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my imagination is low give me concepts for::

Discussion in 'Questions and Suggestions' started by Falidell, Nov 13, 2013.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Falidell

    Falidell Apprentice Engineer

    i am looking for concepts for 3d model work for.

    1.interior Cosmetic Details ( lights, pipes, Consoles, etc )

    2. exterior Cosmetic or Usage assets ( cargo, solar, pipes, etc.)

    please try to keep a Space Engineers style about it. so it'll fit well with already ingame concept models.

    i will make things i like.
  2. VaporStrike

    VaporStrike Trainee Engineer

    Interior: Tables / Chairs / Lockers / Consoles / Various appliances that you would need in space / Shaped windows (Also for exterior) / Wall decorations / Alternate interior wall type.

    Exterior: Pipes / Defense mechanisms / 1-pixel thick letter blocks for making ship names / Shaped windows (also for interior) / Aesthetics like antennas, satellites, connectors of some sort.

    Maybe if you can find a way to make 2-block-sized blocks, like the 2x1 ramp in game, that could open up many more possibilities.
  3. Falidell

    Falidell Apprentice Engineer

    well i was kinda looking for concept art =) or some images of what you have in mind. like i said my imagination is low. i can turn concept to 3d though.

    in other words.
    if you have an idea that you would like put in the game in terms of models. but don't know how to model. sketch it out. it doesn't have to be an amazing drawling. and i can do the modeling part
  4. paswert

    paswert Junior Engineer

    Interior: Not really got any Ideas here

    Exterior: Weapon ports/barrels/batteries like Alliance ships from LOGH, as shown here:

  5. Falidell

    Falidell Apprentice Engineer

    so those tube looking things in the front? and some other details i see on that ship?
  6. GeneralApathy

    GeneralApathy Apprentice Engineer


    If you could design the console (without the chair, just the display screen in front of the chair) as a sort of tech-console for interior design, that'd be fantastic. Heck, if you wanted to, you could redo that whole thing, but the console itself would look great.
  7. Falidell

    Falidell Apprentice Engineer

    i like that console i might do without the chair maybe depends on how many tris i'll end up using i figure for detailed not so many used objects 3000 tris is a good figure per 1x1x1 area. so far i got done with the left side almost modeled but i just started. not ready for screenshot.
  8. VaporStrike

    VaporStrike Trainee Engineer

    Well, I guess I will have to get on with the sketching of whatever I posted above. I will edit this post whenever I have finished enough sketches to help.

    I do have some ideas for the lockers I mentioned above, though.
    Here, Here, and Here.

    I am not entirely sure if it would have some form of copyright involved, but I do not think it would, as it is a mod, not an official game item.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.