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(Stone) Stairs with Square Pillar (vertical) Compound

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Thales M., Mar 1, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Thales M.

    Thales M. Senior Engineer

    Square Pillar can't be compound with Stairs vertically while other compound options have no problems:
    - Horizontal placements has no problem.
    - Walls has no problem at all
    - Small Slope can be compound with Square Pillar vertically.
  2. I23I7

    I23I7 ME Tester

    Your aiming is off

  3. Thales M.

    Thales M. Senior Engineer

    (I'm trying to compound it with stone stairs.)
  4. I23I7

    I23I7 ME Tester

  5. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    I just tried it without a problem. This is on our 0.6.3 development build so if it's not working on the public version then it will be when 0.6.3 is released.
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Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.