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Space Engineers Building Competition!

Discussion in 'General' started by Ronin, Jun 7, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Hello fellow Space Engineers!

    Today I am officially starting my Space Engineers Building Competition as part of the celebration for having hit my first milestone of 100 subscribers on my Youtube channel (and no, I didn't forget any zeros... :D ;). Video is now uploaded! Check it out :D The winning ships will feature in an epic galactic battle video which will be roleplayed and shot like a short film.


    What are we building?
    - An epic military carrier!

    - 1st Prize: a Steam copy of the full game Rome: Total War II (as most of you here already have Space Engineers anyway!) and I will feature your ship as the hero / protagonist in the next large galactic battle video!
    - 2nd Prize: I will feature your ship as the enemy / antagonist in that galactic battle video.
    - 3rd Prize: Your ship will be featured as the hero / protagonist ship's military escort in that galactic battle video.

    Note: if I receive too many awesome creations, I will make another video showcasing the runner-ups as well.

    - The carrier must hold at least 6 fighters. The fighters can be of any size, however fighter design will be taken into consideration.
    - The carrier must have an internal hangar bay
    - It must also have a main bridge, an emergency command center (elsewhere on the ship), an engineering bay with at least one refinery and one assembler, a medical bay, a cargo area (this can be part of the hangar bay if you want) and crew quarters consisting of at least 1 mess hall and 1 dormitory. Anything over and above that is your choice.
    - This is a carrier - it should be able to resupply its fighters easily so make sure you have a system in place to resupply them!
    - The ship should feel like a carrier - i.e.: it shouldn't be as maneuverable as a corvette-class ship!
    - Please start a new game for this - I will not accept entries which have already been published on the Workshop, as part of the challenge is to complete such a ship by the 18th of June.
    - The rest is up to you - let the creative juices flow!

    - For this first competition, you don't need to be subscribed to my channel - although I would greatly appreciate it if you did :thumb:
    - To be eligible to participate in the competition, you need to submit your creation by the 18th of June.
    - You can submit it by either sending me your workshop link in a private message on this forum or on my channel, or by sending me a private message with your Steam name and I can come and have a look at it if you want to show me firsthand / if you do not want to share it on the Workshop.

    Looking forward to all your great creations :) if you have any questions or if you feel like I have missed out on something crucial for the competition, please let me know! The winners will be announced publicly on this topic and on my channel.
  2. DDP-158

    DDP-158 Master Engineer

    Well I'm out.



    This is 2 weeks of work already and it's only about 20% done. There is no way that I'll be able to finish what I want to do to it in that time frame. Everything that you see there is all internals; by the time I'm done you will see very little of that.
  3. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Master Engineer

    I actually like the "new ship" rule. It was always a bit disappointing to see people submit ships they have been worked on for 2-8 weeks already.
    Even though i wont be at home before the 10th and will not have much time until the deadline, i appreciate it.

    So lets see what nice designs people come up with thanks to the new merge blocks, (better) wheels, artificial matter blocks and and and :)

    A question however, how will the winner be picked?
    - Is that your very own opinion that matters, friends that help you judge or a public vote?
    - Do you prefer certain aspects like style or function? (fancy bling-bling ship vs functional carrier)
  4. Spacey Kraken

    Spacey Kraken Trainee Engineer

    Awesome +1!

    :EDIT: How long will it take to make a big carrier like that approx.?
  5. Forgemasterhd

    Forgemasterhd Junior Engineer

    I think I'll cook something up for this, just going to have to place it under the good ol' I-7 logo because this is one for the ages.
  6. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Hey all!

    Ok, to answer the above:

    DDP-158 - well it took me 8 hours of gameplay to have a good-looking carrier which included all the required features above as well as more stuff (epic video currently in the making so no spoiler until then hehe)

    PlaYer2k - Great idea, we can do a public vote as well to shortlist the top 5 creations - after that, I have a set number of criteria and a point-attribution system to judge the ships, but this community has a keen eye so I'm sure the voting would reflect the final outcome :) . As for the function versus style, function is naturally more important but style, design and general aesthetics will also count.

