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Texture alignment problem

Discussion in 'Questions and Suggestions' started by mexpex, Aug 26, 2014.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. mexpex

    mexpex Apprentice Engineer

    I've been working on redoing a standard cube with my own textures to put in a mod.
    The problem is that when the texture gets repeated a error in the alignment accures.
    Correct alignment(middle of pattern)
    The error(edge of pattern)

    I dont know where the problem is located, might have something to do with the original texture to give it an uneven repeat. How do i turn this off? :(

    Any ideas?

    And! Could someone explain why the HeavySquarePlate.fbx got a uv map like this(image). Why would you uvmap something this way, streched and only using 1/8 of the space? *confused 3d artist :confused:


    Edit: Remade the uv of the model and changed the pattern settings in .sbc for the object to 1 for width/height. No changes in the alignment error.
  2. DuneD

    DuneD Junior Engineer

    Got me there... thats really weird. Anyway, bump, maybe somebody can give you an answer.
  3. Shadow_Flux

    Shadow_Flux Apprentice Engineer

    If you are talking about he overlay pattern thing I have ran into this. Horizontally everything probably tiles beautiful right? As in no visible change no matter how far you go left/right.

    But once the pattern starts over going vertical its offset. Far as I can tell its coded this way so THEIR pattern does not look like a pattern.

    I spent 2 hours redoing my overlay to include the offset so it would tile perfectly in all directions with the offset. A couple reloads later things are offset the other direction...

    So all I can determine is the offset is random, which does not help our overlays one little bit.

    If you find a solution to this or a viable workaround please let me know!
  4. infAl

    infAl Apprentice Engineer

    Looking at the texture, it's designed to be 2 x 1 cubes?

    It tiles fine if you have a 1:1 texture so if your texture is 1024 x 1024 (or whatever, 1:1) and the model UVs are 0,0; 1,1 etc then you can set the pattern height and width in cubeblocks.sbc to 1.

    Not sure how to get around the offset with a 2:1 texture.
  5. mexpex

    mexpex Apprentice Engineer

    Since i remade the uv(0,0;1,1) im using a 1:1 texture which with the current settings need 4x4 large blocks to be repeated. Pattern in cubeblocks is 1:1 and the xml got Pattern scale = 4 so it should be p perfectly tilable texture.


    As Shadow said its only getting an offset on one axis for each plane(x/y/z)
  6. infAl

    infAl Apprentice Engineer

    I'm not getting any offset. This texture is 128 x 128 and UVs are 0,0; 1,1.
    In the foreground, a single large block. In the background, roughly 30 x 30 on each axis. This particular pattern would stand out if the texture were offset because you would see two bricks on top of each other across an entire line.[​IMG]
    If you want to test out my armor square model, I've zipped it up and put on dropbox.
    The zip contains the .fbx, .xml and a .txt with the basic cubedefinition.
  7. mexpex

    mexpex Apprentice Engineer

    Ill check it out. But I dont think you would notice a offset on it becuase the offset in my cases has been by 1 block and the texture is on a 4x4 block area. If you have a texture thats just using a 1x1 block area the offset wont happend and it wouldnt be visible if it did happend.
  8. mexpex

    mexpex Apprentice Engineer

    Tested the files you linked. They worked but only a texture thats used for a 1x1 block area. When having my texture and trying to use it as a 2x2 pattern a 1:1uv model gets a weird result.

    I remapped the model so that it used a 0,5:0,5 uv space. Now i could do my 2x2 pattern but the 1 block offset still accures :/
  9. Shadow_Flux

    Shadow_Flux Apprentice Engineer

    I even went so far as to change my pattern to account for this 1 block offset; then the offset changed. :(

    Any btw, to get decent resolution at that size, vanilla is 4096x2048. I don't think making it square would have any effect since it tiles seamless left / right. The offset occurs when the next row begins.
  10. mexpex

    mexpex Apprentice Engineer

    i think the vanilla HD textures is 8192x4096.... but making a mod with a texture at 45mb aint a good idea :woot: im currently working with textures at 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 im my projects for SE. Going for visual quality ;)
  11. infAl

    infAl Apprentice Engineer

    Ah okay. Maybe add it to the modding feature suggestion thread. I'd say until Keen implement a setting to disable offset your best option will be to have textures to fit a single cube.
    Maybe the texture size changed recently when they updated the armor blocks.
  12. Shadow_Flux

    Shadow_Flux Apprentice Engineer

    Or make one like thiers that is not affected by the offset :)
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.