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Main page overhaul

Discussion in 'Space Engineers' started by Sapphire, Jun 27, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Sapphire

    Sapphire Trainee Engineer

    While shifting through the main page and re-organizing its links to make it easier to navigate (or at least more user-friendly for the wiki-illiterate), I've come to realize that even with them right there in front of you, the wiki isn't an easy place to find information. It's very over-complicated in a lot of ways, and I think it pushes many people away.

    So, the past few days I've been thinking of a total revamp of the Main page. I can simply just do it, but I'd rather first gather some opinions, comments, and suggestions as to what is the preferred look. I drew up a few basic layouts. However if someone has also a suggested look, please post it here.

    The main idea is to add a bit more life to the front page, or more specifically .. the information links. So if you've never visited a wiki, you can know instantly where you need to go. It's pretty straight forward for some of us to look for what we need, and I've made a lot of improvements so far so that makes it far less complicated.

    I thought of using image buttons either as links themselves, or just above the links as a visual indicator. I don't want to make it too image heavy as well.


    --Possible layouts--



Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.