    Spacey Kraken - as mentioned above, it took me 8 hours to make one which exceeded the competition requirements, so it could take you anywhere between 5 - 10 hours depending on the complexity of your ship and your building / planning skills.

    Forgemasterhd - Haha great, looking forward to taking a look at it :D
  7. Forgemasterhd

    Forgemasterhd Junior Engineer

    I may have just tossed myself headlong into a 20 hour build...btw, Is there a certain size that would kill your game? Because if there is, I might have already passed it...
  8. DDP-158

    DDP-158 Master Engineer

    That's great for you I guess. Took me half your time just to build those lifts and get them working correctly including grouping the generators, sizing them, and tuning the individual locks. And I still have one more that will go in the return tube. Then I have the maintenance access tubes to put in, the outer skin, defense, outer walkways, forward launchers, command center, Machine room, engineering, secondary engineering, The crash deck (normal runways on topside), and crew areas. Plus her skin isn't going to be a cntrl-shift big block, what you see on the launch tubes will be on the outer hull as well. To my knowledge there's no way to copy paste that kind of detail. I'm just saying she won't be ready in a week and a half, but she will be beautiful and impressive when she's done.
  9. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Forgemasterhd - well there will be 3 large ships, plus some fighters in that galactic battle - that's why I didn't put in too many demands as I don't want to have three 5000-block-long ships hehehe. Keep the competition requirements in mind and you should end up with a decently-sized ship without it becoming a lagfest... Of course, you are free to add rotor-activated stuff etc. but these things tend to add on a significant portion of time to a build so I have excluded them from the requirements.

    DDP-158 - you seem to be building something very fancy indeed! Looking forward to taking a look at it once it's finished! That's the reason why I didn't include any lifts or complicated things in the requirements as I know how long that can take to make and to get it to work properly hehehe.

    ROFLNUT Apprentice Engineer

    I'm in! Finished about 1/4 of my ship last night... Curse these rotors.
  11. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    This is great! More and more people are chiming in - join in the fun everyone :D

    I have edited my original post to include the 100 subscriber video which also goes through the competition details.
  12. Eruend

    Eruend Apprentice Engineer

    Well! I made it! Here's my submission! "Gives a link to something on the steam workshop." What do you think? :p

    Alright, enough of the bad comedy. I think I'm gona try this out! My next ship was supposed to be a combat carrier anyway, though the specs needed for what you're saying involves it to be a stand-alone unit and not really a fleet ship. (With them going head to head directly and all) I'll have to tweak my original plan... Allot. :woot:
  13. Ingram

    Ingram Trainee Engineer

    Didn't we already have a carrier competition?
    Everyone can just repost their carriers from there on a new map.
  14. Eruend

    Eruend Apprentice Engineer

    Ingram, once again, you fail to read a topic before posting. The rules state it's gota be a new creation. I think we'll notice if you use the last contest's winning entry or even one of the runner-ups. Anything else that people would try to sneak in will simply lose again. So I wouldn't even try it.
  15. zekes

    zekes Apprentice Engineer

    Can I enter this? It's not done.... and it's not really a carrier :p

  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Senior Engineer

    Actually, I would say that there's a loophole.
    It must be on a new game and cannot be posted on the workshop previously. That means that an unsubmitted entry for the last carrier competition would be viable.
    That's not to say that someone can't delete one of their existing workshop items and repost it with a new name and submit that.
  17. Eruend

    Eruend Apprentice Engineer

    It could easily fit the criteria though. It's up to the OP I guess. :woot:

    Although you would be at a disadvantage to be honest, since it's been said that ships would be rated on their performance first and foremost. Looks would still count of course, but you'd really have to think through on how to organize the ship systems and whatnot to balance it properly to be viable in a fight. Seeing as it's primarily a reproduction ship, that'd be hard. If you get the go-ahead for this, I sincerily wish you the best of luck! I'm a huge fan of ships that look awesome and are efficient. :D

    Edit: Forgot to post what I came here to ask...

    Though the carrier itself is to be a new creation, do the ships aboard also need to be new creations? I was planning to build it around several utility ships/fighters I previously devised.

