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Mouse lag problems.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Lyxavier, Nov 2, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    So recently i bought space engineers hoping to play it with my friends after downloading the game i tried out single player to only find out that when moving my mouse to look around it generally lag's although when I am walking around and flying ships fps is perfect.
    Here's a paste-bin of my computer specs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/8790104/
  2. Striped_Monkey

    Striped_Monkey Junior Engineer

    Logs would be appreciated computer specs don't tell us anything if you don't show logs you could have a perfect computer and it could still lag.

    It might be just your mouse I have had issues with my mouse working
  3. mcwurth

    mcwurth Apprentice Engineer

    Try use a non wireless mouse instead, worked wonders for me.
  4. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    Logs: https://cryptobin.org/e4z135v5
    And i have a wired mouse (Rat 3)
  5. Striped_Monkey

    Striped_Monkey Junior Engineer

    Hmm is the lag causing it to move sporadically or just slowly? If its just going slowly then (If there is) upping the sensitivity of the mouse there isn't much I can say about it.
  6. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    When not using the mouse it ia about a solid 4-60 fps then when i move the mouse it goes to about 15-30 fps with mouse so the sensitivity is all over the place, going faster then slower ect.
  7. Striped_Monkey

    Striped_Monkey Junior Engineer

    "a solid 4-60 fps" That number is not exactly solid ;) what about when in a ship?
  8. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    I ment 40-60 fps lol! and that walking around and in ships
  9. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    When not using the mouse it ia about a solid 4-60 fps then when i move the mouse it goes to about 15-30 fps with mouse so the sensitivity is all over the place, going faster then slower ect.
  10. Striped_Monkey

    Striped_Monkey Junior Engineer

    To me it seems like it calculates stuff when you move around without actually changing position so when you look around you are calculating physics for that when (I think) it doesn't need to Are you talking about ALT+Mouse when you are talking about looking around or actually moving the ship?
  11. Lyxavier

    Lyxavier Trainee Engineer

    Moving with keyboard if fine but it as soon as I move my mouse it lags.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  12. Striped_Monkey

    Striped_Monkey Junior Engineer

    there is a possibility (Again I don't know much) that when you move your mouse you are rendering new things behind you that were not rendered before (things behind you have less priority than the ones in front of you so its are struggling to render. I know nothing about this so no idea.
    Why don't you open a task manager and see how much RAM you are using, if you have maxed ram then you need to upgrade your ram in order to get a good framerate I know that this happened with me I had (Because this was a bad computer) 15fps when I moved around even looking caused it to drop to 0fps
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.