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LCD's shows "Offline"

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by seb-eisdrache, Apr 5, 2015.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. seb-eisdrache

    seb-eisdrache Trainee Engineer


    if I'm place more then one LCD panel, only one of them can show text, the others still show "offline".

    They have engergy, I'm the owner and they show the public Text.
  2. Hawkwar

    Hawkwar Trainee Engineer

    I have the same issue and it has spread to several Oxygen vents that are powered, have conveyers connected but are showing red. Eve placed and LCD and conveyor right next to others and same thing.
  3. Hawkwar

    Hawkwar Trainee Engineer

    I have reloaded a few times over the last day and this particular time I have no issues and they are all working fine.
  4. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Junior Engineer

    Is this on a DS? If it is, you need to reconnect. (Press F5). More screens will show text. If it's not all, give it a while as the game "warms up".
  5. seb-eisdrache

    seb-eisdrache Trainee Engineer

    I tested this local, with 3 LCD Screens.

    Only one is showing the text
  6. Thomas_Jefferson

    Thomas_Jefferson Apprentice Engineer

    Check your graphics settings. I noticed this when I changed my graphics to Extreme. I have not tested it with the High setting, but it went away completely when I switched to Standard.
  7. Carrion

    Carrion Senior Engineer

    just to check. you have set ownership to yourself, added text AND set it to display
  8. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Junior Engineer

    If it's on local/SP, try reloading the map. Don't quit the game though, only reload.
  9. lightbender255

    lightbender255 Trainee Engineer

    On our DS the LCDs only one of my 12 LCDs shows up when I first start space engineers and join the server. All I have to do to get them working is to log out of the server and back in without closing Space Engineers.
  10. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Junior Engineer

    Loading a simple map in SP and joining the server after works too.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.