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I can't host a space engineer dedicated server

Discussion in 'Groups & Dedicated Servers' started by Zanarock, Aug 1, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    I have a static IP and all the requirement. I am able to run a minecraft server properly but I'm having major issue with space engineer server.

    I don't know what to share with you. I have properly portforwarded my ip, I have shutdown my firewall and I've been running around the forum for solutions for hours.

    I can see my server in the lan tab but I can't see it online, my friends can't see it either. While I invite them in my game it says that the server is not responding. Even in the steam server list my server isn't responding. I'm sure I have portforwarded correctly, I even tried different port while changing them in the server list like 27516 and 28999 and neither worked.

    I've tried to see my UDP port in netstat -an and I can see it each time I create one ( for example )

    I have even tried to run it with my firewall on and put my application in the autorisation list ( though I'm not quite sure I've done it correctly )

    And now I've run out of option and I can't find a solution in the forum.

    EDIT :

    I've found a part of my issue. While I was trying to portforward my static ip I choose my older dynamic IP that didn't work. But now I can't connect to my server ( server not responding error ) and one of my friend can?!

    EDIT2 :

    I desactivated Logmein hamachi in my services and desactivated it in my network settings...but it's still not working ( and my friend had it open all along with no issue )
  2. BlueFangServers

    BlueFangServers Trainee Engineer

    There are 2 ports that need to be forwarded for it to work correctly, following your example above this is what your SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg ip and port section should look like:

    <SteamPort>27506 </SteamPort>
    <ServerPort>27516 </ServerPort>

    Let me know if this helps you solve your problem.
  3. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    It's more like this


    I've tried to change my steamPort to 27506 but it's not working...I'm going to try to portforward 8766 in both UDP and TCP.

    ( 27506 is portforwarded just in case. )

    EDIT :

    Still not working and I have no clue if I can permanently change the text next to SteamPort.
  4. gimmilfactory

    gimmilfactory Junior Engineer

    Create a new instance and don't use console/local, that one is LAN only. I bet that's what you're doing.
  5. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    Yes that's what I'm doing but the guide recommend using that. Plus it can't be LAN only my friend isn't in my LAN and he can see and join my game but I still can't see nor join it. Anyway I tried just for the sake of trying and it didn't work. The server is still not responding.

    In fact, just to be clear even random people can join my game if I don't put the configuration for steam group. ( I clear the steam group ID when I'm testing just in case so don't worry about that )
  6. dudeman2009

    dudeman2009 Trainee Engineer

    If other people can join then we know the server works. So it can be left alone for now. The problem seems to be your ability to connect. We need to now some things to get started. Are you running the server on a different machine then you are trying to play on? Is there an IP conflict on your local network? The ports for the server are forwarded correctly because others can connect. The server not responding to only you seems to be a problem with your ability to do one of two things. Listen for the server or talk with the server. Since you are able to see it in the lan tab i'm going to guess that you are having problems initiating communication with the server.

    However to really help you I need to see the logs from the server. What you need to do is shut it down, then start it back up, this will create a new log that is free of clutter and will make it much faster for me to find the problem. After it starts and you see it in the server browser, try to connect from the space engineers server browser on LAN, once it responds with the error, shutdown the server and post the log here.
  7. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    I actually am unable to see it in my LAN since I shutted down hamachi and portforwarded correctly. I can't find anyway to see the server except in Steam - View - Servers and add my own IP and even that it's unavailable like it wasn't even open.

    ( I can send you the log but I don't know how to send it to you and it won't have any error about my connection )

    I'm running the server on the same computer I'm trying to connect...I thought about the IP conflict but I have no idea how to solve it if it's the case...I changed my IP for a dynamic one and the server works fine for others but not for me.

    Thank for the reply by the way, I think you understand my problem correctly.
  8. dudeman2009

    dudeman2009 Trainee Engineer

    Since it is on the same computer we can rule out IP conflicts and P2P communication errors. Your computer should be on a static IP unless your router supports port forwarding to a MAC address. At one point when I was testing the dedicated server I had this problem myself, I just have to remember how I fixed it. I'm not trying to nag you about what your doing but generally servers and games running on the same machine down work well together unless its a powerful machine, but what you do is up to you.

    Because space engineers uses steam to find and connect to servers you should try finding your server in the steam server browser, if its not there then there is a problem with your steam client not being able to gather the server appropriately. This could be caused by two things, either steam cannot see that your server is there or it is not port forwarded correctly. Since others can connect it is unlikely that steam isnt telling you while its telling everyone else that its there.

    https://www.canyouseeme.org/ will tell you if the folowing ports are open. Your server seems to be forwarded correctly, but you might be missing one port.
    Steam Client
    UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive (Game client traffic)
    UDP 27015 to 27030 inclusive (Typically Matchmaking and HLTV)
    TCP 27014 to 27050 inclusive (Steam downloads)
    UDP 27031 and 27036 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming)
    TCP 27036 and 27037 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming)
    UDP 4380
    If the ports are open through your router you may have a firewall problem, the easiest way to check it to simply disable it, if it works and you can connect then you need to allow the program.

    Another possible problem that I could think of is an out of date steam client or game. When you search make sure you uncheck all the boxes in the lan browser in space engineers otherwise something as simple as a missing micro-patch could keep you from connecting.
  9. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    Thanks! Sorry for the delay, I'm going to try this at home in a few hours and I'll let you know.
  10. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

    I'm sorry for the delay I'm waiting for my friend to come back and test with him.

    I can't see my port if they are open with canyouseeme.org and I couldn't see them before I portforwarded like your examples. I saw a post explaining that canyouseeme.org can't be sure with static IP but it's really out of my knowledge.

    Here's a screenshot of my portforwarding ( I can actually portforward for MAC with my router. It's kind of a modem/router.

    EDIT : after some testing I can't host a server anymore with these portforwards...I think I need to portforward SP 27016 and DP 27016 ( because that's what I would logically think but I'm not sure ) and if that's the case then....Do I really need to portforward like 100 differents port to be sure my problem isn't any of them?
  11. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer

  12. NolanSyKinsley

    NolanSyKinsley Apprentice Engineer

    The only difference I see from your setup and mine is you are specifying TCP or UDP, on all my ports I forward I set it to both as a failsafe.
  13. Zanarock

    Zanarock Trainee Engineer


    OKAY. For anyone searching google or this forum for my kind of issue here's my tips :

    Step 1 : Follow the guide properly and portforward 27016 on Both or UDP like you want and verify that it's portforwarded with the correct IP ( you can verify by opening command ( cmd ) and typing : ipconfig and you'll see your ip next to Adress IPv4 ( ex : 192.168.2.XX ). Here's a more profound guide to understand the SpaceEngineerDedicated.exe : https://forums.keenswh.com/post?id=6926268

    Step 2 : Well shut down that firewall or allow Space Engineer and Space engineer server dedicated at your own peril...it didn't work well for me.

    Step 3 : Look if you can see your server in lan. If you can and you are hosting your server on your own pc...it's normal you can't see it in the server browser no matter what you do ( or no matter what I did... ) Now try canyouseeme.org and your correct port...canyouseeme got refused to connect ( I didn't have any steam group implemented ) but still it's better than connection timed out.

    Step 4 : If the previous steps didn't solve your problems, go in command ( cmd ) and type -netstat -an... I forwarded all the port near 27016 like 27036 and 27037. I even forwarded the port in my server config 8766 ( steam port )

    That's all folks...my problems were solved after that. I hope I could help some of you and good day!
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.