    Another edit: nvm. My fighter design is out-dated anyway. No collector equipped. :/
  18. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Ok regarding the posts about trying to find a loophole to submit something you've already created - it really defeats the fun and purpose of this competition. I am counting on the honesty and maturity of you guys for this so please don't try to do stuff like that...

    @ zekes: you started building your ship after the competition started so you're good, you can use your Star Trek ship. However you will lose some points on the originality of the design and also due to the fact that it isn't a carrier-class ship :p . So as long as it meets the minimum requirements, I cannot tell you that you cannot submit that ship as an entry. Don't forget that my list of criteria and points allocation is quite extensive, so even though you will lose points for the above, you can easily make up for it if you do a good job!

    @ Eruend - yes, EVERYTHING needs to be a new creation.

    Guys - make sure your ships can be used in SURVIVAL MODE!
  19. Sungur

    Sungur Apprentice Engineer

    i am in with this, though this is WIP


    Steam link

  20. Sungur

    Sungur Apprentice Engineer


    just saw the rule.

    is MIRA-2 eligible for the competition? it is under construction for sometimes (4th of May) though i could not work on it for around 20-25 days.

    if you say no than i can not join because i dont have time for another ship right now.

    or would you consider your rule a bit?. there are some great designs which are not competed in any constest before. throwing these ships (including mine) might be pity..
  21. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Sungur it might be a pity but part of the challenge is to build such a ship within that time frame. So unfortunately your ship is not eligible as you started it before the competition began. I fully understand that not all of you have the time to build something like that before the 18th, but there will be other competitions whenever I reach new subscriber milestones - next one is at 500 subscribers.

    The reason why I put this rule in is to give everyone a fair chance, as there are some people who already have impressive ships out there which took months to complete...

    As mentioned, I built a ship exceeding all the requirements in 8 hours, so technically you could make something decent in about 5 hours if you're planned and good at building stuff.

    Good luck everyone and have lots of fun :thumb:
  22. Yanoda

    Yanoda Trainee Engineer

    Quick question:
    Can you still qualify if you re-build an old ship that was already submitted in the workshop into a new/improved version with considerable design and functional changes?
  23. theuros

    theuros Apprentice Engineer

    Out of curiosity .. you guys are using light or heavy armor blocks ? ..or combination of both ? .. or outer blocks are heavy and inner light ... or something else ?
  24. Sungur

    Sungur Apprentice Engineer


    thanks for the answer,

    i am 37yrs old, have a 2 months old daughter, and i drive 2 hours of driving everyday to get back to home from work.

    so i dont think that i can possibly find 5 hrs of uninterrupted build time...same will go for the future contests with this rule.

    i am out then. good luck to all competitors. :(
  25. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    Build from scratch only so as to give a fair chance to everyone :) . So as long as you start from scratch you can do whatever you want as long as you don't make a carbon copy of something you've already made.

    @ Sungur - yes I can totally understand your position. I will make a note of that in the next competition and perhaps have a fighter or a bomber competition or something like that where people with not much time on their hands can also participate. Don't worry, I'll figure something out so you can definitely participate next time :thumb:
  26. Sungur

    Sungur Apprentice Engineer

    Thanks again, i appreciate it.

    Mira is the name of my daughter btw
  27. Xocliw

    Xocliw Public Relations Staff

    Well that's quite cool :).

    Maybe I should call my carrier Tiddles after my cat? Opinions anyone ;)?
  28. Forgemasterhd

    Forgemasterhd Junior Engineer

    Oh my god! It's...it's...Tiddles....

    Doesn't have that glorifying ring to it.
  29. Ronin

    Ronin Apprentice Engineer

    "And here is the pride and glory of our fleet: the Tiddles carrier!" - how does that sound to you? :D

    @ Sungur - Mira is such a beautiful name! You probably know this already, but for everyone else Mira means wonderful in Latin and prosperous in Sanskrit (ancient Indian language). It's also the name of a red giant in the Cetus constellation. How do I know this? Well, Mira is part of my list of girl names if my better half and I have a daughter :)
  30. Sungur

    Sungur Apprentice Engineer

    Thanks Ronin, :)

    İt also means the star who guides the dolphins in our mythology. Plus some meanings in Slavic languages like peace/earth/light. But i am not süre 100%
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.