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Only one Real Custom Campaign? Really?

Discussion in 'Visual Scripting' started by SF-1 Raptor, Jan 20, 2019.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. SF-1 Raptor

    SF-1 Raptor Junior Engineer

    Just kinda wondering why after almost two years no one's really tried to make a new campaign? Would've thought someone would've put something new up by now. Is the campaign function still somehow broken, or is there just no drive to try it? Wanted to ask the coders here since y'all'd know best what's going on (wanna check out the guides myself and try to learn visual scripting too, so I may try).
  2. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    From what I have read on the forums, the campaign system was not well received. And there are only so many different campaigns you can come up with that do not involve go repair this go mine that etc.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. doncdxx

    doncdxx Apprentice Engineer

    The problem is that the campaign tools are very buggy and not very user friendly. The good news is that the next patch includes a massive update to the campaign tools. I was goofing off with it a bit when I had the playtest version installed and I'm hyped for all the improvements.

    If you want to learn how to use it, I recommend waiting until the next patch drops. It looks like there's some changes to how it works and it's probably not worth putting time into learning something that may be wrong next week. Presumably, they'll include notes on the changes and the folks willing to make tutorials will jump on the improvements.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. SF-1 Raptor

    SF-1 Raptor Junior Engineer

    Ok. Thanks guys. I had always thought their visual programming, ironically considering how they marketed it, wasn't non-coder friendly to begin with (keeping names identical to code names, having a guide that seemed to be more made for coders than those who didn't know coding, etc...). Hopefully their changes help make it better. Personally, they should have actually put it in the game vs. a coding system. But that's their choice.
  5. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    I agree, but the fact is that making such a system in-game would have been a much, much larger job as they'd have to make all those special UI components from scratch, vs this external program being able to use pre-existing components. Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather have them spending that time on the actual game :)
  6. SF-1 Raptor

    SF-1 Raptor Junior Engineer

  7. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    Looks like there will be a few more options when 1.189 comes
  8. starmindfr

    starmindfr Apprentice Engineer

    So now with .189 it's more stable, provide a debug code tool and few new nodes. So it's the good time to start playing with it (on other hand the F11 ingame part is crashing like hell now and hard to use)
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.