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Suggestion Elite Control Stations/Cockpits

Discussion in 'Forum Suggestions and Bugs' started by VDG, Apr 14, 2020.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. VDG

    VDG Trainee Engineer

    Elite/Upgraded variants of the control stations & cockpits that have built in capabilities for Programmable Blocks, Antennas, and Remote Controls.

    Meaning: One variant of the control station/cockpit has the built in functionality of a remote control, another has the programmable block function, and another has an antenna built into it. Perhaps, maybe, one that has all those functions built into it.

    This reduces some of the blocks a player would have to place, at the added cost of increased material requirements.
  2. TodesRitter

    TodesRitter Moderator

  3. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    Also programmable block is for experimental mode only, so I doubt you would get that interface.
  4. hippybaker

    hippybaker Trainee Engineer

    There should be a block, called like Computer Core or something.. and it should have in it the function of thousands of PBs and Timer Blocks built right in.

    Nothing smashes 2077 realism like having a 5 meter heavy steel cube to switch things off an on
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.