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this hangar... from the Tutorial Campaign

Discussion in 'General' started by Spets, Dec 9, 2016.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Spets

    Spets Master Engineer

    I just want to mention that it blow my mind. Not gonna lie, I tried multiple times to create this kind of ambiance, immersion. I have been using this ship parts, and deconstructed blocks, and scaffolding, and boxes and all the stuff since almost the beginning. But never accomplished that level of design needed to create this atmosphere, a place that look like a real place, alive, where people live, work. I don't know, maybe this new blocks also helps a lot, but also the lighting, probably the most important part, and the part that I suck the most... I think...


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  2. Nickvr68

    Nickvr68 Junior Engineer

    It is pretty awesome. Although Clang would like to speak to those hangar top doors. :)
  3. Aragath

    Aragath Trainee Engineer

    Thanks spets! its the first thing I worked on and also my favorite. The floor of the hangar was supose to be covered by sand entirely but a bug with voxel tools prevented me from doing that. really frustrating :p
    fun little fact, Those doors are operated by two rotors each. Adding 3 more armor blocks to a door will prevent it from opening due to being to heavy.
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  4. Stollie

    Stollie Apprentice Engineer

    Very awesome - campaign over all was amazing, would love to see more!
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  5. Farindark

    Farindark Apprentice Engineer


    Best hangar I've seen so far! I think the new blocks did help it looks all very industrial and grungy and a bit worn just the kind of thing you'd expect to see on a planet like Tatooine in Star Wars. That ship is pretty neat too a very industrial kind of shape. Looks right at home! :tu:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. fourthquantum

    fourthquantum Senior Engineer

    That hangar and the other base in the moon was pretty awesome.

    Thumbs up to the designer of it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Captain Broadstairs

    Captain Broadstairs Apprentice Engineer

    I was quite impressed by the Campaign designs all round, its a fantastic showcase to show new players, and us familiar players too, what can be achieved with the game if you have an aesthetic in mind.
  8. tankmayvin

    tankmayvin Senior Engineer

    So is there any chance of integrating more of this stuff, along with missions etc into survival proper?
  9. Mith

    Mith Trainee Engineer

    Just finished the campaing and I can't wait to see more! I think that that hangar was the best part along with the tank scene.
  10. Spets

    Spets Master Engineer

    of course, just in case :p not just this hangar, but the entire campaign design, the bases, the cave system, that elevator, the freaking drilling drone from hell, and so on
  11. Terminal_6

    Terminal_6 Trainee Engineer

    Did you anyone turn on the grinder pit? It's in the Ruined Camp mission. It's fun. You should all try it.
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  12. Howitz

    Howitz Junior Engineer

    Aragath really is the kind of person keen needed to get on the level design, he represents very well the best of what the community have to offer in term of design talent and is certainly in the top designers of this community.

    Props to him and the whole design team
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Aldakoopa

    Aldakoopa Apprentice Engineer

    Yeah, I played through it again just to explore more and see all the little things I may have missed. That scared the crap out of me... I thought it was unpowered since I hadn't even built that battery yet for the rest of the camp!
  14. DizzyDave

    DizzyDave Trainee Engineer

    yeah, I haven't finished the tutorial campaign yet, but so far it looks damn sexy. thumbs up to all the devs who worked on it.
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.