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[SOLVED] How to create a remote manual turret?

Discussion in 'General' started by Valiance, Mar 2, 2015.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Valiance

    Valiance Apprentice Engineer

    So, this is my first time tinkering with manual turrets. I have an annoying issue and I'm not quite sure where I'm messing up. I'll explain the steps I did.
    1. Built a large ship platform
    2. place a large rotor
    3. deleted top
    4. Placed small rotor top
    5. went into control panel, attached it
    6. Built a turret base
    7. Placed another rotor for pitch
    8. build weapon (some kinda cannon)
    9. Placed a remote block facing forward
    10. placed a gyroscope
    11. Went into control panel, turned off all rotors
    I tried to do remote control it, and it either refuses to pitch if the remote block is on the base of the turret. Or ... if placed on the 2nd rotor (pitch one) it can only move up & down, but not rotate left to right. I have just a basic model, but getting it to both rotate & pitch is frustrating me. lol

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2015
  2. Wizlawz

    Wizlawz Master Engineer

    not sure if i am remembering this correctly, but some of the turrets before remote had thrusters i think, idk if that is still incorporated into the remote type / class or not though

    i believe the thrusters were used for left and right rotations? {don't quote me on that}

    know what i hate about steam? you have to know what your searching for, can not do any "general searches"

    so i went to youtube:

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2015
  3. jkm1864

    jkm1864 Trainee Engineer

    You need to place the remote and the gyro on the pitch section of the turret.
  4. KissSh0t

    KissSh0t Master Engineer

    Could someone please link me to a page that explains how to attach small rotor head part to large rotor.
  5. tankmayvin

    tankmayvin Senior Engineer

    You place large rotor, grind away the rotor head, weld rotor motor section. Then you place a small rotor part on the bit you want to merge and weld that up. Then you use a tug to bring the rotor part (and the subgrid attached to it) so that the little spindle piece sits in the black section of the rotor motor. Then you go into control pannel for the rotor motor and hit attach.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2015
  6. KissSh0t

    KissSh0t Master Engineer

    Oh.. cool. I didn't know that. I tried a while ago but couldn't figure out how to attach it.

    : >
  7. tankmayvin

    tankmayvin Senior Engineer

    They used to automerge with a little love tap, now you gotta apply some elbow grease with a tug and use lock/unlock controls.
  8. WDMeaun

    WDMeaun Apprentice Engineer

    Indeed. the remote + gyro needs to be on the same grid, as the turret 'subject' (in this case, weapons).
    It is possible that horizontal movement might be more restrictive, because of the gyro position + large rotor.

    I recently published a larger ship with 2 remote turrets on workshop (the hotkeys got messed up, but otherwise 100% functional).

    I found a braking force of around 10-12 kN to work nicely with turrets not too big.
  9. Valiance

    Valiance Apprentice Engineer

    After much rage, Starbucks, and the occasional trolling with my friend we finally have solved the issue.

    The design I posted here works perfectly fine, but what both of us realized is that the heavy armour protecting the turret was weighing it down so much that the strain was too much for the single gyroscope. Placing two of them solved this perfectly.

    For those following, it isn't always necessary, but if your turret is very heavy, another gyro helps. I'll relist the steps for anyone who searched for topics like this.

    Patch [01.071]
    1. Build a platform
    2. Place a large rotor
    3. Delete/grind top rotor part
    4. Build a new small ship
    5. Place a small rotor on top
    6. Grind/delete everything but the top rotor half
    7. Copy and paste the small rotor top close and centre of the large rotor (For survival, use a tug ship to move it into place)
    8. Go into the large ship / station control panel, find the rotor, select "Attach"
    9. Build a turret base on top of the small rotor
    10. Place another rotor sideways for the pitch, and build your weapons
    11. Place a gyroscope somewhere on the pitch part of the turret (Place more the heavier/larger the turret is)
    12. Place a remote control block (make sure its facing forward)
    13. Camera is optional
    14. Go into large ship / station control panel, find the rotors, and place them in "Off" state.
    You now have a functioning basic manual turret.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2015
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.