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Dungeoneering: Traps & Hazards

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Helaton, Jan 19, 2017.

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  1. Helaton

    Helaton Apprentice Engineer

    Dungeoneering: Traps & Hazards

    I would like to be able to attach existing/future weapons to constructs/grids in order to create lethal traps ala Indiana Jones style.

    A lot of the core mechanics of these constructs could be created now (with gears mod) but its a little bland to have to use logs/poles/timbers for the bludgeoning traps. By using a windmill to power these mechanizations, they could be run perpetually.

    For example, attaching swords, axes, or maces to the ends of a construct similar to this:

    Spinning Blades:


    Swinging spiked maces:


    Spike floor traps (swords or spears coming up through the floor)

    Slashing traps:

  2. Scorpion00021

    Scorpion00021 Senior Engineer

    Neat idea, but I feel like these fit better in a fantasy themed game than in a truly medieval game.
  3. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Trainee Engineer

    Interesting idea @Helaton . Does seem like the ability to add wooden or iron spikes to timbers wouldn't be inappropriate time period wise?

    I haven't played around with the rope mechanics but it doesn't seem like there's a basic "tripwire" mechanic right now, or is there?

    Certainly animal trapping was a very common resource gathering method, and a lot of those depend on simple tripwire type triggers.

    I've been noodling with a basic rock fall idea to deal with those pesky Barbara's; they seem to hate timbers, so use a timber to support a 'floor' holding up a pile of stones.
    Knock out the timber, rock hats for Barbara. Problem is those stones get de-spawned so...?
  4. Helaton

    Helaton Apprentice Engineer

    I know I'm not going to get 'manned turrets' in my constructions. So instead for those pesky invaders, I would like to booby trap (with some lethality) my bases in interesting ways (that will work on a server).
  5. Ghostickles

    Ghostickles Senior Engineer

    put the stone in a few loose barrels, see if that does them in.

    REDSHEILD Junior Engineer

    Try using loose iron weights.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Trainee Engineer

    Thanks for the ideas @Ghostickles & @REDSHEILD , I'll have to give those a try soon (haven't had time to play recently).
  8. SaturaxCZ

    SaturaxCZ Senior Engineer

    I did suggest many times before: Upgrade rope so it dont move only from point A to B, but alove it go throught A --> C ---> D ---> B ( with destroyable rope ( we already have ) = we can creat traps manualy )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Forcedminer

    Forcedminer Senior Engineer

    is it disposable to put a log at the top of a roll and let gravity do its thing to murder and enginee-........ ....... smart man was able to pick up a high speed rolling at him log...
  10. Ivan_Cornelius

    Ivan_Cornelius Apprentice Engineer

    I would love if they would add a pulley system to the game. It would really reduce the size of this trap I made:

    • Like Like x 1
  11. Fluzard

    Fluzard Trainee Engineer

    Yes, I think i will be great if the "next mechanical update" implements this.
    I think pulleys and traps add more enginering to the game.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.