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Limitations in Rover Miner Designs.

Discussion in 'General' started by Capt.SkuLL, Jul 7, 2020.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Capt.SkuLL

    Capt.SkuLL Apprentice Engineer

    I would just like to point out some of the few things i encounter when designing my preferred Miner.
    Most of my issues have something to do with the center mass or weight distribution.

    my suggestion would be is to either one of the FF:

    - remove the STORAGE from the DRILLs. drills should be as it is, a DRILL. in the current game the drills have the same storage capacity as a medium cargo container and being that the drills are usually attached to the front, it presents center of mass issues. what i usually do is ADD MORE Cargo in the center or the rear which imposes an almost required design of just dumping more heavier materials in the body and then my design always comes out heavy. allowing STORAGE to function as STORAGE and DRILLS to only function as DRILLS makes for a very logical design.

    - if the STORAGE unit in DRILLS cannot be removed, reduce the capacity.

    - if the STORAGE unit in DRILLS cannot be removed, add the option for the DRILLS to NOT USE this. currently there is an option to not use the conveyor system which im not sure exactly what it does as it would still store ores in its cargo or deliver them along the conveyor system to the main cargo unit when switched to NOT USE CONVEYOR SYSTEM.

    - anyway you can increase the max torque of the Hinges ? the small ones could not lift a DRILL full of Stones.

    - on my designs i keep getting into the trouble of figuring out how my Connector port can match the height of the station's connector port for recharging or loading ores. this is not much of a problem and there are a lot of things we can do to remedy this like using Pistons for adjustable Height or playing with the rover's WHEEL SUSPENSION Strength or Height offset each time you connect, but that design makes it tedious to connect and the pistons are way too big for the job.

    - Maybe its time we turn the WINGS mod into an official ingame object. im pretty sure we have enjoyed years of designing MINECRAFT looking wings.

    - How about a wheel suspension that is STRAIGHT. can act as a FRONT wheel. current wheel suspensions are crooked to the left or right side. i wanted to design a FOLD-ABLE wheels for a small ship that doesn't consume too much space.

    OTHER Suggestions not related to Miner Designs ;

    - PLEASE for the love of GOD re-design the "Unknown Signals" cycle. i have had the issue if losing some of my STONES and ORES on the floor way before the max item limit. i found out ( with the help of Roxette ) that out there in the world, where i NEVER visited anywhere near, are components ,scrap materials etc from Unknown Signals that SELF-DESTRUCTED. PLUS they deform the landscape on which they landed. its ugly. if you have to make it self destruct, why not take the items it carries along with it and don't hurt the landscape. the CLEAN UP takes time before it executes and before it does, our max item limit is limited.

    - Please dont let the game check for MOD UPDATES automatically. let us chose how it will update mods. if the mods are working as it is, we don't need to check online every time, takes us a few seconds loading our world.

    thank you and more power to you KEEN.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
  2. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Capt.SkuLL for adjustable height for your rover I agree pistons are usually too large for this job, but since hinges are now in the game I have used those instead and works much better room wise. I have a wheeled miner but haven't run into the issue you are having. I may post it on the workshop, if I do you can check it out. I dont know the size your may be the one I have is fairly small only 3 drills but have had no weight issue.
  3. Capt.SkuLL

    Capt.SkuLL Apprentice Engineer

    Aight thanks man. the hinges may work if both the connector on my rover and the station connector are both on hinges otherwise it wont align properly. it will kiss the rim but wont look flat aligned.
    the weight issue im referring to is the part where you have to compensate for the weight of the DRILL to balance the center mass by adding more weight to the body or the rear of the rover.
    for each drill = 3375l i have to add something like a medium cargo container that can have max 3375l which doesn't look logical to me. i would feel that the medium cargo container should weigh more than the drill.
    drills in real life usually dont have cargo spaces as big as the container section.
  4. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Capt.SkuLL here is a screenshot, is just a basic set up but may spark an idea for you. :)

  5. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Senior Engineer

    As an idea that might help with your design, my Blue Crab wheeled miner uses advanced rotors to adjust the angle of the two drill arms so that a person is able to descend into the planet in a controlled manner so that ascent from a mine with a fully loaded miner is still possible. Also, the adjustable drill arm angle allows the miner to scrap ceilings to grab more ore. It's always worked well for me when flight isn't possible (for whatever reason). I also have a hydro version if atmospheric thrusters have been disabled in a survival game.

