all together

    @corodius if your working on something I am more than willing to beta test i have a feeling the most broken and unfinished overlay is still better than the default :)
  11. Balmung

    Balmung Senior Engineer

    I hope it is required on the Server, it should be possible that the Server have the complete Control whats Mods a User should use on this Server so no Player can cheat in any form.
  12. DarkS33d

    DarkS33d Apprentice Engineer

    From your avatar and Sig I have a pretty good idea what your overlay might look like :)
  13. DarkS33d

    DarkS33d Apprentice Engineer

    Did a quick mock up for my own cam overlay. The first image is without the overlay, the second with.

    I used the vanilla camera overlay .dds as a template but it seems the image sketches using 1920x1080 resolution, most unfortunate. It can't really be seen in the jpg but the overlay has a faint hex pattern along with cam smudges, dirt, etc. I may end up increasing the opacity of the overlay image after all.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.