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Question to KSH...

Discussion in 'Source Code' started by Rabir, Sep 22, 2016.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Rabir

    Rabir Trainee Engineer

    Can we talk with / ask programmers about stuff so even the community can jump in the bugfixing procedure?
  2. Inflex

    Inflex Developer Staff

    Developers got their own things to do. There is no time to talk with everyone who's asking for even five minutes of their time because there would be no time left for actual development.
    If you have some concrete questions simply ask here on forum. There is quite a few experienced codes willing to answer most of your sane questions ;)
  3. Rabir

    Rabir Trainee Engineer

    Cool, I asked only because I have successfully fixed the crosshair bug in the game :D
  4. Inflex

    Inflex Developer Staff

    Push it to Github, create new pull request and prey for the best.
    Maybe you can mention your work inside opened bug report thread for this bug but that's probably all you can do ;)
  5. Rabir

    Rabir Trainee Engineer

    Well, I thought I make a "Community Bugfix video" mainly to inspire other SE players to work on Bugfixs too...
    And also this helps them to make custom SE cloients without this bug...
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.