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Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Frostik, Mar 4, 2015.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Frostik

    Frostik Apprentice Engineer

    Right now it takes alot of time to build a simple palisade (Compared to a stone wall in Creative)[​IMG] And it looks kinda ugly

    I would like to see blocks, that let you build something like this. [​IMG] So, basically add a new group of blocks to build a wooden fort.
  2. Oselotti

    Oselotti Junior Engineer

    Yes and same with log walls but horizontally.
  3. Wintersend

    Wintersend Senior Engineer

    +1 I've wanted this since day one

    IMO they should be relatively cheap as far as difficulty to obtain the materials, but weaker than stone and with lower SI. I want this so that it can serve as an early defense or for making mobile defensive setups using carts to create low walls around villages or low end forts and the like.
  4. ThatDutchIdiot

    ThatDutchIdiot Trainee Engineer

    There's this guy on the forums building a big city that according to the movie has these wooden walls. And I'm avoiding the walls for as long as possible.

    I'd love this ingame, either through mods or through updates.
  5. Ghostickles

    Ghostickles Senior Engineer

    +1 for low tech!
    Ive done a palisade wall section series so I have corners and such, and they are most ugly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
  6. GaryP

    GaryP Trainee Engineer

    when they open the game up to being able to be modded by something like Blender I could totally build all of this stuff.
  7. RedAceFred

    RedAceFred Trainee Engineer


    I would also like wood to be more useful when constructing large structure, instead of being purely decorative.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.