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Finding Platinum

Discussion in 'Gameplay Help' started by veldez10122, Dec 1, 2015.

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  1. veldez10122

    veldez10122 Trainee Engineer

    Quick question, can platinum ore be found at all on planets? I have scouted around to a few dozen spots and found multiples of every other ore, except platinum.
  2. DivineWrath

    DivineWrath Junior Engineer

    No. From what I recall reading, they shouldn't exist on planets. Moons, yes. Outer space, yes. Planets, no. You are going to need hydrogen thrusters to do anything in space until you get enough platinum to build ion thrusters.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. Kurazarrh

    Kurazarrh Apprentice Engineer

    Platinum ore cannot be found, but there actually is a way to get platinum if you're on a planet. The pirate/mining bases that exist on the planets contain loot, some of which is platinum, missiles (can break them down for more platinum), and thruster components. The small bases are relatively easy to conquer, but the larger ones have booby-trapped cargo containers and a lot more conventional defenses, so be extra careful if you take on the big bases.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. danibw0i

    danibw0i Apprentice Engineer

    No platinum on planets. U only need it for Thruster Components (used in Ion thrusters for use in space), missiles and Mk.4 character tools and weapons.
    I recommend building a small miningvessel with atmospheric and hydrogen thrusters to bring u out to space, about 50km above end of atmosphere you'll start seeing asteroids and eventually you'll find platinum.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. VashTheStampede

    VashTheStampede Trainee Engineer

    Pirate drones hold 4kg of platinum and gold inside their containers. But i prefer to mine asteroids for platinum. Here what 1 hour 30 minutes of digging can give you.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
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  6. Ronin1973

    Ronin1973 Master Engineer

    Instead of spawning in the lander, spawn in the standard yellow respawn ship. AS SOON as you spawn slam that puppy around 150 degrees and power out of the gravity field (you'll have to do it at an angle to use more than the back thrusters).

    If there are asteroids, you're in luck... else find a moon. It's better to spend a week collecting resources, then heading down to the planet than getting there and spending that same week dealing with building solar arrays and mucking about with gravity.

    Load up on refined uranium, platinum, nickel (LOTS OF NICKEL), and the boogy on down to the surface. Having just one small large block reactor going 24/7 rather than limiting power due to batteries charging makes a HUGE difference. You'll also need less surface area for your base, so it'll be harder to spot from a distance. You can even relocate underground or in the side of a cliff: out of sight, out of mind.

    My goal right now is to fill a large cargo container full of ingots, strap a bunch of drills to it and some atmospheric thrusters, then burrow 3000 meters under the surface and set up a subterranean base.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. TySim Engineering Corp

    TySim Engineering Corp Trainee Engineer

    Not sure if this is exploiting the game or not, but there is a rather fun and easy way to get platinum, or thruster components.
    Build your base on planet, and mark it with a GPS that is always on. Go to the Small Cargo container you built, and empty all of your character's possessions into it.
    I usually save at this point, and do a save as so I can go back to this point if things go wrong.....
    Hit backspace to commit suicide.
    Respawn in Respawn ship 2. Turn Dampeners off and thrust up and forward at an angle to get out of the gravity well. ( About 42K above the planet )
    Turn Dampeners on to stop the ship.
    Aim for a point somewhat close to your base, that is above 42K in height, in other words, orbit outside the gravity well until you are near your base. Try to do this without the dampeners to save power. Once there, turn dampeners on to stop again.
    At this point, empty the storage bin n the ship... waste not, want not...
    Point the ship at your base, but do not thrust. Make sure your helmet is on, and exit the ship.
    There are nine large ion thrusters on the ship. Remove 8, leaving only one forward thruster. you will only be able to hold the thruster components if I remember correctly, the rest is easily made anyways.
    Re-Enter the ship and thrust towards your base. Keep your helmet on, this is where the fun begins....
    (side note, if you are far enough above the planet, once you start thrusting, you can leave the ship with your personal dampeners off, and maneuver to remove that last ion thruster, but, if you fail, game over, so I leave it and pray that I can salvage it after the crash....)
    Get ready to push buttons.... At about @K above your base area, press F to eject, space bar to move up, and Z for dampeners if they are off on your jet pack. (Your jet pack will be on when you eject.) Watch where the ship lands so you can salvage it ... Maybe...) And then land your crazy little self or, fly back to your base with your thruster components. Once you drop them off, go salvage what is left of the ship, if you can find it.

    This takes anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour depending on where around the planet you respawn.

    Other things of interest, this ship can easily land on the moon, so if you have a small moon base, you can simply land the ship to disassemble it.
    If you do not hit space bar to climb when you eject, the ship carries you into the ground for a spectacular death.
    Try as I might, I have never been able to successfully land the ship on the earth planet. However, with the right angle and a little luck, you can crash it and walk away.

    Enjoy your ion drives........

    And remember, Trust TySim Engineering Corps for all your space construction needs....
  8. Forcedminer

    Forcedminer Senior Engineer


    true that is one way...but thats why respawn cooldowns on ships are a thing. :p
    especially on servers...some bloody servers like to put a 1 day cooldown on respawn ships!
  9. Roxette

    Roxette Senior Engineer

    With the common 10x inventory capacity, you can carry all the materials to space to set up a minimal base in just the spacesuit :


    That's all the parts needed to put down a reactor, an assembler, oxygen generator and arc furnace, and the metals to assemble the components for a medbay (because the metals are much less volume than the assembled parts) :) ... then dig/refine your platinum and fly it back down (or with precision aim, drop it all the way into an array of collectors :D )
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Forcedminer

    Forcedminer Senior Engineer


    hold up a collector is able to collect items that are dropping at top speed?
    pretty cool you could improve the aim by using last stand gamers laser aim as a guide.
  11. ViroMan

    ViroMan Senior Engineer

    lol... um guys. There is platinum on planets. In the form of the rocks. :) I have found a few before. Don't forget... if you turn on meteors you get small amounts through some of the craters they leave behind.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Oskar1101

    Oskar1101 Apprentice Engineer

    There is no platinum in rocks, but every planet's moon have platinum on it.
  13. ViroMan

    ViroMan Senior Engineer

    I duno what happened then because, I know I did once and it was not a custom planet. The mods I load are not supposed to edit planets either. Was it possible at one time but not now?
  14. Forcedminer

    Forcedminer Senior Engineer

    meteors. gifts from the sky gods I'd say as i craft a "meteor" drill that contained platinum.
    It has actually been ages since my base got hit by one...
    i'll never forget the time I jetpacked after one...matched its speed gentle flew into it...it was using a basic asteroid rock texture.
    I felt into it and it exploded violently damaging me 95% of my 100% health. :) don't know what i expected. perhaps to collect it or something...was fun.
  15. ViroMan

    ViroMan Senior Engineer

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