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Game loads fine but Runtime Errors - Windows 10

Discussion in 'Source Code' started by KundanB, Oct 15, 2016.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. KundanB

    KundanB Trainee Engineer

    Hi all,

    I can compile and build the game, it takes me to a menu screen with music and everything... but there is an error message which upon clicking ok, it quits the game and takes me to a Hotfix Rollup for a previous version of .net


    I can't install this hotfix because, being on Windows 10, I have 4.6.2 installed and the hotfix is for 4.6.1

    Is this a known issue and are there any fixes at this moment?
  2. KundanB

    KundanB Trainee Engineer

    Okay so I got around it by commenting out the lines 1894 - 1902 inside the class MySandboxGame
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.