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[Help] Can somebody point out my error in Visual Scripting

Discussion in 'Visual Scripting' started by OmEgA_StOrM, Mar 4, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. OmEgA_StOrM

    OmEgA_StOrM Apprentice Engineer

    I'm trying to create a script witch should make a Grid indestructible to weapons and grinders.
    This is what I currently have.
    The Level script is saved in a Mod folder and added as a Mod to my world.
    I have a grid (station) witch I renamed ms_center.
    When I trigger a Timerblock the chat message is displayed but I am still able to shoot the blocks or grind them down.

    If anybody knows what I am doing wrong I would be greatfull for pointing my error out.

    Thanks in advanced ;D
    (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 666Savior

    666Savior Apprentice Engineer

    So according to the little bit of script you have here the grid is supposed to be highlighted as well once you trigger the timer block, correct? If that's not happening either when you trigger the timer block then i believe the only problem is that you have the name wrong.

    To double check, load up the world in single player and go into the F11 menu (press F11 twice) and select the grid you are trying to make invincible. In the upper right part of the menu, there is something that says selected entity and it should display the name. Make sure that name matches what you are putting in your script. You can select rename and give it a new name if you need to.

    There is also the possibility that the functionality has been broken completely. The last major update broke quite a few things and they have yet to fix them.

    Also, from my experience with making grids indestructible and so on, you can still grind them. The game treats it differently than damaging a block. Keep that in mind when designing your stuff. I get around it by having the player not have a grinder.
  3. OmEgA_StOrM

    OmEgA_StOrM Apprentice Engineer

    Thanks for the fast reply.
    I checked it again in the F11 menu but there was the right name.
    The highlighting is not working as well.

    I guess it must be therfore broken :(
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.