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Mass Effect ships!

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by OMGTheMuffinMan, Nov 13, 2013.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    We all know you hate the ending of Mass Effect 3, but you can still appreciate some of the magnificent detail that went into the game. Particularly the ships of the game. So here I give you some of my works in progress. Still have to color and add engines to most of these ships, but I will get there eventually.

    Reaper Boss

    Reaper Sovereign

    Normandy 2

    UT-47 Kodiak Drop ship

    I also have the Geth Dreadnaught and the Geth fighter that I will be putting in here soon enough once more progress is made on them. :3
  2. Guest

    [FONT= &#39]What software are you using to import the models in block form? Can they be scaled down a bit to be more loadable?[/FONT]
  3. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    Maya 2013. Yes they can, but you start loosing detail when you do that. The reapers and the normandy are all well below 1/3 scale.
  4. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    Got the drop ship done.
  5. Guest

    [FONT= &#39]What's the load time on a ship the size of the Normandy? I assume some of the Eve ships are quite a bit worse.[/FONT]
  6. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator

    Full scale? An hour. That scale, 5 minutes.

  7. Order66x

    Order66x Trainee Engineer

    That reaper is completely amazing! Very nice...
  8. Kolossus

    Kolossus Trainee Engineer

    Those reapers are absolutely fantastic.
  9. OMGTheMuffinMan

    OMGTheMuffinMan Moderator


    I am going to try to do coloring and engines here soon to make it so I can chase people around in multiplayer...
  10. Joeliosis

    Joeliosis Trainee Engineer

    Once again, your creations have BLOWN MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND. *Throws keyboard away*
  11. erdrik

    erdrik Apprentice Engineer

    Joeliosis, technicaly they are not OMGTheMuffinMan's creations.
    No offense to OMGTheMuffinMan.
    I have lots of respect in regards to the script he wrote to convert models into SE compatible ships.
    (And I especialy like how the second reaper turned out)

    But alot of people worked hard on those ship designs, and its at the very least rude to call them his creations.
  12. Kamoba

    Kamoba Senior Engineer

    His creations or not, I love ME, the fact I'm making myself some Kaiden Alenko armour irl should show that :eek:ops:
    So me like!

    Now MuffinMan go make them functional!
  13. Guest

    You're making a real life replica of Kaiden's armor? Really? Lifesize? Pics! :crazy:
  14. Kamoba

    Kamoba Senior Engineer

    Here's Hemet which I shall modify :p
  15. Guest

    [FONT= &#39]That is badass. You should make an off-topic post with your various progress as you work on it. :thumb:[/FONT]
  16. Kamoba

    Kamoba Senior Engineer

    I'm on other forums doing that already :p

    [​IMG] I may be a bit busy with other things...

    Also Kaiden is a secondary build to other plans...
  17. atomiczap

    atomiczap Trainee Engineer

    First, let me say those look AMAZING! I don't quite understand how you are making them though? Are you getting models from the Mass Effect game files and running a script to convert them for SE? I have been trying to build the Normandy for some time, but everytime I do, it looks terrible (I'm really not very artistic). Would you be willing to share how you do this? The hull design is what I always have trouble with, I can slap some thrusters on!
  18. Street Deacon

    Street Deacon Apprentice Engineer

    Am I able to take these ships in SEtoolbox and reimport them as small ship blocks or smaller scale?
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.