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Impossible to rotate crafting table

Discussion in 'Gameplay Help' started by Yurets, Apr 27, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Yurets

    Yurets Trainee Engineer

    I wanted to add a crafting table to my cart, but for some reason, there was no way to rotate it (pressing Q, E, R, Y), but on the ground I could rotate it with E and Q at least. So, the only possibility to add crafting table was like this:


    Which looks extremely ugly.

    There is probably some logic, but I couldn't get it. Also tried on another cart, there craft table was standing vertically with possibility to rotate with Y, so it could be fixed only on one side.

    UPD. After placing it is possible to rotate with E and Q, but then it is still upside down
  2. I23I7

    I23I7 ME Tester

    Not sure what you mean i cant really tell from the screenshot. If you could perhaps record a video or just post a screenshot with bigger resolution please?
  3. Yurets

    Yurets Trainee Engineer

    Yep, here are better screenshots:

  4. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    You are placing the table on an existing grid. It takes the orientation of the grid it's being placed upon. Grid orientation is determined by the first block placed, the one that creates the grid. The easiest way to make sure your grid is oriented with gravity is to place a large block first and then build from it.
  5. Yurets

    Yurets Trainee Engineer

    All right, that's interesting.
    But why full rotation of a crafting table is not allowed? After all, it is still possible to place it in a weird way, just it takes a bit a of time. And at the same time, legs are the only attachable point, so it's impossible to place it hanging on the edge.
  6. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    I don't really know. The design team sets up the mount points and rotation settings. They have some guidelines that they follow.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.