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Translations to portuguese

Discussion in 'Space Engineers' started by metralha761, Nov 28, 2013.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. metralha761

    metralha761 Trainee Engineer

    Hello there!

    I just started to help with translation for Portuguese, but there are some words aren't clear:
    Interior plate
    Max Planck

    Can you say anything more about this words?

    PS: I'll update while translating.
  2. RedPhoenix

    RedPhoenix Moderator

    Max Planck is the name from a German scientist.
  3. Radma Kanow

    Radma Kanow Apprentice Engineer

    "Motor" is another name for "engine".

    "Interior plate" - a piece of metal (surface) that is designed to be put inside the structure (as opposite to outside - exterior).
    My room is made of plates. I painted them with red color. Interior of my room is red now.
    I bought a new Ferrari with bright leather seats. Car's exterior body is red while interior is ivory white.

    Hope that helps.
  4. metralha761

    metralha761 Trainee Engineer

    This sentence "All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions." can also be "All our knowledge has its origins in our knowledge."?

    "Dual Head normal 4:3" this about screens/monitor, isn't?
  5. RedPhoenix

    RedPhoenix Moderator

    No. Perception is translated into Portuguese "perceção" as far as I know.
  6. metralha761

    metralha761 Trainee Engineer

    Using a raw translation yes it is. But depending where you use it, can have other perceptions and other better words.

    The best is to know where the phrase will be showed.
  7. RedPhoenix

    RedPhoenix Moderator

    On loading screens.
    I know it was just a very raw translation. In German we have tons of other words for that as well.
  8. Balmung

    Balmung Senior Engineer

    A problem of many languages, english is one with the most problems on that. When you use good translation often you have one single english word and a dozened of different meanings and every one of it have a dozened german words for it too. Can be pure horror. So it's really difficult to translate into a language you didn't know and find the right words. ^^

    Perception here means "perception, awareness, detection or cognition" (Google Translate). Have looked how this phrase was translated to german ("Wahrnehmung"), that helped a bit, Perception definitely didn't mean here knowledge.

    This Phrase is from Leonardo da Vinci, so you could use the beginning in Portuguese on google with da Vinci as extra Key Word and you must find easily how it was translated officially to Portuguese.
  9. metralha761

    metralha761 Trainee Engineer

    I think I found the best phrase: "Todo o nosso conhecimento se inicia com sentimentos."
    In this phrase is using the feelings word instead of perception and beginning instead of origins.

    I think is good to know which are quotes with author to find the best phrase.
  10. cpt-fred

    cpt-fred Trainee Engineer

    Boa mike

    [BET] Fred
  11. Fab

    Fab Apprentice Engineer

    Eu posso ajuda-lo. Me envie por mensagem privada as palavras ou frases nas quais você tem duvida, e eu as traduzirei.
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.