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Magnetic nanobot coloring (suggestion)

Discussion in 'Questions and Suggestions' started by SansOhDeath, Jun 23, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. SansOhDeath

    SansOhDeath Trainee Engineer

    Basicly an expensive method to colore your ship after building it. The nanobots are colored (in a block or tool) befor they are put on the ship. It would cost computers, stealplates and displays (per block). There could be an animated effect for the changing colors of the ship. Also a an effect for the tool and the block it's posible to use litle electric flashes on and from the "nanobot activater". The process of changing the nanobots color would take specified time for each block if used with the block or a latency of the same time when using the tool.

    With the block and also the tool you will get a new "group" in the control panel, called "nanobot coloring". When you open the group there will be a "Paint" button , a "Loadout" choosing button and a information field showing the count of blocks with nanobots (Block will atomaticly put nanobots on all surface showen blocks or all blocks). When you press the Paint button you will enter a view like the one of the "space master", but limited in speed and distance. In this view you can but nanobots on all blocks with the press off the left mouse button. When exeting the view with "T" you will be asked to save the loadout as what ever you want. You can make unlimited loadouts.

    The use of that is simple to explain. You can put difrent camos on the ship in seconds. U can use it together with a programeble block or a sensor to change loadouts. You could make addvetaion Shlids with changing content or just a wired flashing party ship. But it would be a fiting extension to the game. I mean... we are playing in a time of esay space travel and computer based lifeforms (cyber dogs), so why should we not have nanorobots?

    And think of it. What else can you do with them?

  2. HellBornSoldier

    HellBornSoldier Trainee Engineer

    If I understand you correctly, you want a fusion between these two mods:
    Nanobot Build and Repair: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=857053359
    Paint Gun: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500818376
    With the ability to create a "skin" or pattern for the bots to color in.

    I this seems quite possible and if enough support, the two mod authors may get something going by changing the name with it ending in "RED" or "GREEN".

    As per the nanobots in the base game. I do agree that they should be there, seeing as there are gravity gen, artificial mass blocs, etc. they may not come as there seems to be "features" the comminity would rather have first.

    Best Regards
    • Agree Agree x 1
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.