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Question about "operator int" in MyFixedPoint

Discussion in 'Source Code' started by BitBrain, Oct 7, 2016.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. BitBrain

    BitBrain Trainee Engineer

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2016
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Bleuhazenfurfle

    Bleuhazenfurfle Apprentice Engineer

    What happened when you tried it? You did try it before asking the question in here, right?
  3. rexxar

    rexxar Senior Engineer

    This is not how you report a bug.
  4. Bleuhazenfurfle

    Bleuhazenfurfle Apprentice Engineer

    Then perhaps that's what you should have said, rather than wasting the time of some poor schmuck who tried to help you with your problem, as I briefly considered investigating to do so — until my spidey senses told me something didn't seem quite kosher. (Yes, I consider your post … kind of impolite.) Anyhow…

    It also would have been polite if you'd mentioned what DOES happen (for those like myself who've never investigated it, intentionally or otherwise — as someone who still has nightmares of doing mixed signed 8-, 16-, and 16.8-bit math in Assembler, within my first motion control ISR on a relatively pokey 8-bit processor), and possibly even more useful, what you think SHOULD happen. Not that I imagine it particularly useful, especially since you felt the need to post about it, but purely for future reference, I personally would like to know.
  5. Phoera

    Phoera Senior Engineer

    will be just usual overflow.
    which ommited by default:
    also, who sayd that such large numbers are used?
    may be first need to check it?

    cuz really, message like, "i saw there can be error" are useless.
    • Informative Informative x 1
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.