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Movie Accurate® Executor Class-Super Star Destroyer

Discussion in 'Community Creations' started by David Halston, Jul 22, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. David Halston

    David Halston Apprentice Engineer

    Once upon a time, a foolish A-wing tried to kamikaze the bridge of the Executor. However, in the actual universe, the fighter was blew to smithereens.
    Tired of seeing subpar Star Wars ships on the workshop. I bring something else on the table with my Star Wars Collection, the most accurate and realistic Star Wars creations that you'll ever see
    Supposed to be 1:10. But I kinda messed up the measurement a little bit so it's a little closer to .978:10
    Who cares. Ship looks great. I think I'm gonna have a severe case of insanity after this though. Playing with .2 sim speed will do that to you. I'm also seeing things in slow motion, which is not good.
    However, I got this baby done. The rebels are going to cower in fright, ONCE AGAIN!
    F*ckin Rebel scums.
    This is "probably" the last Star Wars ship I'll build. I'm setting out for a West Coast/ New York trip with my girlfriend (Yes, I have one of those) and probably won't be back till 3 weeks-a month from now.
    Next collection I'll probably do the Halo ships.
    Special thanks to Janosik for his Nebulon B Frigate used in the screenshots. I asked for his permission to use the ship in a screenshot but since he didn't answer I go ahead anyway. Here's some free advertisements as compensation.
    I think I also need a bath. And sleep. And to apologize to my gf for ignoring her the last 10 days...

    WORKSHOP LINK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=485934875

    Pictures: (Shortage of tissues and lotion last time, so I bought mega sizes for you all. Enjoy and don't forget to clean up afterward)














    Woo... that was a lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
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  2. xZEUS99x

    xZEUS99x Trainee Engineer

    Wow...that is one awesome replica.
  3. eq.sarganis

    eq.sarganis Trainee Engineer

    How many rotors died in the process?
  4. David Halston

    David Halston Apprentice Engineer

    Many rotors died in the process... Only the bravest ones survive.
    Jk all were built in indestructible blocks
  5. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    I'm astonished this thing is running at all. Could do with a little lighting.

    Oh. And....
    Heh.Good to see this bug is still alive and kicking.

    edit: your ship appears to not havy any thrusters, is that intentional?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
  6. David Halston

    David Halston Apprentice Engineer

    U tell me. Does it really make a difference if the ship actually flies? Like... Will u even be able to tell that it's flying?
  7. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

    And your ship doesn't even constitute a ship because it won't move? I am disappoint.
  8. Stiletto

    Stiletto Apprentice Engineer

    All it needs is a mega sized gravity drive to speed up, a bazillion jump drives (or hyperdrives), a trillion 250% gyros and you're golden. :D
  9. David Halston

    David Halston Apprentice Engineer

    Well, u obviously don't know how anything that's built with a billion rotors and landing gear works. If you are so disappointed then please go ahead and present me with anything original from your list of work that's comparable and better than mine. I wasn't set out to please everyone from the start and I'm not going to.
    In the meantime,
  10. Commander Rotal

    Commander Rotal Master Engineer

  11. Skeloton

    Skeloton Master Engineer

    Now now ladies, put those handbags down.
  12. DarkGhost

    DarkGhost Junior Engineer

    Removed all the "hints" toward sexual content.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.