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Modular Compound Cockpit LCDs - WIP

Discussion in 'Released and WIP Mods' started by Kokurokoki, Sep 24, 2016.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Kokurokoki

    Kokurokoki Apprentice Engineer


    I've been working on this for the past few days, and I thought that I might put this up to generate some interest and grab some feedback from the community.

    This mod aims to allow the player to build and set up an immersive modular LCD set-up for their cockpits. It is ideally designed for 6x3x3 cockpits, but also can accommodate any 2x1x3 cockpit seats such as Azimuth's Open Cockpits. The original intent was for my own personal use to design cool-looking fighter cockpits, but the ultimate end goal of this mod is to allow players to design compound LCDs to run the plethora of display scripts that many other wonderful modders have dedicated their time and effort into making without wasting too much space with gigantic LCDs.

    The main concept behind this LCD has to do with how blocks are placed. You can have blocks that are larger than 1 block, but only have a 1x1x1 block placement. This allows blocks to be placed in an overlapping configuration, which is the core idea behind this mod and is the main reason that it works (currently).

    To date, there is no mod that conveniently has a selection of modular LCDs for use in a variable small ship cockpit. This mod will hopefully address that issue, and since it is just a simple LCD mod it should stay that way until Keen makes drastic changes to the code or our Lord Klang decides that I've committed heresy.

    Not really important, but I figured I would put this here just in case to give an idea of what you can expect to come out of the mod. Most of my inspiration comes from the Macross series as a lot of their art books have very detailed diagrams of the cockpit layouts. However, I've also drawn a lot of inspiration from Elite Dangerous and the way their HUD and cockpit displays are set up. So I guess you can expect something along those lines for this mod.

    I was also inspired quite a bit by the LCD mods made by Shaostoul and other modders to fit over the vanilla cockpit displays, so a big shout out to them.

    Proof of Concept
    (Images will be quite large if you don't have 1080 resolution)

    Image 1: Side View of Cockpit LCD Module - WIP
    In the first image is a model of 2 of the LCD blocks which are still WIP. There are currently 7 planned for the mod. The LCDs extend from the base blocks and overlap past their placement box. The lower block in the blue square is the first LCD block, while the upper LCD is placed behind the first block.

    Image 2: 3/4ths Vew of Cockpit LCD Module - WIP
    Another view of the LCD module. The finished module will be much bulkier as I have yet to finish the base blocks for the side LCDs.

    Image 3: Cockpit View - WIP
    Not in-game yet, but hopefully the finished cockpit will look something like this from first person. I managed to build a pseudo cockpit in-game using a collection of mods to give me an idea of placement and PoV, which is shown in the first picture. The second picture is the ideal finished build from a first person perspective.

    Other Concept Material
    - None yet, unless you guys want to see my preliminary sketches or something.


    So what do you guys think? Progress will be a bit slow because of school and the fact that I'm still learning how to Blender, but hopefully the project will be done in a month or two.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
  2. Syrikzero-

    Syrikzero- Trainee Engineer

    This does look interesting so far as far as the cluster goes. Can't wait to see the progress.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.