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Doors, Gates, Hatches, Windows, Shutters, cellar doors

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by X__INFINITY__X, Feb 15, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.

    X__INFINITY__X Apprentice Engineer

    I think at some point Keen should add Pre-made "Insert Item From Title" Into the Game.

    (All of these items will be spare items, meaning that when you place in a door frame it Will be Empty. You then could take the appropriate door and place it into the frame).


    Door- Would be a wooden Door that you would have to place into a door frame (that way if you didn't want a door, you won't be forced to have one).


    Gate- Could be a 1x2 block used for the entrance to your castle


    Hatches- Could be used as a entrance to a attic or a basement


    Windows- you take the glass and place it in the window hole


    Shutters- placed outside, used to protect the glass. you could choose to use them or not.


    Cellar doors- pretty much just a Slanted door, used for cellar entrances.


    What do you think?

    I don't own any of these pictures, they all belong to their owners.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. TheCursedJester

    TheCursedJester Trainee Engineer

    I have the feeling they'll be adding these soon enough, but I like your suggestion that we can place them after we put the relevant openings down.
    Right now building inside rooms and deleting/replacing things can get a little finicky and this would likely help that along, rather than having an entirely independent block for a doorway.

    Its not a 1-1 comparison but its the most familiar: Like Minecraft, where you can build a doorway or hole however big and then pop in a free-standing door, or some glass, at your leisure. You don't have to take down an entire wall just to put a new block in there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2015

    X__INFINITY__X Apprentice Engineer

    Yeah exactly

    In the Picture below You see a 2 wide by 2 tall hole (castle Gate)

    Now there would be a Specific Door that was 1 block wide by 2 blocks tall and at the top it would be rounded
    You have to place the appropriate door for correct situation (if you placed a 1x1 size door here it would just fall over, But the 1x2 Curved door Would Attach itself to the inside and be able to swing in/out


    This Door wall (Vanilla game) would have no door until you placed a 1x1 Top rounded door inside it (then it would attach)

    This is what a cellar door would look like (Just not as big and more like a slanted door) (again, until you add the door it won't have one).


    And finally a Trapdoor/ Hatch door. Same as always, until you add the door it won't have one

  4. Pluffiz

    Pluffiz Trainee Engineer

    I think you are on to something here.. Something i really would like to see in the game! :p
  5. tharkus

    tharkus Junior Engineer

    1= Nice post with all those pictures
    2= +1 agree :)
  6. sewekrusek

    sewekrusek Trainee Engineer

    I like the so-called antiques. I am now at the stage of home furnishings and looking stylish screens to the living room, which wants to make a corner with a small library.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.