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Trouble finding clay

Discussion in 'Gameplay Help' started by AC_Black, Jun 22, 2018.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. AC_Black

    AC_Black Trainee Engineer

    I am having a little trouble finding clay. Wanted to see what has changed since I last played GREAT JOB lots of fun so far. Going through the tut, got to the collecting clay and so far I had found none. Looked at 20% of the google search as most are from last year, all are saying it is just under the grass almost everywhere. (Just one block down). Did 10 test holes around my area, nothing (about 3m deep)... So far 6 starts 2 of each world available, creative and survival. All default settings- Still no clay? Any help would be really cool. Thanks.
  2. Mirek

    Mirek Apprentice Engineer

    So far i found Clay almost everywhere where i started to dig. It is usualy just under the dirt.
  3. CptTwinkie

    CptTwinkie Master Engineer

    It is pretty much everywhere under grass. I've never had to do more than decide where I wanted to make the hole and start digging.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
  4. AC_Black

    AC_Black Trainee Engineer

    Fixed!! :p First did a file check everything verified ok Still no clay!!!! So deleted and reinstalled CLAY!!! Woot not sure what happened but is working now + saved game worked lol thank you so much, love the game with all the new stuff added, keep up the great work PLEASE :p
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.