  6. Capt.SkuLL

    Capt.SkuLL Apprentice Engineer

    i cant see it.
    --- Automerge ---
    i have miner using advance rotor here.

    the issue is the Connector. connecting to a station height connector.
  7. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Capt.SkuLL I remember seeing your post with that miner. It does look better than mine. :)
    I cant get all the right angles from your screenshots, but if you have room you could put 4 small pistons on the truck facing the ground to have them lift the truck.
    Plus comes in handy if you blow a tire so you can throw the replacement on. :)
  8. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Senior Engineer

    The connectors only need to partially align to connect. I found that a connector two blocks above the pad on which the Blue Crab miner sits is sufficiently aligned to connect. You have to play around a bit with your rover's height to find the sweet spot.
  9. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Capt.SkuLL the two large batteries on either side at the rear is causing some of your imbalance. Now that we have small battery blocks you may be able to disperse the battery using smaller ones. (Just an idea.) :)

    I also gave you an award for it on your workshop page as well as a thumbs up and a sub!
  10. ShadedMJ

    ShadedMJ Apprentice Engineer

    I've often wanted something like a "treat like full at X%" variable on blocks with inventory. So you could set drills at 0% to make drills not use drill inventory. Or have a large reactor think its full at 1000 ingots instead of the normal 4800 (8000*60%). More or less letting the player choose the inventory capacity of some blocks.
  11. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Capt.SkuLL I sent you a friend request on steam my name will be Mojo on there. I have modified your rover with the small batteries and is set on the workshop as friends only. So no one else will be able to d/l it (except my current friends but they wont d/l it) So far I havent gotten it to tip, havent mined yet just cruising as fast as it can go and making sharp turns.
  12. Capt.SkuLL

    Capt.SkuLL Apprentice Engineer

    Huh... never thought about that. pistons as lift does sound like an awesome design. much like a crane where it deploys stands to keep it steady on the ground

    thanks ill play around it and see what will work.

    i was going for one battery but the drills on the front when full keeps dropping my front to the ground depending on speed even if the containers on the back are full so i figured maybe the weight of the batteries can help even the weights on both ends.
    Thanks for the award lol. i edited the rover to use the new HINGE object. also made a second version where i removed the Advance Rotors + Connectors on each side and replaced it with hinges. saves more space.
    PLUS i can now align the two cargo boxes properly.

    i will check your request man. thanks for the invite. you don't have to worry about your modifications on the rover you can have it set for public downloads its your design. ill check it out too and download.


    whoa bro its visible now. that TWO Hinges combination is what i have been looking for ! i used a Hinge + Advance Rotor combination and it didn't quite worked full. i think the two hinges in your image is going to give us an almost unlimited height adjustments.

    I made a post here

    with this video of my problem station.

    i might use your method of having two hinges to adjust the height of the connections.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  13. R-TEAM

    R-TEAM Junior Engineer

    drills inventory cant modded right now as it is no entry that change the inventory size ....
    but the inventory of drills are on drilling only used as an temp buffer for small amount of ore and ONLY if the back storage is full, the drill inventory fills up - and yes , imho is the drill inventory a little bit large ... it is foremost an drill ..
  14. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

  15. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Senior Engineer

    I didn't realize we could give awards; Now I know! Tanks, buddy!

  16. SirConnery

    SirConnery Apprentice Engineer

    Use a conveyor sorter to drain the ores in the containers. That should solve most of your mass distribution problems. An additional good idea. Have another conveyor sorter drain all stone, then use either connectors/ejectors depending on size of grid to eject the unwanted stone. That way you can keep the ores while ejecting all stone.
  17. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @SirConnery he has the sorters already set as you suggested. :)
  18. Capt.SkuLL

    Capt.SkuLL Apprentice Engineer

    i already have sorters removing ores from the drills and placing them on the main cargo. but once the main cargo is full, the drills gets full, and they are heavier PLUS the cockpit compared to the two containers in the back.
  19. SirConnery

    SirConnery Apprentice Engineer

    I guess you could add the artificial mass block in the middle. But probably best just to place more ejectors so stone gets thrown out faster. Just pace yourself a bit while mining.

    I usually do my mining with the PAM script. It doesn't work on rovers though.
  20. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Senior Engineer

    You've got to know the limit of your cargo capacity, and stop mining when you reach a certain mass to prevent overloading the drills. I have the same problem with my Blue Crab miner...any wheeled miner will have this problem.
  21. Mollymawk

    Mollymawk Apprentice Engineer

    i use script to make lights turn red when drills are "full", you could decide the "full" level is 25%.
    edit (at work can't link to workshop item)
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.